Indeed: why one person is able to bring someone strong feelings, and the other a single string in the soul will not be affected? Why do people fall in love? Poets, singing love, trying to find its roots in spirituality, scientists are looking for a chemical rationale, but both are far from the goal. Such uncertainty is quite true to the concept of "sex appeal" of sex appeal - sex appeal, exciting sensuality.
Mysterious vibes
Everything in his life met a sexy women. Talked with them as neighbors, worked in the same team, friends, watched from the side. What can I say? How to describe its difference from others? Views and characteristics will be many, but perhaps most will agree on one thing - this is an extremely attractive woman, she derive some fluids, a special magnetism that attracts men. In short, this past which will not pass. That's it, short and clear and nothing concrete.
Nobody is going to argue that the appeal is necessarily connected with beauty - although the appearance of women is of considerable importance, but only for the initial interest. The interest of this need, rather than something to support. There are women and a large stretch of the imagination can not be called beautiful, but men stick to him like flies to honey. A sexy woman is not necessarily a sex bomb. That's according to feelings, inspired attractive woman, the hero of the story by guy de Maupassant "Hairpin": "Looking at her, I felt frantic need to open arms to squeeze and strangle her. In the depths of her eyes there was something treacherous and elusive, suggesting to me the disgust, and for this, maybe I loved her. Feminine, repulsive and maddening, it was stronger than any other woman. She was full, crowded with them, and it came from her intoxicating and poisonous fluid. She was a Woman more than anyone ever and ever."
The appeal is not synonymous with sexuality, which characterizes the woman, her need for sex. Often these qualities are combined, but not necessarily. Psychologists still argue: to classify whether these rock enslaver to the category of psychological vampires or, conversely, the number of donors? But because of the mention of them can remember the terrible stories about how men tormented themselves and their loved ones, "dry", Chah, fought a duel, make rash actions, even die because of unrequited love for these women with a flair! All it seems to be clear about their vampiric entity, no wonder they look and find "hell", and "devilish gleam in his eyes", and "fatal attraction". But on the other hand, the presence of nearby sexy women always makes men to shake things up, to deploy the shoulders, to feel the surge of strength and energy. Moreover rash acts in honor of the beautiful ladies are very beautiful! And the years of "suffering" spent with such a bright woman, men remembered as the most happy and fulfilling years of his whole life and thankful for these sweet pangs of love.
All beauties for the belt!
It is naive to assume that sexy women master the tricks of female coquetry or years to hone technique gait, seductive habits, ability to wearing things, to wear makeup and stuff. Such women do not really need all these women tricks and stuff. They are perfectly happy without the whole set of ladies ' charms and virtues. Moreover, there are examples of confident in his dazzling ladies with a flair deliberately ignore attention to their appearance. They can be short and frankly ugly, with a complete lack of good shape, with thick legs, besides tasteless dressed.
But these women one known to them the way inspire a fierce passion many men. Where here does not believe that there is some kind of "devilry"! Unattractive in appearance, they can possess analytical mind, therefore, to seize the attention of men costs them nothing - those listening to them for hours with bated breath. The lack of external data seductress fully compensate for other beneficial qualities, and very successful. And sometimes treacherous rock ladies your appearance and improve don't think intentionally choose an image of complete inattention to their data, they say, let love what is...
The game by their rules
Still, many similarities can be found in these eye-catching from the General mass of women. First of all, protruding all of them noticeable appeal is their natural state all day. They like, when they are caring for many men admire them irresistible, charm. They are extremely flattering, when the beauties of nature pales before their merits. On the other hand, relations with the opposite sex they see as the game is very addictive and extremely fun. In her they are ready to play all my life, however, by their rules.
Sexy woman, despite their ability to circle the head men, are not always successful in his personal life - alas, success secrets of a happy fate, and she sometimes fail to disclose. Like other ladies, it can be difficult to quickly find the "tools" impact on the only man to become a master in his life. Not always tricks and all sorts of things can have such an effect on men that they are willing to commit follies in honor of the original in the actions, the feelings of women. It's all about luck...
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