Men want sex; women love. Known for thousands of years, but why this is so and that should be done rarely discussed. This difference represents the main source of controversy, complaints and quarrels between man and woman. Ask a woman what she wants to see the man. Most of them usually will not be slow to list: with broad shoulders, slim waist, strong arms and legs, that is, it must have all what a man needs for a successful hunt wild beast. In addition, he must be attentive, tender, understanding it, and a good talker, which means: to have and all the features, peculiar to women. Unfortunately, the combination of the male body and female features usually found only in "blue" or feminine men. Men need to learn and practice the art to please a woman, it is not given over. He was a hunter - he is programmed to solve problems, obtaining food, and the battle with the enemy. At the end of the day he just wants to sit, staring into the fire, and make some forward-return movements to support the number of people in the tribe to par. To the woman felt the need for sex, she needs to feel loved, adored and needed. And here comes into effect the fact that most people do not pay attention. The male sex right before he will understand women's feelings. And the woman, unfortunately, it is necessary that he first understood it, and only then she will want sex. Male configured hunting. His body is arranged so that he could pursue prey, despite the cold, heat, pain. His skin because it is insensitive to burn, scrape or cold does not distract him from execution of the main task. Historically, that man lived in a world of battles and death, in which there is no place for sentimentality, there is no way to understand someone else's feelings and needs. If a man will spend time in conversation or begin to comfort someone, then it will distract him from his main task: to defend the tribe. Women need to realize that this approach is biological determinism men, and to develop a strategy and tactics that take into account this factor.
Women mother from childhood that men "one mind" - the sex but they are not quite right. The man also wants love, but can only perceive it through sex. Sexual priorities of men and women so different that torment because of that each other makes no sense. None of them unable to cope with the nature: so we arranged. However, opposites drawn to each other. Only two homosexuals, whether men or women, sexual desire have the same nature: that is why the homosexuals are no disagreements on this occasion, in contrast to heterosexual men and women.
Why suddenly stop sex
First, who said the catch phrase that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, took a sight too high. After good sex man manifests his different, softer, more feminine side. It can finally hear the birds sing, wonder what beautiful trees around, retrogames, listening to the song. To sex a bird he could see only if she gets on his shiny car. But the man must realize that this is only after sex manifested side of his nature, the woman he loves and finds ravishingly attractive. If he could change the order of the manifestations of the different sides of his nature, then he could bring a woman to have sex. At the same time, the woman must understand the physical importance of sex to men to see then another, gentler side of his nature and to explain to him how she was attractive.
At the beginning of the ensuing relationship, the sex is always great, and the fire is burning on both sides. She generously gives herself to him physically, and he pays her great emotional love, and one feeds the other. However, after a few years the man completely covered by the process of obtaining food, and the woman - the maintenance of order in the nest: because of that sex and love can evaporate. Man and woman are equally responsible for their good or bad sex life, but in reality, if things go no matter each of them blames the other. Man must understand that a woman needs attention, praise, comfort, and a lot of time to properly warm up your electric stove. A woman must remember that all this man will show most likely after generous helpings of sex, and men should remember what his feelings after the hot arms, and to show their feelings to a woman next time he will want. The woman should be ready to help him. The key to everything in this case sex. When a good sexual relationship, followed by the improvement in the rest of the.
What men want in sex
Very small to defuse the sexual tension orgasm. After sex a man weighs less (some say because he had deserted brains), he lost part of his body and needs rest to recover. That is why a man often falls asleep after loving act. A woman that can get angry, she may think that he is simalube and inattentive to her needs.
In addition, men use sex as a physical manifestation of what they can't Express emotionally. If a man is concerned, for example, he can't find a job to pay the bills, to settle the differences, in order to relieve stress it is likely to resort to sex. The woman usually does not understand this and is outraged that her "use", not noticing that the man has trouble with which he cannot cope. There are few problems that a man could not cope after a successful sex. Tests show that the man who wants to have sex, hard of hearing, bad thinking, bad driving, bad manages complex technique. In addition, he shows a distorted perception of time, when three minutes subjectively stretch as fifteen. If a woman wants to get the good advice, it would be better for her to ask my question after sex, when in his mind he clarified.
What they want from sex women
To feel satisfaction from sex, the man should defuse the tension. In women, the situation is the opposite: it is necessary to accumulate a voltage for a long period of time with pre-game, which must be the attention and uttered many words. He wants to empty itself, it is to fill. An understanding of these factors makes men and women more attentive lovers. Usually, women need not less than thirty minutes prior to the game before it Matures for sex. Man enough for that thirty seconds, and as a pre-game, he usually counts and the road to her home.
