You are in a happy strong marriage is already not the first year. Know your mate "before the cracks" and only one sometimes wonder what you do are different and sometimes do not match your desires! The fact that sexuality is very difficult and depends on many factors. Consider some of them.
Critical days for men and women
Today my wife fluttering like a moth. She is generous and seductive. Flirty and fun. Slyly looks spouse in the eye and smiling happily. And although the husband knows that even five days he can not count on that, but he's still happy: you don't need to be afraid that his wife accidentally "pricebut", no one will walk surly his favorite will be a sweet and gentle - because her PMS is over!
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Moreover, that they are endowed with the beautiful half of humanity known monthly troubles and put them in dependence libido. After menstruation sexy women increases. It is easier to relax and achieve orgasm. The closer to ovulation (mid-cycle), the more a woman wants to make love. However, the manifestation of remarkable temperament can nullify the fear of getting pregnant. For this reason the woman calmly to make love immediately after and immediately before menstruation, although in the last week before the critical days of premenstrual syndrome many spoils not only the character, but also the pleasure of intimacy. And this despite the fact that sex at this time may be the best cure for bad health and bad mood: deep relaxation plus hormonal injection" - exactly what you need during this period the female body.
Male sexuality is also dependent on hormonal levels, which, like the women, is subject to periodic changes relevant 20-22-day cycle of testosterone. The symptoms of a decrease in the level of this hormone in men replicate the effects of women's critical days. Representatives of the stronger sex become Moody, aggressive and quickly get tired of life. So if your husband isn't in the spirit - it is quite possible that his testosterone output today. Exists and the annual cycle of testosterone depending on the time of year and individual activity of men: in the late summer and autumn of male hormone in the blood is a huge number. Maybe that's why the number of children born increases in late spring and falls in the winter?
Experience, thought
"Time to go, to throw children in kindergarten (again to hear from the teacher for being late), to catch a meeting, meet with contractors (shake out Ivanova soul), to prepare documents, to achieve timely delivery of parts to convert documents to accept the goods, to congratulate the accountant happy birthday, send cargo, to lecture Petrova, and now running the meeting. And then again the documents, and calls from branches, and all necessary, and don't forget... Remember even in the evening, I have sex... "
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Periods of Park at work, creative impulse, ambitious professional accomplishments are not the best moments of passion. Yes, people are very excited, his eyes burning, rapid movement - and it seems that this impulse is appropriate to move in bed. But there it was - libido at this time, almost asleep. And it will Wake up only when the responsible area will be behind and the signal: "I Want love" will cease to glushitsa more powerful: "If not me, then who? " So please be patient and try to be your second half "balancing factor", after all, to relax, too, need - to "roof" do not go!
Prolonged stress suppresses all romantic desires
Attention! Doctors emphasize that sexual abstinence during the depression even more oppressing the body. But such is the impact of chronic stress. And here is an easy stress Vice versa mobilizes all organs and systems, causing increased sexual activity. Because the nervous system is not depressed, and in the excited state.
Morning. Day. Evening...
"Well, here again. Again, the husband is all messed up. In the morning everything so well begun... But then prevented children, and now, when they stayed the night at his parents, he, you know, fell asleep watching TV! When I leave for half an hour in the bathroom... And this one is in the afternoon clearly hinted, and before dinner blatantly molested! Well, let him only in the morning will try!.."
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The level of sexual activity is very (almost most of all) depends on the time of day. At dawn, as men would not love to sleep, erections, makes itself felt (they are about this wonderful phenomenon even novel fold). But experts say that the time of day affects not only men, but women's sexuality. German sexologist and chronobiology Peter PLATZ was the schedule of the male and female sensuality during sleep. So...
At 7 a.m. the activity of male sex hormones above the norm by 20% to 9.00 up to 50%. So, waking up (especially after erotic dreams), men are fully committed to having sex. But women's libido, and like the rest of her body, still asleep. Excited state a few quenched to 10 a.m. and again ignited to 11.00. The woman sexual activity has not yet woke up only at noon, female hormones begin to flow into the blood in large quantities. And about 12.00, when the men all efforts to work, their halves wakes up sexual activity (and as Housewives and working).
13.00-14.00 - peace of mind.
Closer to 15.00 men start playing hormones, reaching peak to 16.00. And best of all, in this time the woman also want to close, not only that, she wants passion, impetuosity, even sharpness. From the point of view of sexologists, 4 hours a day is the right time for love. (And for procreation, too - just at this time, the man the best quality sperm).
At 18.00 all mankind about sex almost not thinking all my thoughts are focused on to get home from work and flop at least for a moment in their native sofa.
