Treatment depends on the cause of obesity
Many people think that obesity depends on the improper functioning of the glands, but in fact this is rarely a valid reason. On a person's weight depends on several factors: heredity, temperament, appetite, emotional balance. If the child and mother and father and relatives are to be overweight, he has more chances to become a complete. In a quiet, sedentary children remain unused nutrients that are deposited in the body as fat. The main factor is the appetite. A child who loves high-calorie foods - pies, cakes, biscuits, of course, will be fuller child who prefer vegetables, fruits and meat. But the question arises: why some children are so fond of high-calorie food? We do not know all the causes of increased appetite. But it is easy to know the child, who seemed born to a life of many. Since birth he has a huge appetite that never disappears healthy he or sick, calm or agitated, delicious before him food or not. For 2-3 months, this child is already too thick and so he remains at least all childhood.
Sometimes the cause of the mental disorder
When later, the children develop an increased appetite, often it is the cause of the mental disorder the child. This can happen with a seven-year-old child, feel the loneliness and sadness. During this period, the child is freed from past emotional dependence on parents. If he does not know how to start cronies, whose affection would compensate decreased sense to his parents, he feels abandoned in a vast alien world. Sweets and other high calorie meals bring the child partial satisfaction. Experiences because of trouble in school or on other occasions sometimes cause the child to seek comfort in food. Weight often becomes excessive in puberty. At this time, the appetite increases to keep pace with the strong growth, but perhaps the feeling of loneliness also plays some role. During this period, the child may be reserved and shy because of all the changes in his body, and this can reduce its ability to get pleasure from communicating with friends.
Between 7 and 12 years of weight is often a little higher than normal
I don't want to create the impression that every fat child is unhappy. In children, even fun and successful, there is a tendency to increase weight between 7 and 12 years. Many of them reach obesity. Most become a little bit more fat within 2 years of puberty, and then lose weight as it approaches the youthful period. Many girls without any effort to 15 years become slimmer. Parents it is useful to know that the small obesity at school age is a common phenomenon that often takes years, so no need to get upset because of the excess weight of the child. Whatever the cause of obesity, it can turn into a vicious circle. The thicker the child, the more difficult it is to get pleasure from outdoor games and sport. But the less it moves, the more nutrients his body is forced to wait as fat. In addition, a fat child who is embarrassed to participate in the overall game, will feel more alienated among children, which can start to tease him and make fun of it.
Dieting is very difficult
What to do with too thick a child? The first thing you'll probably ask is to put him on a diet. It sounds easy, but actually it is not so. Remember the adults who are upset about their weight and still can't bring myself to diet. The child has less willpower than adults. If the mother put the child on a diet, then it will either have the whole family to put on a diet, or to torment the child, depriving him of food, which in his eyes eats the whole family and which he very much wants. Very few fat kids will be so reasonable to consider such a situation is fair. All that it lacks in the hours of the meal, it will fill then, when she reached the refrigerator, or until pastry shop.
But the diet still can be done. Tactful mother can seamlessly to protect the child from temptation, only occasionally to give him high-calorie desserts. She may not be kept in the house for cookies and pies, and in the intervals between meals to give your child fruit. It can often give him those of his favorite foods that do not cause obesity. if the child is willing to limit in the diet, it can one send to the doctor. After talking with the doctor, "man to man", the child may feel like an adult, independently managing their lives. Any full person, it's easier to take advice from a stranger than from relatives. Without your doctor's advice child in any case should not take the tablets for weight loss, especially if he is not able to regularly see a doctor.
Because increased appetite is often a symptom feelings of loneliness and mental disorder, the most useful measure is to check the lucky Lee child in his family, among friends, in time whether in school.
If despite all your efforts, obesity persists or your baby gains weight too quickly, you need to consult with a pediatrician and a psychiatrist. Obesity is a serious problem for any child.
The diet should be under the supervision of a physician
Adolescents independently conducted diet could end badly. For example, a group of girls enthusiastically gives an oath to abide by some ridiculous diet, which is something they heard somewhere. After a few days the hunger causes most of them to abandon their solid solutions, but one or two of them can with fanatical tenacity to stand your ground. It happens that the girl loses threatening amount of weight and is unable to resume normal diet, even when she wants. Group hysteria about diet as if awakened girl deep aversion to food that is usually the result of some unresolved problem of early childhood. Sometimes the girl, who now has reached puberty, ecstatically exclaims: "I'm getting too thick, even if she so skinny that her visible ribs. Maybe she's not emotionally ready to povzrosleli and secretly concerned about the increase in her breast. The child is obsessed with diet, needs the help of a child psychiatrist.
If the child or his mother believe that it is necessary diet, for many reasons first of all you need to consult with your doctor. First, the doctor will determine whether there is a need in the diet; secondly, the adolescent is more likely understand the doctor's advice, than parents. If it becomes clear that the right diet, it certainly must be prescribed by a doctor. The doctor will take into account the tastes of baby food, regular menu family and will prescribe a diet, not only providing child all the nutrients, but also easy to implement in the family. Finally, because the slimming effect on health, all who keep to a diet, should be examined at regular intervals to check whether not too quickly causesa weight and retain health and strength.
If it is not possible to visit the doctor, and the child was determined to follow a diet, parents should insist that he consumed daily the following products: 700 g of milk, meat, poultry or fish, egg, green and yellow vegetables, fruit 2 times a day. The child needs to be convinced that these products in small quantities will not increase its weight, but they are very important to prevent serious depletion.
High-calorie desserts you can safely eliminate from the diet all full of people who are going to lose weight. For most people, weight loss or weight gain depends on the consumption of starchy foods (cereals, bread, potatoes). Every growing child needs a certain number of these products, even someone who wants to lose weight. Even the fat people should not lose more than 500 g per week without careful supervision.
Based on the book by Benjamin Spock's "Baby and care for it"
Spock B.
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