After sex blood woman full of hormones, and it is ready to embrace the whole world. She wants to be caressed, touched it, nursed her and talked to her. Man, if he by that time I fell asleep, "withdraws into himself, or begins to do something: to change a light bulb or coffee. These actions help him to recover.
Why men are silent, having sex
At one time a man can engage in only one case. When he has an erection, it's hard to tell, listen to, or driving - that's why men rarely speak during copulation. Sometimes the woman has to listen to his breathing, to understand what he stage. A man loves when a woman says obscenity, about what it can do and how shall call him blessed - but only before sex, not during. A man can lose passion (and erection), when a woman says something to him during sex. During sex men actively functioning right hemisphere, and a brain scan shows this obsession with his job that he is practically deaf.
For women, the conversation is an essential part of the preliminary games, because words are important in themselves. If during sex the man pauses, and she could imagine that he was not very interested in it. Man I must say a lot of love words during pre-game, to meet the needs of women in them. However, during the actual act of love, a woman should keep silent and to use only monosyllabic sounds, to keep a man interested - a lot of "Oh! Ah!" and "erotic" is good enough for men to satisfy the need to continue the process the need for information about what the reaction to his actions. If the woman speaks during the process, the man who feels compelled to respond, you may notice agitation, and the moment will be forever missed. The female brain does not react to chemicals associated with sexual desire so badly as men. During sex a woman does not lose sight of the changes in the environment, and the man completely removed. In this case, we see an ancient biological nature of women in action: it continuously monitors the environment, hears all sounds. She needs to be sure that no one sneaks into the slot, do not attack her children, not steal them. Many men know how difficult it is to persuade a woman to have sex outdoors or in a room with thin walls or unlocked doors. Explains the origin of one of the most secret of female fantasies - sex in humans is associated with its innate fears.
Goal - orgasm
"She just uses me whenever it wanted, and then forgets about me. I hate this role of a sexual object! " - these words, the man did not say never. The satisfaction rate for men is an orgasm, and he mistakenly believes that this is true for women. "As you can feel the satisfaction, if not had an orgasm? " - he does not understand. Man himself in such a situation can even imagine it, and therefore uses the female orgasm as a measure of his success as a lover. The desire of men is sure to achieve this success puts pressure on the woman and in reality significantly reduces its chances of achieving orgasm.
A woman needs a sense of intimacy, emotional warmth, in the sense that sexual tension grows, and actually orgasm considers a nice addition, but not in order. The male orgasm is always needed, and the woman does not. Man, considering the woman of his mirror, clock works, thinking that she wants this. Look at the chart below and note the peaks and troughs of female sexual desire during the year. The peaks correspond to times when the woman is likely to want orgasm - this is the time of ovulation and failure means that she needs hugs and touch not necessarily of a sexual nature.
There is a typical male fantasy: sensual unknown woman comes to him and realizes that he is irresistible. He meets her in all that she wants - all absolutely. The criterion of self-worth as a lover a man is the degree of satisfaction of women, so it continuously monitors its reactions, determining how good it is. Most men do not have the ability to understand the inner feelings and emotions of the woman in the love act. This is another reason why her orgasms are so important to him. Orgasm is proof of a job well done, a result indicator. Most men in his life and may not realize that the obligatory orgasm is a purely male success criterion, but not necessarily female. For female orgasm - an extra, not the main fun.
What excites us?
Here is a list of the main factors, which is associated with the excitation of both sexes. After reading it, you'll see why men and women do not understand the sexual needs of each other. The preference list is a direct reflection of the program that is inherent in the brain of men and women. Men are excited through the eyes and want sex. Women get excited by the spoken words and expressed feelings and want gentle touch and romance. Biological challenge men to find probably more healthy women and to help them to conceive a child. The biological task of women is to bear children and to find a partner for a period long enough to bring the child up to the age of independence. These ancient incentives still determine the behavior of men and women-tires, although they live in this century, which does not require for survival enhanced reproduction. That's why commitment is so exciting woman and romantic approach contains an implicit reference to the willingness of men to help to grow the training of children. That's why a woman needs monogamy, and we will discuss this question in the next Chapter.
Where do men reputation as a lecher
What a man excites, sometimes referred to as dirty, disgusting, gross or perverted, most often you can hear from women. Women, as a rule, the factors listed in the list for men, stimulate, as well as female factors - men. Society in films, books and articles usually celebrates the factors stimulating women, brands and the factors that incite men as pornographic and rough. However, from a biological point of view, everyone needs these factors, in order to feel the excitement. Public opinion prevailing in respect of moments that excite the man, forcing them to hide the magazine "Playboy" and deny that they have a certain kind of fantasy. Many of the needs of men remain because of this unmet, in some there is a feeling of disgust or guilt. When both the man and woman understand the history and evolution of their desires, it is easier for them to understand each other, it is easier to come to terms with reality, without anger, disgust, or guilt. People should not do something that causes his rejection, but open discussion of each other's needs helps to build a deeper relationship, based not only on love but also on understanding the actions of partner. Men need to realize that romantic evening or outing require not so great moral effort, which takes the woman to perform an erotic dance or wear provocative stimulating immodest underwear.
