In Europe a long time research, allowing you to form an idea, what values are most important in modern life. In the questionnaires were entered items such as "look good", "to seem attractive. The rates for these positions were almost overwhelming. For many study participants, these values were more important than health, family welfare, the fate of loved ones and ecological conditions.
Demonstration and life
Motivation demonstrative is one of the most important, through it we realize and many other needs.
For example, power is implemented through the signs of high status in clothing and style. Creating an atmosphere of reverence and fear, the demonstration of power and influence is also very attractive and frequent motives of public performance. On the other hand, the demonstration of self-deprecation is calculated on the sympathy and expectation of assistance and protection.
Play for play
There are, however, situations when the demonstrative desire becomes important in itself. In contemporary culture there is a serious struggle to just to show what to do so that you'll be the center of attention. Last but not least this is due to the huge role of the media, make the world a "global village".
To demonstrate itself has become not just a path to power. Presence on television screens or pages of magazines is, in fact, have power. It is measured by the number of audience, a different sort of rating indicators. To be in the focus of public attention, fame or, to put it quite simply, "to get in the box" is the motivation, the pressures myself. Trapped field lens camera man is transformed, waving at the camera by hand, sends kisses and ready for a lot to be back in the frame.
The center is more important than the periphery?
In the structure of our personality is part of the deep, inalienable, true. They are called differently: the self, the authentic self, the core of personality. However, there are and some education, facing outward, to other people. These parts often do not reflect the reality of our personality. This mask. They help us to portray the lack of feeling where we experience. To show the feelings that we experience can't. Judgments of all psychologists about this one: the more man "mask", the worse this effect eventually on his mental health, peace of mind, personal growth.
Modern psychologists say about the desire to be a person as an independent is very important needs. Authentic self requires to be treated seriously.
Where is the boundary between the external and internal?
You cannot be a person without a personal system of values. These values must be understood and presented. However, in our culture there is a certain gap between what is considered "authentic" and what is associated with the expression, external.
Actually our true values are those that we inevitably want to present to others, are those that underlie our everyday communication. It is very difficult to live one's values and to show other people totally different.
Surface not worse deep
To find the boundary between the experience and its appearance is impossible. The most superficial things are the most profound. While in itself the desire to show anything - doesn't matter, good or bad, is a self-contained fundamental human need. This need is the basis for many of the phenomena of his behavior, while the denial of this need is the main cause of a variety of mental disorders and life problems.
Our mentality is highly demonstrative. This is especially evident in those moments when we are alone. We always keep something to someone to explain.
Communication through the image
Personal development - not least getting used to his role in the creation of the proposed circumstances and scenography. Not only do we interact with images, we are in conflict. Remember anecdotal everyday situations like shopping "in spite of" neighbors competition secular stars for your attention to my person.
The improvement of the image is the driving force behind the evolution of personality. What we call personal growth ends when one stops to think about what sort of impression he makes. However, even the lack of attention to their appearance, careless or, for example, the lack of makeup in women is not caused by the neglect of their image. On the contrary, if the embellishment is missing where he ought to be, we can deal with particularly bright, eye-catching performance. Just play another. This play tells the story of the trouble. Running appearance calls for participation, help.
To be noticed, it was necessary somehow to reinforce their messages out. If the tragedy of isolation that you "nobody hears", the demonstration helps to overcome it. Good performance (optional noise-and-white) always have a means of effective communication, a way out of loneliness.
Performance and masquerade
However, to distinguish the play from a masquerade. The performance takes place against the background of unchanged identity. Personality, while maintaining their authenticity, cares only about the means of expression for her presentation. But the distinctive feature of the masquerade that is an identity shift. Sometimes the shift is a total character, so that one is able to only wear masks depending on the environment into which it falls.
In such cases we can speak about the syndrome Selig indicated so in the name of the hero of the eponymous film by woody Allen. Selig, as you know, change their appearance depending on what company it was. So, with the Chinese, he turned into Chinese, with psychiatrists - psychiatrist, with the Nazis in Nazi. Often masquerade is where the insufficient means of expression, emphasizing the natural mask of the individual (the way a person identifies always and without discomfort). The task of the therapist in such cases is to replace the pathological (masquerade) demonstrates normal.
Demonstrative and sexy
Demonstrative closely associated with sexuality. It is no coincidence that in those situations where the participants in the sexual encounters are not tied, they are often not limited to simple fuck, and tend to arrange something like view. The situation of the so-called normal sex is characterized by constant scrutiny partners to each other. Eyes, hands, lips, ears in this context become a kind of probes, cameras lens, and the partners are both as actors and as the audience at the same time.
Going to a brothel, a man looking for there are not only new instruments of pleasure, but a new audience. Kind of brothel, generally purchase sex, as we know, is not only naked intercourse. Everyone knows that the public rooms of the house almost always serves as a kind of theatrical space. Here, as you know, bought the viewer, but at the same time sexy and stage partner.
The artist as an exhibitionist
Artistic practice at all times played in society the role of the vent, leaving space for the implementation of demonstrative desires.
The exhibitionist just does what in the depths of the soul inherent in the people with so-called normal sexuality. It reveals not so much themselves, their "shameful parts", but hidden, repressed, yet powerful enough desire to show themselves. Artistic practice - and this can be considered a common feature exhibitionists in the full sense of the word.
They are based on the struggle for presence, the right to demonstrate, privileges. To occupy the premises, where you will come to stare, to seduce those who write about it. Many factors are embedded in this contest.
Show that repressed
The most profound thing that I have undergone the most intensive eviction. Displacement is associated with repression. The deeper replaced, so, consequently, will be more intense the emotion that accompanies the demonstration of this displaced.
We obviously motivation in the shape of our actions by the desire to look good, so that as many people as possible were able to observe us.
The famous phrase "All the world's a stage. In it women, men - all the actors... " - is one of the main aphorisms, reflecting the essence of modernity.
A. Sosland
Our psychology
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