... Relieves pain
The reason is that when the orgasm significantly blunted the sharpness of pain. Vybrasyvaetsya in blood endorphins act like morphine, is that not so long. Thus, in the pain centers is switching. Migraines or headaches may not appear, and premenstrual pain in the lower abdomen almost disappear.
... Improves immunity
American scientists have found that sex prevents colds. People who have sex once or twice a week, in the blood more antibodies of the immunoglobulin group A. They protect against colds and other infections, with their help quickly heal wounds. But remember: bigger is not always better. Those who indulges in the pleasures of love more than two times a week, much less a Taurus And than those who are more moderate, but regular sex.
... Does not get better
Love games - the most beautiful sport. During 30 minutes of active sex burns about 350 calories, which is relevant to the duty to regulate 40 minutes Jogging. As well as during sex constantly straining the abdominal muscles, it replaces the 15 minutes of special exercises to burn fat in the gym.
... Makes you beautiful
This is facilitated by the release into the blood of the female hormone estrogen. It improves the ability of cells to regeneration, and promotes collagen formation. The skin longer remains elastic, without wrinkles. Studies of American scientists has shown that women who have sex at least once a week, much higher levels of estrogen in their blood than abstaining. By the way, high blood levels of estrogen prevents the appearance of cellulite and cramps, as it stimulates the smooth operation lymph nodes.
... Stimulates creativity
People who have sex a lot and with pleasure, often circulate in the blood stimulating hormones coristol and adrenaline. The energy produced by the sexual organs, stimulates the pituitary and pineal gland of the brain, greatly improving circulation. German scientists believe that sex not only increases the attention and ability to concentrate, but also increases creativity, enriching the minds of star bulk fresh ideas.
... Uplifting
When orgasm is released into the blood substances conducive to good health: endorphins and serotonin. Natural psycho-cocktail, giver of bliss. Women who live active, full sexual life, is much more tolerant to others, less depressed, almost don't feel unjustified fear. It is useful to know that sex is the perfect way to relieve fatigue and stress.
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