Harmful massage
Many magazines and Internet portals you can find tips on massage lips. Than only did not offer it to conduct and toothbrush, and hard with a towel, and even a washcloth. To use these items for massage in no event it is impossible. Because the skin on the lips is very delicate and easily injured.
Massage can be performed only patting movements, which should go from the corners of the mouth to the center of the lips. First massaged lower lip, then the top. Then go to massage the nasolabial triangle. Pats are drawn from the corners of the mouth to the nose wings. This helps to relax the facial muscles, therefore it changes the shape of the lips - the parts become slightly higher. This massage should be done twice a day: in the morning before applying makeup and in the evening after its removal.
Sensitive peeling
At least once a week it is necessary to carry out the peeling of the lips. Here, in no event it is impossible to use the usual scrubs. They injure the skin, and the then long enough heals. It is best to use a peel designed for sensitive skin. Well, if it will contain granules of polyethylene. They are the least traumatic lip.
Better yet, use the scrub. This creams that dissolve dead skin. Usually they are applied, avoiding the eyelids and lips. But recently began to receive funds that are suitable for all areas of the face. Such gommage is "Creme De Gommage Delicate" from the French company Matis. It is ideal for peeling lips.
Homemade scrub
Often the lips carry "purchase" scrub much worse than home. In order to prepare the latter, much time is not required. We need to take oatmeal and grind it in a coffee grinder. The basis of the scrub are ready. Now it needs to be mixed with honey or low-fat cottage cheese - that's someone you like.
You can then start peeling. But the lips at first it is a little steam out. So before the procedure you should take a warm shower. Then take your index finger a small amount of scrub and start slow massaging motion.
Elastic mask
Lip mask you can do through the day and even every day. In their composition usually includes hyaluronic acid, which makes lips more elastic. There are masked extracts and oils which make the skin soft and velvety. Produced and masks, which include dissolved collagen.
Such means not only caring for the lips, but retain their path. Such masks are luxury brands such as Lancome and Christian Dior. There are similar products in the catalogues of manufacturers of cosmetics class mass-market - for example, Mary Key.
As a scrub, a mask you can make at home. It is better suited dairy products. They not only "remove" dead skin, but will also make lips velvety. You need to take the sour cream or yogurt and apply them to the lips in several layers - new put, when dries previous. The total number of layers reaches 10-12, it takes about 5 minutes. After another 10-15 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water, and lips get wet with a towel. After that you can apply the cream.
Gentle cream
Cream for lips need to use every day regardless of the season. The selection of tools is wide enough. The firm Lierac produces cream, visually smoothing the lips and make them soft.
The same can be said about the cream "Blue Dream Lips" from Lumene. Women who prefer exclusive cosmetics, we can recommend a cream for lips Swiss company Valmont. He clearly cares for the lips.
All of these creams are for nourishing and moisturizing. These tools it is best to use in the morning. Those who are under the age of 25-28 years, such funds should be used at night. But the older women before you sleep better apply lip cream, a tube of which appears the word "path".
Women's health
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