- Summer diet migrate fairly easily, especially if you will have not only the "main" product, but also to Breakfast cereals and to afford other products, " says our expert, K. M. N., dietitian Marina Kopytko. For example, watermelon is a favorite berry for weight loss - contains a record amount of water. Therefore watermelon mono-diet can be dangerous, especially for those who have had or have problems with kidneys.
Summer cleaning days will help get rid of two or three extra pounds. But all fruit has its downside - the pulp of the same watermelon can cause bloating and even diarrhea. Therefore, when the first symptoms diet should be stopped.
Also useful may be one, maximum two discharge watermelon, cucumber or melon day. Although they are all wonderful cleaners, but the melon is still quite high in calories, and cucumbers and watermelons do not abuse urolithiasis.
"Female" berry
Watermelon affects our gut just brush because of the large amount of fiber. And yet it is a unique source of folic acid - the "female" vitamin, is essential for normal functioning of the urinary system and thyroid gland. 200 grams of pulp per day will add to the daily supply of folic acid in the body. But because of the diuretic action of watermelon can quickly remove potassium and sodium from the body. Therefore, people with cardiovascular disease, it is better for them not to abuse it.
Contraindications: diabetes; kidney stones (can cause renal colic - contributes to the output of the stones).
C caution: in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; for pyelonephritis.
How to eat in grams
Nutritionists recommend eating no more than 2 to 2.5 pounds a day.
Sample menu sparing diet: morning - liquid porridge and a bit of watermelon for lunch - a piece of fish and watermelon evening - 500 grams of watermelon.
News of the season: it turns out that watermelon acts on men like viagra! Due to the substance citruline watermelon dilates blood vessels and capillaries, which has a positive impact not only on the cardiovascular system in General, but on the erection.
Melon protects against aging and stress
French scientists have found that thanks to melon juice, which contains superoxide dismutase, our cells most effectively reduce stress. People who ate a few slices a day, became less irritable. They also improved concentration, disappeared insomnia.
And thanks to the lycopene and fiber melon can even slow down the aging process in the body!
Contraindications: diabetes is not due to the large amount of carbohydrate and fructose;
c caution: people with kidney disease.
How to eat in grams
1, 5 kg of sweet pulp per day. Otherwise, you may damage the figure. In addition, it is not necessary to mix the melon with another food - it is better to eat in about 15 minutes - 20 before a meal or after. But with low-fat cottage cheese melon pulp blends, so you can indulge in a delicious afternoon tea of 100 - 200 grams of cottage cheese, mixed in a blender with a slice of melon.
The cores - more cucumbers
Cucumber in addition to the 96 percent of the water also contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary for people with cardiovascular diseases. These vegetables perfectly restore fluid and electrolyte balance in the body and normalize bowel movements, so that even our skin is cleansed and healthy color.
And in another two pounds will contain only 300 calories. This is the fifth part of the daily diet of women.
Contraindications: not people with renal insufficiency;
c caution: for gastritis with high acidity and gastric ulcer.
How to eat in grams
It is limited to two pounds a day, because cucumbers are pretty strong diuretic. You can prepare this salad and eat it all day long - pounds-half a cucumber, greens and low-fat sour cream or yogurt. All this can be divided into three or four installments.
Ionova E.
Komsomolskaya Pravda Ukraine
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