The concept of "sexual harmony" has both physiological and psychological side. Sexual and psychological relationships have dual causality on the one hand, sex affect the relationship between partners, and on the other, their interpersonal problems affect their sexual life. It often happens that sexual disharmony is like a side effect of psychological discord between the spouses, which is broken and their sex life, but they believe that the cause of their mutual irritation and dissatisfaction with each other lies in their sexual dissatisfaction.
And sometimes Vice versa - dissatisfaction with sexual life evokes a feeling of mental stress, mental discomfort, and hence the family disagreements, minor skirmishes, which gradually accumulate, and the couple find their lives in marriage unbearable. That is, both components of intimate relationships, psychological and sexual - are closely linked and mutually influence each other. Sexual relations in marriage are very important. If the spouses have no sexual relationship, it can affect interpersonal relationships.
Many marriages falling apart, and the spouses themselves are unaware of the true reason. Sexually unsatisfied wife will eventually lose interest in sex and tries to avoid intimate relationships. The husband, of course, displeased. Mutual sexual frustration manifests itself indirectly in a bad mood, irritability, dissatisfaction with each other, petty faultfinding. On trifling occasion arise scandals with mutual accusations. In the quarrel spouses may think of each other all the flaws and resentment. And when the divorce both think that the cause of strife are grievances, conflicts and intolerable nature of a spouse, although the real reason is that there is no sexual relationship.
Harmonious sexual relationships enable spouses to overcome many of friction and to find compromises. Even if habits relations was more than love, however, such an Alliance can be very strong. After a hot night, the couple can not recall yesterday's differences. If they are good in bed is a real holiday, not only for the body but for the soul. Everything is so closely connected that to isolate one of the components, and to establish which of them is more important - sexual or spiritual closeness, is simply impossible.
Orgasm is a guarantee of harmony?
There is a misconception that sexual harmony is possible to speak only when there is simultaneous orgasmic discharge from partners.
The assessment of their relationship both sexually harmonious is common, especially when you consider the fact that in some cases there is a so-called physiological.
In these cases, many women fail to reach orgasm due to a lack of sexual experience, however, consider their sexually harmonious, especially when conduct of a sexual partner is fully in line with its views about the ideal.
All individually
Sexual harmony for every personality, every sexual couples extremely individual and fragile.
Sometimes a little change can break the seemingly solid marriage, and Vice versa: the daily quarrel can lead to a sharp deterioration of sensuality and rare sexual harmony during the night. If one person smile partner after the next is the assessment of sexual harmony is another hot gratitude, groans partner from bliss can cause the opposite feelings.
You can talk about sexual harmony, as when a particular vicinity and characterizing an extended period of sexual intercourse.
Life on the passions
It's not only a strong sexual attraction. When two people weave the disabled body in passionate embrace and regularly give each other pleasure, everyday things everyday life, they look for other eyes. Although they live as "cat and dog", but in his turbulent emotions, and then in no less rapid reunification, which end in bed, find an original charm.
Live they are not boring, they do not allow each other to be bored, the whole life is on the passions. Unlike many men, women purely physical satisfaction isn't very attractive. Women of any age need a "game of love", she wants to partner suddenly struck her imagination unpredictable behavior, so she was able to test the acuity of senses and the charm of novelty. And this is also the man should consider if he wants a harmonious sexual relations.
Learn the reason
If the husband believes that his wife began to deteriorate sexual relations, if the wife was always shy away from intimacy, otgovarivali that fatigue, headache, malaise, deeds, it is best not to blame, and not to insist on close against her will, and find out the cause cooling to sex. If a couple is married for a long time, they can be honest without hurting the feelings of each other.
The ability to openly share with a close friend and confident that he correctly understood, is a pledge of sexual harmony. Maybe his wife got tired of monotonous relationship and she wants diversity. A sex act on one and the same usual scenario, even if a woman is experiencing sexual satisfaction over time, "boring". There is no novelty, romance, wife knows in advance how it will begin and end.
