1. From carbohydrates lose weight without them - on the contrary
Joint study of several European institutions have shown that the core of the diet is the most slim and thin people are... carbohydrates. But the owners of excess weight, on the contrary, pay these substances undeservedly little attention. Speaking the language of numbers, the ideal content of carbohydrates in the daily menu is up 64%, or about 361 grams per day. But it is 3 or 4 baked potatoes of medium size, seasoned vegetable, cereal or mixed garnish.
Naturally, the bulk of low-carb diets proposes to limit the consumption of such products up to 30% of the daily diet. There are those who forbid there are more than 30 grams of carbohydrates a day. So it is not surprising that after dramatic weight loss, it sometimes leads to further weight gain.
2. "Dietary stress makes us overeat
Lack of nutrients and the constant obsession with excess weight slimming results to stress and depression. There are purely physiological reason for this phenomenon: without carbohydrates the brain cannot function normally, which negatively affects both mental ability and mood. The result: the body produces excessive amounts of stress hormones (e.g. cortisol), which increase the appetite and make you "attack" on the fridge, eating everything that gets in your eyes.
3. Cereals and bread suppress appetite, apples and cabbage - kindle
Ask any "expert" nutrition, how to lose weight quickly and permanently, and he will immediately advise you to refrain from flour, to replace the grain side dishes for vegetables, but it is better to eat some apples. Don't believe such recommendations. Yes, sweet pastries and white bread really give you extra inches, but wholegrain bread, pasta and other products made from durum wheat does not provoke obesity, and even Vice versa. A recent study showed that the intake of carbohydrates in this form causes the brain to understand that the body is "full". And then speeds up the metabolism, thereby preventing the formation of excess fat. Particularly effective in this sense, the products containing the so-called resistant starch and fiber, like new potatoes, bananas, oatmeal.
As for apples, fiber in them too there is, however, the acid in these fruits, provokes the secretion of gastric juice and is increased hunger. So remember: one Apple before lunch - well. Solid Apple power will not lead to anything good.
4. "Forbidden" foods do not give to overeat
Many carbohydrate food is much more filling than fat and protein, because that is processed by the body much more slowly. Thanks brain for longer believes that the nutrient requirements yet, and, accordingly, does not send the gastric signal that you are hungry. These foods include beans, brown rice, potatoes, bananas and pasta from durum wheat (including bread and pasta, which for most of Dietikon mistakenly are inviolable). A study by the University of Surrey showed that after consuming at least one serving of this food a day (150-200 g) caloric intake the next day is reduced by 10% on average. For example: 10% of the diet of the average women is 150-200 calories.
5. The more you eat the more you lose weight
Many diet regimes based on the so-called "fasting" days, when food consumption is limited to a minimum in different ways. One of them is to refuse Breakfast and dinner and eat once in the afternoon.
This is absolutely wrong. The first meal of the day starts the metabolism and sets it on a daily mode of operation; that is, until we had eaten, the body thinks, sleeps, and eats into energy very sparingly. So, instead of relieving the extra calories, we deliberately interfere with their processing.
But if you eat for Breakfast something more filling (such as a bowl of oatmeal with fresh berries), metabolism immediately starts running at full speed, and power consumption per day will increase by as much as 25%!
6. Without flour will increase belly
The right food makes various mechanisms fat burning work, and the absence of their blunts. Scientists have proved that, when the fiber or resistant starch pass through the digestive tract in the body are in special enzymes that promote the breakdown of fatty tissue, especially in the abdominal area. Experiment on laboratory rats confirmed that these substances are not only "see" the extra fats, but also prevent the deposition of new, and the caloric content of food is not important.
7. On most diets be impossible
Study English sociologists showed that about 80% of diets over... nothing. Desperate dietic or do not stand up and return to your usual diet, or stand, but then again needauth all dropped so hard. With the more complex dietary prescriptions (if you want to count calories, find special products have on the clock and so on), the more slimming the chances of failure. So is it worth to suffer, then again to go back to the beginning? As they say nutritionists, much better not to invent some kind of temporary miracle diet, and gradually move to DC proper nutrition. It is slowly, but surely will give you a slim figure and good health.
Arguments and facts
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