Watching this picture, you begin to understand: the statistic that one third of the population suffers from overweight, even slightly understated. Probably closer to the truth data of another study suggesting that up to 90% of women aged 20 to 50 years are concerned about their weight and at least from time to time attempt to reduce. Of course, this problem is no less true of men, but their relationship to overweight calmer. Men need to be incomparably more attractive to women.
But among women struggle for a slim figure has acquired a mass character. To the advice of nutritionists they listen with respectful attention, in a hurry to try the new "miracle" means. Psychologists, too, have something to say on this subject, and to their advice makes sense to listen before you go on a diet.
Oddly enough, starting exhausting (in the literal sense of the word) in the fight against excess weight, virtually no wonder why this should be done? Seemingly, this is of course by itself. Be persistent, you can achieve a more detailed response, which generally boils down to this.
First, streamlining your diet and lifestyle, the person begins to feel better. In addition, it reduces the risk of dangerous diseases directly associated with being overweight. And most importantly, to be fat is simply ugly, no wonder the acknowledged beauties screen and podium distinguish thinness and slenderness. It is important that the symmetry is in fact synonymous with sex appeal. So, if you want to be healthy, beautiful and desirable, get on a diet!
Impartial psychological analysis of these views allows us to conclude that almost all of them belong to the category of prejudice, or, as psychologists say, imposed installations. Let's start with the basic concepts of normal weight and the reference figure. As I looked around, it is easy to see that each person is characterized by the individual characteristics of the body. The notion of "norm" is not inherent in the human race by nature, and imposed from the outside - artificially and, it seems, is not disinterested. What and why?
The beginning of the diet boom researchers attribute to the mid-twentieth century. It was at this time in the advanced industrial countries actively declared themselves all sorts of insurance firms (and the population there covered almost all). Based ostensibly on the recommendations of doctors, they developed the indicators of the so-called ideal weight. It is clear that a large part of the population was far from ideal. And if the weight exceeds the ideal, increases the chance before to die from cardiovascular and even cancer. Accordingly, for the increased risk and insurance premiums should be higher.
Played a role and manufacturers of ready-made clothing. A few decades ago the representatives of all segments of the population were mostly clothes made by individual measures. The ready-made clothing industry gradually replaced individually tailors (now on order are made mainly expensive toilets for the rich). And to justify its expansion it was necessary to impose the ideology of the standard size. And people, instead of, as before, be customized dress, began to fit the shape under the dress.
People are generally inclined to accept uncritically imposed on them install. Many people sincerely believe that, struggling with the "extra" weight, they improve their health and prolong their life. However, this is not the case. In some countries, studies have been conducted, showing that even the excess weight in 2 times in comparison with the ideal (which celebrated the winners of beauty contests) does not affect life expectancy. Moreover, some people are trying to significantly lose weight, live less than those who do not experiment with diets. Japanese experts found that mortality among those who tried to lose weight and have achieved their goals, increases in 2 times!
In Russia there has long rough proverb: "Until the fat dries, skinny - die". It looks like it contains a lot of truth. It is established that weight more than thinness, to fight cancer. Hypothetically, this can be explained by a high content in vitamin A, an anti-cancer action of which is no doubt the doctors. A study of deaths from tuberculosis and other infections also showed that having less weight die a few times more with the same disease compared with more people. Apparently, the energy potential enclosed in adipose tissue, allows for more long-term and effectively deal with pathogenic agents.
So when you say "losing weight, you will feel better" - these statements should be treated critically. So often you can hear from those who have transformed the industry of weight loss in your profitable business. The business is largely unfair. For most of the "miraculous" remedies just camouflage banal restrictive diet.
Today widely advertised various means (mostly of vegetable origin), which for the sake of losing weight are encouraged to eat instead of food or with a small admixture of conventional low-calorie products. It is easy to guess that by changing your diet with soup and meatballs on any vegetable cocktail, you will lose weight for sure. However, many people still fall for this simple trick and put a lot of money on "super-efficient" dummy.
In most cases, does not occur any improvement is neither physical nor psychological. Any unmet need is a lot of stress. No wonder people say: "an Empty belly to the teaching of the deaf".
A hungry man is worse perceives information, his mental activity deteriorates, because the Intrusive body bombards the brain requirements: "Food! Food! " In business practice no wonder the established procedures, such as business lunch: partners eat first, and then discuss business matters. Decision making is largely facilitated by peaceful satiety.
In General, the food is sort of a natural tranquilizer: sometimes in a situation of concern and excitement enough to eat - and the effect is the same as that from a sedative pill. Of course, this tool should not be abused, otherwise our nervous age responese beyond measure.
But how to be with attractiveness is the main motive diet aspirations? Today the TV and allow us to admire the Greek heteros, courtesans gallant century, secular lionesses of the Victorian era. And everywhere - long legs, thin waist, a single drop of oil. Fascinated by the television screen, the viewer does not even realize that all these roles are played modern actress who was a hard selection causes strained to adjust their figures under settings Barbie dolls (demi Moore for the shooting in the movie "Striptease" had surgery to change the shape of the bust, and on the body of the famous Sher is no living space because of plastic surgery - just like in the commercials: "the Teeth are the only things she has left her"... )
And if we turn to the real historical evidence, it becomes clear ideas about female beauty is not a natural given, but a tribute to a passing fashion. Recall the paintings of Rubens, Titian, Renoir, Kustodiev. The most famous and expensive paintings depicted not skinny women. And fashion on leggy models with sharp collarbones does not last forever, and looks all the same.
Of course, there will always be people who are close to the parameters fashionable now Canon. But very few of them. The rest have to make enormous efforts to deprive him of the many pleasures to be closer to the ideal. As a result, they often sacrifice health for the sake of dubious good fortune to be similar to the benchmark. Moreover, starvation, or some new-fangled diet solve your weight problem for a while. After some time everything is back to normal, it is only necessary to stop efforts to hold the achieved weight.
Why is this happening? It turns out, it's in your Constitution and nature of metabolism. To change the Constitution, whereas correction of metabolic possible. However, it is a radical change has been formed over many years to your lifestyle. Are you willing to go for it? And for what, more precisely, for whom? Indeed, as shown by the anonymous surveys, reasonable weight many people like it and, likely, unlikely to spoil you in the eyes of those who you truly are.
Beauty and thinness is not the same. And full (even if it is thick! ) does not mean ugly. In General, the phenomenon of ugly women is purely psychological, internal. Because really, if a woman is happy, loves and is loved, she is there, even when full, will be attractive and charming. After all, beauty is not a physical quality. It consists of the self-perception (how you love yourself and feel ready to be happy and expressive skills to apply themselves.
There is a psychological phenomenon: people tend to treat you the way you treat yourself. If a few extra pounds make a woman consider themselves worthless, and others are ready to accept such a self-esteem. People unconsciously feel a level of self-esteem and adjusted to it.
We must understand that the woman should be first of all a nice person, radiating kindness and warmth. When it's not, sooner or later it becomes ugly to others, even in spite of a wasp waist. This is the law of nature, and it would be naive for him to contradict.
Stepanov S.
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