In the most romantic time of day - evening (after 19.00) - is a total mess: a woman wants tenderness and warmth, but doesn't want sex. The man does not mind to give her tenderness and warmth, but with a logical continuation. And the woman pulls time away is a continuation. In the period 19.00-22.00 - the biggest mismatch of sexual desires: hormones women are silent (even if it is a day of rest), and a man actively configured to sex. Under the influence of male sex female sensuality awakens, and to 22 hours (unless the woman was asleep) it finally covers the passion. It would seem that the best time (children laid, the dishes washed, the bed spread), but the male body is ready to go the land of Morpheus! And you have to put a lot of effort not to give loved to sleep. Of course, the woman succeeds, but already after a few minutes of passionate hugs partner under the influence of endorphins received during orgasm in the brain falls asleep. And his partner in these minutes is still active and will be cause for resentment: did the deed, kissed on the cheek, turned on his side and began to snore. And who is he then?!
Owls and larks
Alena and Victor had to sleep in different rooms. That is, Alain slept in the nursery next to the child, and Victor on a double couch under the TV. No, they didn't swear, were not divorced, did not follow the original spiritual teachings. Just Alena - lark, and went to bed almost nine in the evening. And the owl Victor before three nights just couldn't calm down. Well what sex life, you say?
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The answer is complicated, but interesting. Since the middle of the night, just when Victor turned off the TV, Alena was able to Wake up and come, finally, in the marital bed...
Well, if both spouses in a couple owls or larks - it's easier for them to find time to be alone. In other embodiments, the inevitable complexity. However, difficulties can be overcome. A more optimistic situation in a couple where the wife - the lark and the husband - owl. For best morning sex. At this time the wife is full of energy, and owly nature of man fights his own morning burst of hormones.
Harder for the couple, where the husband - lark, and loves to sleep in the morning mate. But here you can find a compromise. The main thing is not to prevent the devaluation of sex information to his quick household contacts, in which only the biological desire, but too little soul and tenderness.
Love is also cyclical
"The husband is annoying. Sex is not interesting. A pity. Is this the love gone? "
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Do not rush frantically to sort things out themselves hoarse or to find ways of saving the marriage. Very often this condition is temporary and runs by itself. Even in the happiest marriages periods of full mental and physical unity alternate with periods of a certain distancing and alienating. In fact, it turns out, love also lives on the sine wave.
Researchers conducted an interesting study. The subjects, the young couple, daily, in the evening, he said, what place in their minds occupied the image of your spouse how much time and what emotions evoked), and make the appropriate entries. And husbands (wives) were not supposed to see these records, so as not to affect their halves.
Now these graphs showed that already in the first year of family life in many periods of stable tender relationship to his wife (her husband) were followed by periods of cooling and even short bursts of negative emotions. Scientists believe that the frequency shift of outbreaks depends on the characteristics of the human nervous system, temperament, his endurance. Usually it is more or less constant for each. It even can be accurately measured in the laboratory!
It remains to add that all of the above must be treated with a degree of healthy skepticism. After all, if you collect the "don'ts" of all sorts of manuals and treatises, we find that love is impossible to do in a storm, when the wind is blowing, the rain, in the days of the lunar Eclipse, immediately after bathing, when the hair and the skin is still damp, cold and extreme heat, drunk, tired from work, messy feelings... almost never. So the important thing is not what the weather is and what time of day my parents finally took the children to himself. Important - carefully and be sensitive to each other. And more to compromise.
- Each person there are periods of decline and rise of physical activity. The rhythm of States is 23 days from the day of birth. Consistency of physical biorhythms of the spouses is health and good sex. Note that the discrepancy between people usually feel intuitively, making relationships begin to take a bad turn immediately after meeting, and the problem is solved by itself.
- For most healthy people, sexual activity occurs at intervals of 48 hours. Sexual attraction every third day feel 21% of people. And 10%, this happens every seventh day.
Most women who take the contraceptive pill, become much chuvstvennie and excited faster. However, there is a minority which these pills are exactly the opposite: you receive some phlegmatically and lack of interest in sex. The researchers noticed that when hormonal means of a woman's changing the set of her lovely heart of Paramonov - substances which, on a chemical level is what attracts us to the opposite sex. So remember: a course of tablets can end, and my husband and you to live and live!
- High physical activity without training causes the body's healthy reaction: immediately restore power by a deep long sleep. And abuse your body, trying to awaken sexual desire, at this point, not worth it. And exercises you need to practice regularly.
Smereka M
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