The most important thing is to be sexual altruist
Some women like a gentle caress, and others would like to see the husband behaved in bed in the wild and even aggressive manner, as if he takes a wife by force, and she allegedly resisted, but all within reason, of course, in the form of sexual play, not real rape. But if the wife had never experienced orgasm during sexual intercourse, then it is a terrible sign, and the first initiative to normalize sexual relations should be a man.
If your wife is not satisfied if you do not have a sexual relationship, then most likely it is still erotic unawakened woman. And it is your fault. For sexual harmony you don't have to be "sex Gigant", to have a huge cock, "iron" erection and have intercourse at half an hour. And handsome with a gorgeous figure is also not necessarily.
The most important thing is to be sexual altruist. And other things will be added, if you would wish to give a woman the opportunity to experience the same pleasure, what have you. And everything you need to know how to do it, you will learn from this book. For harmonious sexual relations in marriage, it is desirable that the need for sexual activity (sexual Constitution) partners coincided or differed slightly. The wife can orgasm, but if she is weak sexual Constitution, then, as the saying goes, "it does not need much". For example, the wife in just one sexual intercourse per week, or even less, and the man with strong or moderate sexual Constitution is not enough, he wants daily intercourse.
Incompatibility... and it happens
The discrepancy between sexual Constitution and sexual incompatibility between husband and wife can also have a negative impact on marital relationships. Men with strong sexual Constitution say that despite the fact that they have been married for many years, still feel a strong sexual attraction to his wife, almost as young as the woman with weak sexual Constitution or passively yields to her husband, but he realizes that she does not want so often to have sex, or often denies her husband in the vicinity, as her own sexual needs much less than him.
If your husband will be angry and demand of the wife of the execution of marital debt" to anything good it will not. There will be quarrels, mutual reproaches and insults, and eventually this can lead to mutual cooling, and the woman might lose interest in sex as related to negative emotions. In such a situation, the husband accuses the wife that she fell out of love, or she is a cold woman. But if a woman experiences an orgasm during intercourse, even if she don't want as much sex as husband, then it means that she is not frigid. Just her different sexual Constitution and other needs. Even in the apparent mismatch sexual Constitution is always possible to find a compromise, if not "hung up" and not to do from this tragedy.
Sexual harmony - the art of touch
Sex is not only a mechanical mating of the two condition Is continued, the result and the culmination of all our feelings, attitudes, desires, and sentiments expressed in physical proximity, enriching both partners. Any physical contact begins with a touching, foreplay sex game. Touch and resulting feelings can talk about very much.
First of all, this is an opportunity without words to tell your partner about feelings, the desire, the willingness to love. In addition, touching themselves delight, comparable with the very sexual act. They can give a person peace of mind, trust and support, intimacy, and commitment. Because the most important thing in a sexual relationship - not knowing where to put a hand and where to kiss, and the ability to fill these special touch feelings.
It is because of ignorance of erogenous zones and art touches partners often have psychological problems, which lead to violations of sexual harmony. It should be recalled that the erogenous zones are called any parts of the body, the stimulation of which causes or intensifies sexual desire. The basic principle of their "work" is a direct dependence of the preliminary psychological attitude of the partner, a willingness to mutual affection, from a favorable emotional background.
It is the psychological factor - the "magic key" that opens sharpening partner. Although some women claim that they have no erogenous zones, in such cases we can speak about the ignorance of their erotic features, private location erogenous zones, methods of stimulation. The most common erogenous zones in women are on the scalp, eyelids, earlobes, lips, tongue, mouth. Very sensitive to caresses the neck, cat hole" - the recess between the shoulder blades, chest, inner thigh, popliteal fossa, feet and the actual genitals.
Famous psychologists say that the treatment of sexual coldness in women is a journey into the region of the erogenous zones, full of incredible discoveries. But to do this, partners will need time and patience.
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