Juice-the very life of the plant. Take the force of flora, you bring the priceless gift of your body, presented by the universe.
A list of products, the juice of which has long established itself as an effective tool in the fight against diseases. Cucumber juice Cranberry juice Lemon juice The juice of the dandelion The juice of the nettle Pumpkin juice Celery juice Celery juice is useful for improving the work of the heart (as it contains magnesium), optimization of the composition of the blood (celery contains iron), stabilizes the nervous system (celery juice is useful for stress and nervous overload). Celery is well established in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.Carrot juice
Carrot juice improves complexion, helps to normalize digestion, helps to get a natural looking tan (a glass of carrot juice drink for an hour or two before taking a sun bath or Solarium). Also carrot juice is useful in diseases of the heart, stomach, intestines. If you have problems with these bodies folk medicine recommends that you take half a Cup of carrot juice (preferably previously assigned to it a spoonful of honey) for half an hour before meals several times a day. Better to start with a single admission and, if there is no negative reactions on the part of the body, to increase the number of receptions of up to 3 times a day.
Cucumber juice is a well - known tool for cleansing kidney, effective diuretic, and urolithiasis is recommended to use cucumber juice combined with carrot. Receive mode: take half a Cup (with a spoon of honey) 2-3 times daily, preferably before meals.
Cranberry juice is known from childhood the cure of colds, flu, sore throats, as well as many diseases of the kidneys (especially important to drink cranberry juice for pyelonephritis). The bill is well-removes toxins from the body, so cranberry juice is recommended to drink while taking antibiotics. Receive mode: 1 tablespoon cranberry juice (it is desirable with honey) 2-3 times a day.
The juice of potatoes
The juice of a raw potato helps to excrete toxins, so it is recommended in the recovery period. Take potato juice 1 teaspoon 1-2 times a day for half an hour before food.
Lemon juice has a disinfectant and antimicrobial action, so traditionally it is drunk for colds. Also, lemon juice is useful in kidney stones, problems with metabolism, atherosclerosis, and to improve the stomach and increasing the production of gastric juice. Receive mode: the juice of half a lemon added to a glass of water and drink 2-3 times a day.
Unexpectedly, but the juice of dandelion is useful to normalize the production of red blood cells, has a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys, has a mild tonic and restorative effect. Receive mode: 1 tablespoon juice of dandelion (preferably with 1 spoon of honey) 2-3 times a day.
The juice of the nettle improves metabolism and replenishes the lack of the main complex of vitamins. Take nettle juice 1 spoon 3 times a day after meals.
Pumpkin juice is useful in diseases of the kidney, liver, heart. Possessing a pronounced diuretic, helps to cope with edema and kidney stones (in the initial stage of their formation). In addition, pumpkin juice is a wonderful restorative tool (useful in the recovery period after an illness, when junk food is undesirable to use, and fiber and vitamins should be plenty). Receive mode: 1 Cup (preferably with 1 spoon of honey) after meals 2-3 times a day.
Juice celery much important for the human body salts, so 3 tablespoons of celery juice (one 3 times a day) substitute pill-vitamins. You can add 1 tablespoon of celery juice in a glass of carrot, beetroot or cabbage juice to obtain maximum benefit with minimum hassle. In addition, this combination of celery juice is slightly better absorbed.On материалам:ulady.ru
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