Is it possible to lose weight on the oatmeal? Oatmeal diet is one of the most effective and useful. Grits perfectly cleanses the body from harmful toxins, helps lower cholesterol, removes free radicals. Besides oatmeal is beneficial to the digestive system and may be recommended even to people suffering from diseases of the stomach. Oatmeal diet allows you not only to lose weight, but also improves health and skin condition.
Oatmeal diet refers to a mono-diet, daily diet consists of only one product. This requires the manifestation of willpower and perseverance.
The term diet on the oats for 7-10 days, during which allowed to eat only oatmeal and other products from oats. To prepare oatmeal is better on the water. You can cook it directly before a meal, and you can pour cereal with cold water after 12 hours there is obtained a slurry. The second method is the most useful. If you eat oatmeal on the water there is absolutely no desire, it is possible to cook it in milk. Porridge can be prepared from whole or crushed flakes. For Breakfast you can add a little dried fruit. Of dried fruits, it is best to choose prunes, as the consumption of large quantities of oatmeal sometimes leads to constipation. Porridge is prohibited to salt or add sugar and honey.
During the diet on the oatmeal should drink more fluids - tea (green or black) and water. But you can drink only between meals.
Oatmeal is very good saturates, the feeling of hunger does not appear for several hours. The amount eaten everyone chooses special restrictions no. To lose weight on the oatmeal will work even with large portions.
The effectiveness of diet
- 3-5 kilos per week.
To enhance the effect osanai diet, it begins with a preliminary purification.
The purification procedure lasts up to 30 days, but mostly it is recommended 7-10 days. On the night of 4 tablespoons of rice pour 1 liter of cold water. In the morning the rice boil on a slow fire for about an hour before Coleoptera state. After drinking the resulting jelly is prohibited any food or liquid within the next 5 hours. Then you can eat, and the diversity of products and the volume is not limited. But still it is better to control myself and not overeat. 5 hours before sleep is also necessary to exclude any consumption of food or liquid. In the case of severe thirst, you can drink a glass of water. An alternative purification is the use of a decoction of oats for weight loss.
Diet to oatmeal porridge is recommended not only for weight loss but for overall health. The results of the oat diet can be quite positive for total body strengthening and toning. If you have tried many diets, but did not achieve the desired results, we recommend you to try the oats for weight loss, oatmeal diet can work wonders!
Women's Magazine
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