The myth about the tools that enhance libido
Hundreds of popular publications advocated funds, stimulating libido, but their scientific impact never proved it was not. They operate on the principle of the placebo effect, if you believe that they are acting, their use probably will help you. Some of these tools even suppress or limit the desire for sexual contact, in particular, in cases where these substances irritate the kidneys, cause itching and a rash. The only really exciting means you can call the factors listed in the above lists.
Men and pornography
Men like pornography, and women no. Pornography appeals to biological stimuli men, showing clear images and forms, displaying the actual embodiment of passion and sexual desire, but many women see it as only a picture of the suppression of women unfeeling man. Evidence of a relationship between pornography and sexual crimes no. However, it can cause psychological harm and man and woman, showing how man is like a donkey that can clock to make meaningless forward-backward movement. Such a spectacle can injure the man, forcing him to question his abilities. In pornography incentives for women to serve the same visual and physical factors, and that for men, as axioms there is a statement that her sexual attraction to the same or even stronger than the men. Because of this, pornography can have a harmful impact on women. Showing women as only sexual tool, and have absolutely unimaginable thirst physical intercourse, can lead to changes in self-evaluation women. Surveys among the age group 18-23 years showed that men think their sex life is not as good as in the movies, on television and in magazines. Among women, 62% believed that their sex life is as good or even better demonstrated in the media. Apparently, the mood of the men expected level of performance impact to a greater extent than women.
Are there any among women nymphomaniac
If aliens from another planet landed on Earth and read our books, magazines for men and women, looking at movies, they will quickly come to the conclusion that our women are extremely sexy, strive to multiple orgasms and totally insatiable. If the aliens will then read porno magazines or watch porn, manufactured by us in large quantities, then decide that women have a monstrous sexual appetite and tend to be stacked with almost any counter man at any time under any circumstances. The modern woman is forced to live on the background of this image, generated media. In practice, the insatiable nymphomaniac are a figment of the male imagination and is very rare, accounting for less than one percent of women. Modern woman nowadays hard to believe a man who says he is impressed by the beauty of her naked body. Established in society is a fantastic way harmful affects men and women, because their parents and more distant ancestors were never taught that women force sex drive is as high as in men. Many women feel their weakness, and even consider themselves to be frigid because of its inconsistencies, baked media. Men are led to believe gluttony modern women. He feels cheated when the woman is not so often initiates sex, as it seems natural. It is not surprising that men and women the impression that women are only sex on his mind: because they read in a magazine article entitled: "five days to learn multiple orgasm! , How to put to bed the European lover! Sex, like the thirst of Tantalus - hours without a break! ", "For three years I changed 300 lovers" and t. d. Libido women is likely to remain unchanged for thousands of years, and the modern world has brought only one thing: now you can discuss it openly. Sexual aspirations of women, probably no different from those of the aspirations of their mothers and grandmothers, but in previous generations they were suppressed, and, in any case, not discussed. Before the advent of the Contraceptive Pill sexual frustration (internal psychological ban) was much stronger than the. But, of course, not as strong as now seek to present media.
When the light or without
As we now know, men are stimulated through visual images, when it comes to sex. They want to see shapes, curves, nudity, pornography. Kinsey found that 76% of men want intercourse took place in the light, but only 36% of women said the same.
In General women nudity does not excite, and if it excites, not actual nudity, and romantic scene, alluding. The man, seeing a naked woman, is excited, and the woman at the sight of a naked man starts to giggle. Women love words and feelings. They prefer to have sex with subdued light or in the dark or with your eyes closed, because this situation corresponds more sensitive to the touch apparatus women. Soft stroking, sensual touching and sweet meaningless whisper will lead to an excited state, most of the women. Spreads with photos of naked men appear and immediately disappear when women's magazines try to convince us that the ratio of female to naked male body was now the same as the male to female. It turned out that the appearance of such reversals leads to an increase in the number of subscribers among... homosexuals. All attempts to stimulate the female consumer demand for pornography failed, although it is known that in the late nineties saw a surge of interest in calendars of half-naked men, which exceeded the demand for the same calendars with Nude female nature. Buyers of such calendars are divided into three categories: teenage girls who want to have a photo of his idol of pop culture or personality, women who want to make fun of a friend; and homosexuals.
Men, women and sex
The theory of sex including 1
Based on the book "the Language of relationship (Man and Woman)"
Pease B., Pease. A.
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