Friday, October 24, 2014

Rules of life Julia Roberts

Rules of life Julia RobertsThe least I would like to spend this wonderful morning talking about me.

I try to speak very little. Because ultimately I very quickly get bored from itself.

Quite often people accept me for the person I am. Many consider me a bitch. Probably because I'm tall and educated. And because few people like.

The fact that my father had cancer

I learned only after his death. I was ten, and I specifically didn't say anything. They just took me home to my grandfather and said there that the father is no more. Perhaps it was then that I first realized that life can change in a moment - and when you do not expect. Now you're sitting at home with his mother, laugh, play, hug her, and then, a minute later, you are kindly requested to wear your best outfit, put in the car and you will know that you have no father.

Unfortunately, children have

blame yourself for the mistakes of the parents.

It seems to methat very often help you to form not great teachers, and, conversely, their absence. Exactly the same as those moments when you are ignored, it is much more important when you glorify.

Few people believe in itbut in College I was the last of the group, who kissed the boy, and up to 20 years, I didn't even know, who are lesbians.

The expression "less is better"

most of all, in my opinion, perfect for kissing in the movies.

I'm too highin order to be considered a girl, I don't have enough outfits to be a lady, and I would never call myself a woman. I am something between the aunt and the girl.

I have interesting work: I dress up as a doll, and then funny men paint my lips and tell me different is a good thing.

Actually people rarely recognize me on the street. Moreover, very often, when I meet someone for the first time, I have to say, "Good day! And you don't wait for me? I Am Julia".

Unlike most of the starsI never wear this dress, through which, if desired, you can read the newspaper. I dress like a man. Many say, "This Roberts dressed worse than my neighbor", and in such moments I want to say: "I Wonder, my dear fellow, whom you have chosen neighbors? " But I usually refrain.

Very often you play in the role sothat even going out with site, do not cease to live for his role. You go to a cafe, sit at a table, and you don't have coffee forever, and you urgently need the damn caffeine and all that. And now you want to stop the waiter and unexpectedly for herself instead of the usual "Sorry, but you have not forgotten about my order? " suddenly say, "Well, where's my freaking cappuccino? You everything if we was tired or what? I fucking waiting for his coffee to the second coming? Or are you saving me, because I think coffee would make me so ugly as you? "

And I'm crazy. For example, on the set, during breaks, I sit and knit. It seems to me that this hobby is not without a social component, in contrast to those who sits down to look through the logs, I can hold a conversation.

I love to lie at press conferences.


"Erin Brokovich" I paid huge money for unshaven armpits. According to the contract, each hair was worth a predetermined amount. I just forgot what it was for the amount.

People often ask me and that, admittedly, the men in the movie get more? The short answer is: Yes.

At that moment, when suddenly I began to get a lot of money, my life has not changed anything. Besides that everything began to ask, what has changed in my life after I was earning more.

It is believed that publicity is something like leprosy. You suddenly realize that you can't seem to the people, go to the usual places, and do what you're accustomed to. But if you spit on it and will continue to do what he used, then gradually you will realize that it is not necessary to sacrifice your freedom. And those who argue that it is not, in my opinion, just assholes.

It makes me laugh when I hear people say: "I think Julia I am not too good opinion." Each such person I really want to say, "Honey, if I was about you not too good opinions, you'd know it for sure".

I guess I could to engage in aesthetic restoration of teeth. And then in the Newspapers about me not have a single bad word. But it so happened that I began to do completely different.

The press is not such aggressive

it was in the past. But her stupidity is progressing so rapidly that sometimes wants everything became still.

I'll never to be filmed naked. To appear before the audience in clothing is an artistic representation, to appear bare - it's a documentary film. Besides, I don't want my algebra teacher knew how looks my ass.

I love hats. Especially for those who have messy hair.

My favorite curse word is "huesos". It has some style. And it's just more innocuous than "geopetro".

In my opinionI look cute.

The factthat after birth , I look normal, due not to the fact that I'm sitting on some fucking diet or every morning do a million exercises. Their form I on 97 percent of the required genes and only 3 percent to the fact that sometimes move your ass. I am in all my life never seen a cake that I didn't like.

I don't want forge of my children are little geniuses, or small actors, or successful small businessmen. I want the children into the house dirty, and they would have been the smell of sweat, dust and sun.

I can't believe

that I have three children. But I am happy that before I got them, I had twenty years of career. However, who says that it ended with the birth of children?

Of the two main components show business I prefer to stay in the show.

Very often from different people I hear "Your agent will never be your friend". Or: "It puts your money in his pocket. Believe me, it's a lie. Like the fact that all producers assholes and perverts. I've worked with many and confirm that it is not. The clever thing about this to me once my brother said: "Remember, this is business, not friendship. And everything will fall into place".

Before filming "Beauty" I talked with prostitutes and can tell you that their dreams and hopes about the future is much purer and finer than most of those I know.

It is very important learn how something to do with your hands.

I would never have started to appear in advertisements shampoo

. But I like those shampoos that issue in hotels. One of my friend once said, "Julie, you have such gorgeous hair! You what shampoo do you use? " - "Yes, those who take from hotel rooms," said I. And then she pulled out a Notepad: "Oh, and what's the name of this hotel? "

Don't like to talk about other people's Boobs.

When I have a choice between normality and madness, I choose madness.

I never know for sure that is really shocking to one person or another. Some time ago at a press conference I seriously asked, could I do a movie called "X*y". It was a low blow. I said, "you Know, it seems I'm still not ready for this." Actually, I can't even imagine what may be a film with this title, but really disturbing for me more, because I have to call my mom and say "Mom, hi, I'm in the "Fuck"! "

The term "Republican"

is in the dictionary between the words "reptile" and "recidivist".

I love to get out of the house. If you give a shit, and remove you.

I perfectly arranged.

I am rich. I'm happy. I have a great job. Around me beautiful and interesting people, and I spend at your leisure in the most amazing countries. I am all right, and, perhaps, to pretend to be someone else it would be simply dishonest.

In fact, any normal person

should want to shit on everything I say. Never understood why the opinion of the stars on any worthless about so interested in people. Hundreds of actors talk about what they think about politics, religion, about this and about that. And all of them listening so carefully, as even the Jews of Moses was not listening.

Who doesn't love laugh on the big toe, usually hanging tag from the morgue.

I am quite sure that people don't want to see me in a bikini.

I don't thinkI can now, of course, to say what my favorite song by Bob Dylan.

In childhood

we all know how to talk to animals.



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