Enough to make in my life a few basic changes, and you will eat less and more healthily. Moreover, these changes - the most that neither is a household and will require you except that 15-minute revision of the home interior, well, maybe the fridge. So, here they are.
Tip 1. Remove from food TV
Watching TV while eating significantly increases the time consumption and, of course, the amount eaten.
Tip 2. Watch Comedy
People tend to focus on negative rather than positive information. Sad, terrible, tragic stronger draws our attention, and so, at this time, we are less able to control their actions.
Tip 3. Hide all edible
Do not hold candy, fruit and biscuits on the tables and shelves, where they are constantly on the mind.
Tip 4. Not dine at the dining table
Scientists believe that to eat better in the living room, the bathroom or even in the workplace. There are no tempting refrigerator or treacherous batonchikov, nor even the slightest hint of a continuation of the meal.
Tip 5. Use special package
Store food in containers, foil and food film is useful not only for sanitary reasons. Case, again, the availability of food. The more actions you must perform in order to reach the food, the less repeated attempts to eat you will do.
Tip 6. Discard the Cup and family meals
It has long been known that the size of the dishes that we eat affects the amount of food eaten. Large dishes creates the illusion that your portion is smaller than it really is.
Tip 7. Buy fine glasses
Tall, narrow glasses create the illusion of a larger volume of liquid than it really is, and their wide counterparts, on the contrary, what you will drink a lot and don't even realize it.
Tip 8. Please be banks
Do not store the entire stock of his meal in one pot, Cup, box, etc., Even if one dish, spread it in small containers or cans, the benefit of the modern shops of this stuff and it is quite inexpensive.
Tip 9. Buy crude sunflower seeds
The purified product is consumed faster and easier, and eventually you will eat much more than I could have.
The Board 10. Learn to eat with chopsticks
The brain requires about 20 minutes to get the signal that we are full; and therefore, the longer you will be eating the same dish, the more likely you will feel full satiety to the end of the meal.
The Board 11. Do not eat semi
The easier it is to bring a dish to a digestible state, the more chances you have to make full meals, some snacks that you will chew and chew, without even noticing it. Moreover, any cooking process takes time, which you could spend on food, and free of calories, which thus will not be deposited in the form of extra pounds.
The Board 12. Choose your favorite yogurt
Not worth buying five of yogurt with different flavors to "try everything". It is better to buy five jars of the same, and everything else to try then.
The Board 12. Reorganize the fridge
The most harmful and high-calorie food should be put on those shelves, to which you will be harder to get. If harmful products must be stored at the top, push them away and cover some safe saucepan: as we already know, out of sight, out of mind.
The Council 13. Often go to the store
Tocities purchased products for the week ahead. Frequent but modest walking on grocery departments significantly reduces the consumption of food and also gives you an extra incentive to walk.
Tip 14. Buy good bulbs
Quality lighting as well as external temperature greatly affects how much we eat. It is proved that in the bright light of the person eats much less than dim dim lighting; and there in the darkness of the cinema is possible infinitely.
Arguments and facts
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