The choices
Kefir. Yogurt promotes the excretion of end products of fat metabolism, improves digestion, eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, improves complexion. The positive effect is felt within one hour - during this time absorbed 91% kefir.
Know-how: 1, 5-2 l fat-free yogurt, acidophilus milk, buttermilk or yogurt without sugar is stripped at 5-6 servings and drink during the day. So hunger is not tormented, each time take 5-6 pills edible pulp, creating a feeling of full stomach.
Curd. Curd fasting days - option for those who do not take yogurt as a meal, albeit lightweight, and believes drink like tea - unless they eat! In this approach, kefir diet seems to be camouflaged by the hunger strike. The cheese has a greater volume in the stomach and absorbed slower kefir, so to unload on him more comfortable - less hungry.
Know-how: 600 g fat-free cottage cheese, 60 ml low-fat sour cream, 2 cups of tea without sugar and 2 cups of broth hips or mineral water divide on 5 receptions.
Apple cider. In apples, many stimulants metabolism of vitamins C, B1, B2, P, E, carotene, potassium, iron, organic acids, and fiber and pectin that binds the fats and exempting them from the body. Preferred acidic varieties (Antonovka, Simirenko): sweet (Goldin) is too high in calories.
Know-how: Buy 1, 5-2 kg of apples and eat them raw in salads, with vegetables or sabaki in the oven with raisins. During the day drink 4-5 cups of Apple juice or stewed without sugar. The rind also eat (unless, of course, does not suffer from gastritis or other diseases of the digestive system: in this case, to sit on fasting diets not only on healing! ). It has a lot of fiber, which creates a feeling of fullness, regulating the intestines, linking dietary fat and removes the toxins from the body.
The cucumber.
Cucumbers are 95% made up of water, and not usual, and the same composition of the intracellular fluid. Cucumber diet activates the metabolism due to the natural catalysts, potassium, folic acid, vitamin C. Cucumber juice rids the body of excess fluid. Freed from unnecessary water (it raises blood pressure and increases the workload of the heart), can per day to lose about 1-1, 5 kg!
Know-how: Eat 5-6 receptions 15-20 cucumbers (about 2 kg). Not necessarily to use them in the form in which grow on the leaves. You can prepare a salad with greens, hash with an egg on kefir or kvass without sugar.
Zavtraki, Abedi and winai oranges - not less than 1, 5-2 kg per day. Each 45 mg of calcium and 100 mg (daily dose! ) of vitamin C. Orange pulp acts as a mild laxative, promotes the excretion of toxins and excess fatty acids that come from food. The orange has a lot of fiber, satisfying hunger, and only 40 calories per 100, However, the propensity for gastritis with high acidity of orange days to make it is impossible, otherwise it will increase.
Know-how: it is Possible to prepare orange salad 6 oranges, 4 carrots, 0, 5 kg of white cabbage, cups of grape berries and 4 teaspoons sesame seeds. The scratch carrot on a small grater, rest, cut, make lemon juice, mix salad is ready! Mix freshly squeezed orange juice with grapefruit (to taste) - this cocktail acts as a fat burner and reduces appetite.
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