When we experience a painful separation or other personal tragedy, then try oskooee to forget everything. Force yourself to have fun in the hope that the pain will go away. However, this napravleno. To move further, you must survive all the accumulated negative energy.
In some psychological schools there are three level of emotional development. The first level of the suppression of emotions when we do not let yourself to experience the emotion of suppressing it and driving in the inner tank. The second manifestation, when we show outward emotion, and experience it that way. The third control, when we are able to show emotions with the use of (use anger to fight, fear of escape, grief - recovery), and if necessary can relive the emotion and without symptoms (note: not to suppress, but to survive without symptoms).
By birth we are on the second level of emotional development. We show all their emotions, thus successfully their experience and forgettable. Particularly strong fears to survive not immediately successful, but you can work with them and then - if only parents knew how to help (which is usually none). Our emotional tanks in childhood empty and ready for filling with the higher emotions of joy and love.
But with time, we are taught to suppress the lower emotions and smother themselves overwhelmed by fear and anger. To fight bad - and we suppress his anger. Don't cry like a little - and the fear of similar ships in the tanks.
The more emotional tanks filled with negative emotions (fear, anger, and sadness) - the us worse off. The more reason to fear or anger we meet on the streets, at work and in the family. The more we are sensitive to these new fears, the more they beat us.
What can you do? The first step is to allow yourself to Express your emotions. Probably confuses you the prospect to cry on people - so do it alone. Who cares, what will you do alone? You can cry, scream, hit walls, doors and furniture, loud cursing, jumping or waving his arms in General, to show any emotion according to our desire.
The only way you will be able to gradually release the tanks from accumulated there emotional garbage is showing these emotions out and experiencing them. Remembered the old offense - cried. Remembered the hateful man had a fight and broke his fist on the wall.
However, exempt tanks cannot be left blank. So they would quickly once again be filled with all the same garbage. To protect yourself from the accumulation of negative emotions can only be filling the tanks with positive emotions - joy, and love.
It is likely that after a session of shouting and swearing alone you will want to laugh. Laugh to your health! If fun does not come, try to remember the positive aspects of life - or to dream about her, of course, a bright future. In the end, think about what you are beautiful, intelligent, and generally in all senses wonderful. Because loving yourself is the first mandatory step to inner peace. No wonder they say: "who does not love himself cannot love others".
With the release of the tanks you will discover that you have become easier to Express their emotions and people. And most importantly - what is the immediate experience of emotions eases the lives and improves mood.
In cases where the circumstances lead to show emotion - not hide it. When you realize that the outward manifestation of your feelings can interfere with or understanding with others, save the emotion for later. Get her back in my office or at home.
Emotion is experienced through its manifestation. When will you learn not to suppress emotions, and to show them - you will see how this will improve toee mood and increase your resistance to daily stress. Because now instead of having to keep all the negative emotions inside, you will easily get rid of them, having only joy and love.
Woman To Woman
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