In the image and likeness
Now the phrase "family clan" in most cases used in the derogatory sense. For example, when they say that the promotion will never achieve, because there all the leading positions firmly take people from one family clan. Or when it comes to crime. The term "clan" is strongly associated with criminal gangs.
But family clan is still people who are not only formal kinship relations, but also spiritually close. When each family member knows that he is not alone and will always find support and understanding. A sort of fortress.
But now the family ties are becoming more and more thin and transparent. Before anyone knew his cousins and second cousins, relatives, and now many people are not aware of what their older brothers and sisters.
In many countries, the family is narrowed to the father-mother-child. In the best case, even grandma and grandpa. Scientists are written off against this economic background and the cult of individualism and rationality that prevails in the modern world. Man closes itself.
The child whose parents are not maintained close ties with relatives, subconsciously copy this behavior. Growing up and creating his family, he is cut off so that considers even mom and dad close relatives only on the documents. This principle is rooted in the minds of the people.
Simple example. Do you remember when the last time was going with the whole family, including grandparents, uncle-aunts, at the table? And went to relax? However, such simple things as family holidays and traditions actually mean very much.
The feast of the noodle, or just a good day
In the family Kleimenova next Friday grandiose event, it happens no more than twice a year. According to an informal solution, it is called the Day the bulldozer. Of course, the unofficial holiday is marked only on the calendar Kleimenova.
It's very simple. Parents ask for leave from work for the whole day, and the kids don't go to school. A few years ago, the family Council decided that it should not bind this day to the normal output. A holiday celebration.
"Forgetting all the things and issues that we are detached. Buy a bunch of different tasty things, take in rent movies, which are usually not enough time. And then as it will. Or are lying together in front of the TV, objeas sweets, or just talk and make jokes, sometimes in good weather, go into the forest," says the head of the family Nikolai Kleimenov.
He was confident that nothing bad will happen if one day forget about work and school. But a lot of fun. The parents relax while the children are happy that we can stay with them in a relaxed setting.
Omich Konstantin Fedorov made a different holiday, to be more precise modernized formalized. 2 September in his family celebrate... a New year. The date chosen for a reason. On this day 14 years ago, he married his beloved Ann. He says that then he began a new life, and therefore the 2nd of September is the new year of family happiness.
Now we Fedorov three children, whom this holiday is really like. On this day family members give each other gifts, special meals can be prepared and invite relatives and friends. Except that the tree is not set.
Natalia and Victor Kravtsova teachers, vacation begins at the same time. And the first day of the holidays is family this holiday. It is called the First day of leave. In honour of this family in full (parents and two daughters) is sent on a Cycling trip.
And their neighbors other holiday, but also on educational topics. Ponomareva celebrate the Last day of the quarter. 11-year-old Oksana and 14-year-old Olya learn well, but this holiday is still waiting impatiently. First, come the holidays. And secondly, their house has a large cake from the parents.
Such holidays on minor events someone will just seem childish amusement. After all, it is that adults solve serious problems, and not fooling around during working hours. But, according to psychologists, these things make the family strong Union.
"Little holidays for reasons which are understandable only to other family members, have special weight. They create a special climate. It's always nice to be different from others. After all, birthdays, New year and other public holidays celebrated by all, and here, for example, Day of exploring moms and dads, which is now celebrated with the children," explains psychologist Anna Kartashova.
Do not forget that over time, the novelty of the relationship between husband and wife disappears, everything becomes ordinary. And boredom is the cause for quarrels and even divorce. The best antidote is to prepare for the holidays and to give each other nice things. And the more, the better.
Good habits
What is the meaning of the word "Patriarch of the family," I realized years in 18. This is my grandfather. He had three children and six grandchildren. The children went to different cities and met only twice a year: at Easter and in the middle of August. But it was firm. Whatever happens twice a year we all came to him in the village. Then my grandfather died, and the tradition has faded. In order to maintain and further, something is not enough.
However, each family should have its own rituals, following which gives a sense of security and helps to unite the family. And no matter what they touch. So, Irina Pigasov on the birthday of his son always gives him the balloons on the number of years which he lived.
"Tradition has developed spontaneously, - says Irina. When he was born Danilka, husband dragged me 22 ball, that's how many years it was for me. Since then, the son birthday with a gift given balloons".
One of the most common family traditions is Sunday Lunches. Who of us in childhood is not turned on in the kitchen, watching cooking ravioli or stuffed chicken. And it seemed that there is nothing more important.
Or hike on a fishing trip with his father. "Even though I'm a girl, but in the childhood my favorite pastime was fishing with his father. Every summer Saturday early morning, we quietly left the house and was amityvale on the pond. It was our tradition," says Catherine Bondareva.
And nightly kiss before going to sleep? People lose much, forgetting at night to touch her lips to his child or loved one. We remember all my life, as a child of the Pope or mother put us to sleep at night, always kissing on the night. People with family members who observed this ritual will never be unhappy.
Tradition can be any little thing. A certain dish for the holiday, a joint trip to the cinema at the weekend, even General cleaning more fun to do as a family. The main thing that it was not done formally, otherwise the best tradition will turn into a service.
"There's lots of talk about traditions, about returning to the roots. Researchers and scientists are trying to find the national idea, in accordance with which we must live. But actually all is much easier - said sociologist Maria Piraccini. "Our country is not a mythical state headed by the President, and we are with you, our families. They formed the mentality and emerging traditions".
Unfortunately, modern man is increasingly becoming not to family traditions and celebrations. The ongoing race for career and success leaves no room for anything else, in fact more important. But each of us can pause for a moment to look around yourself and understand that the most important values in life are around us. And then we'll have time for long conversations at the table, or play games with children, and for holidays for ridiculous reasons.
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