Friday, October 24, 2014

Than watering the child

Than watering the childWhat are the hot drinks you can give the baby ages.

First and foremost you need to understand that the child's body is completely different from the adult. The fact that in normal doses neutral or brings some benefit adult, can lead to undesirable consequences for the baby. And even the seemingly innocuous and the usual drink can conceal many as surprising and unpleasant surprises.


Tea (green or black) contains bioflavonoids that help baby body to fight infections. Also contains tannin, soothing inflammation; teofilina that help to cope with cough; and caffeine, which is a powerful stimulant of the nervous system. Caffeine affects the behavior of the child: the child becomes nervous, excitable, tearful. The systematic intake of caffeine in the body of a child can develop various sleep disorders such as insomnia and nightmares. Therefore, the tea must be weak in the first place. Adding milk tea, you will make it more nutritious, and lemon, lime blossom, rose hip will increase the useful properties of the drink.


Cocoa contains fenilefilamin, which has antidepressant properties. We should not forget that the cocoa is very high calorie. That is why it is cautiously recommended for children who are prone to excessive weight. But kids-asthenics, and also children who are prone to anemia, cocoa, it would be very useful. This drink invigorates and warms well. But you can drink it children only two years.

Fresh juices

Drinks citrus based, as you know, protect the child from infections and viruses, which is especially important in a period of rampant infection. The only obstacle may be under the age of 1, 5-2 years), and whether the baby is allergic to citrus or honey.


Very healthy drink, it is recommended to include in the diet of children. Pudding will be useful as an effective restorative and preventive agent for vitamin deficiencies, iodine deficiency and iron deficiency States adults, children, pregnant and lactating women. Pudding - a sweet dish made from fresh and dried fruits and berries, fruit juices, syrups, jams, milk and some other foods and starch (potato or corn). Most of the jelly is prepared with sugar. All fruit jelly is better to cook on potato starch, and milk and almond jelly is more suitable cornstarch.


This is a traditional winter drink, rich in mineral salts and pectin, which helps the intestines kids to work without crashing. Well rinse 20 g dried fruit and cook in 200 ml of water first, apples and pears. After half an hour, add the remaining fruit and 16-20 grams of sugar.

Fruit and herbal teas and infusions

Decoctions of the leaves and fruits of raspberry, blueberry, mint, rosehip increase the body's defenses. It is better to prepare the kids in the evening so that they are stronger slept. 1 tbsp. dried strawberry leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water. Bringing this mixture to a boil, remove from heat and let infuse for 30 minutes.


Your baby

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