Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sex and other means to strengthen the immune system

Sex and other means to strengthen the immune systemWhat is immunity? If you try to translate into human language abstruse wording from medical textbooks, we can say simply: the immune system protects us from all genetically alien. In other words, our immune system by specific chemical reactions passwords able to distinguish between "its" molecules from "alien". That's why we sneeze, cough, blink and produced by hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which kills almost all known bacteria.

The deficit of defense

Sometimes in a well-established system fails. For example, Allergy, which affects a quarter of the population of the Earth, - not that other, as hypersensitivity immunity to specific antigens (pollen, cat hair, dust and so on). Another dangerous consequence of problems in the security system - autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, and so on), in which the body begins to destroy itself, considering other people's own cells.

Immune deficiency is congenital, but in most cases, we are undermining the protection of its own body. Smoking, drugs, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle, stress, and other factors - all of this weakens the immune system, and then there is a deficit of defense, the body ceases to resist an aggressor".

Fight for your health can be dangerous if you do it in an illiterate. In order to cope with the problem, you need to know exactly what to do and what you mustn't do.

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Factors that undermine the immune system

- Do not uncontrollably to sit on a radical diet (protein, fat, blood group and so on). Such power systems Deplete the body, leading to lack of nutrients.

- Do not give up meat. Animal proteins contain essential amino acids that are necessary including for the production of immunoglobulins and protective antibodies.

- Don't waste money on advertised dairy products, improve immunity. "Everyone microflora in the intestine of an individual, so there is no guarantee that the "patented" bacteria will survive. Drink plain kefir or yoghurt every day dairy products create the perfect environment for the development of beneficial microorganisms in the gut," says immunologist Maxim Gultyaev. "Aim for unsweetened milk products: first, their calorie content is much lower (compare: 55 kcal in natural yogurt fat 3, 2% and 84 kcal in podkamenno fat yogurt 1, 8%). Secondly, sucrose destroys many vitamins, including vitamin C".

Don't spend the day and night in the gym. "Excessive haphazard load can lead to the suppression of the immune system, problems with joints and exacerbation of chronic diseases. In respecting the fitness clubs you will first offer to the doctor's fitness test to determine the optimal level of load.

Due to excessive loads in the blood increases the amount of cortisol, a stress hormone, which inhibits the fight infections. If you feel asmodina after fitness, you find it difficult to fall asleep, then shamelessly put the dumbbells and walk in the fresh air for a few days is recommended by experts.

- If you decide quenched, do not abruptly start dousing with cold water. The body will take it as stress. Lower the water temperature gradually over a period of months, and most importantly - take willpower: we can't have, and tomorrow is a "rest" from hardening.

- When you are sick, do not shoot down the temperature below 38, 5 degrees. Temperature is an indication that the body is fighting an infection. Antipyretics inhibit the reaction resistance.

- Do not take immunostimulatory drugs without prescription. "Immunomodulators is not as safe as many people think. They have a very strong effect on the body and are intended for patients with certain diseases, so use them "just in case" is not. It is fraught with the development of autoimmune diseases. First, you need to donate blood for analysis of the immune system, then consult the doctor-immunologist. And only on the basis of these data, the doctor will prescribe a course of therapy," warn immunologists.

- Do not give up sex for the sake of tomorrow's report. Good news: American scientists have found that people who have sex at least once or twice a week, producing more immunoglobulin a antibodies, which fight infections of the mucous membranes.

Strengthen immunity

In summer and autumn lean on berries, herbs, fruits and vegetables. And in the off-season don't forget about the course of multivitamins. One multivitamin rates of serious problems, of course, not to solve, but to strengthen the body they will help. Try to choose products that vitamins together with minerals are divided into morning, afternoon and evening.

In the offseason, note the soft immunostimulatory herbal products that help the organism to adapt to environmental change. These include ginseng, Echinacea, Chinese Schizandra, Rhodiola rosea and some others. However, in this case, before applying, you must consult with your doctor.

-. From fats prefer vegetable - olive oil contains a unique managery, lowering the levels of bad cholesterol. From carbohydrates - complex: whole cereals, fruits, vegetables, herbs.

- Try to stick to this ratio: 50% carbohydrates, 40% proteins, 10% fats. On the day you need to eat about 400 grams of fresh vegetables, fruits, drink plenty of liquids. The last meal at least 3 hours before sleep.

- In the gym, focus, rather, not on the intensity and duration of exercise. After such training the body produces pleasure hormones - endorphins, which help fight stress, boosting the immune system.

You know why it is so important to sleep at least 8 hours a day? According to Clinical medical center Microbiology and immunology new York city, long sleep can stop the onset of colds. Every night we go through several stages of sleep, but the most powerful contribution to our immune system occurs during the last stage, which begins after 7 hours of sleep.

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