1. Take care of eyesight. The fruit is ripe persimmon contains a huge amount of beta-carotene (he paints it orange), which strengthens eyesight and prevents aging eyes.
2. Protect your lungs. This beta-carotene cares about your respiratory system and prevents the development of bronchitis and pneumonia. If you are a heavy smoker, persimmon your fruit.
3. Support the heart. Part of the persimmon includes vegetable sugar and potassium, which are very useful for the heart muscle and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Because of this, persimmon stabilizes blood pressure and helps fight hypertension.
4. "Attach" the intestine. Persimmon is an excellent astringent in bowel disorder and analgesic for acute pain.
5. Will treat wounds. The fruit is ripe persimmon possess excellent astringent and bactericidal action, so make every pure fruit to the wound or burn, and fast healing are provided.
6. Save the kidneys. This fruit has long been used for various diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Magnesium, of which there is plenty, helps to excrete sodium and relieves the kidneys. And diuretic effects need to eat 3-4 of fruit a day, alternating with hot milk.
7. Banish anemia. In the fruit and leaves of the persimmon contains almost all trace elements (especially a lot of iron) and vitamins, so tea from them is an excellent remedy for anemia.
8. Get rid of sore throat. Due to the high content of vitamins a and C, persimmon supports the immune system during seasonal colds. And if the disease is still caught up with you, rinse several day in a row throat juice of one persimmon, diluted in a glass of warm water and the pain will recede.
9. Say goodbye to depression. One ripe fruit a day will saturate your body with magnesium, which calms the nerves and provides sound sleep. While fructose and glucose will take care of your mood.
10. Will spruced up.
If you could not afford a piece of persimmon, do not throw it away. This is a great way to combat acne and enlarged pores of the face. For this mix the pulp of ripe fruit with egg yolk and apply a thin layer on the facial skin. After 20 minutes, rinse and stunning effect you provided!
Choose correctly
It is believed that "food of the gods" should be tart. This is not true, as many varieties tartness shows immaturity. If you do not like this flavor, freeze the fruit for 12 hours, and persimmons will be sweet. And not to make the wrong choice, pay attention to the stripes on the skin of the fruit: the more, the better he is sweeter. In addition, the skin should be firm and smooth, and the flesh is soft (semi-liquid). It is this fruit benefits maximum!
Thank you for the assistance in the preparation of material Andrey Loboda, leading researcher of the Central Botanical garden, Kiev on medicinal plants.
Prikhodko So
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