They are different
Among really mad diversity of balls unprepared mentally newbie can just get lost. The main thing to remember is that all dampers are divided into the wrist and shoulder. The easiest carpal expander - rubber ring, all the other "bells and whistles" is a matter of taste. The only thing you should pay attention to the size and rigidity: the expander must be comfortable to lie down in your palm, and the stiffness should ideally be slightly less than moderate. By the way, carpal balls in the form of a dense metal spring sometimes show guile - some of them still manage to "grab" a fold of skin caught between the coils of the spring. Be careful!
In the discharge of the shoulder balls gets a lot of models aimed at the development of certain muscle groups. For example, the shock absorber in the form of eight, mainly serves to strengthen the hands of. As usual tubular or spring-loaded balls in tension are used for the development of the muscles of the chest, arms and shoulder girdle. Balls with the so-called protective sleeve designed for such a "sleeve" to put on the floor and step on it when you exercise legs. Balls with cuffs secured to the legs, are very popular with the aerobics and serve additional load for the development of all the muscles of the legs. Doing 3-4 times a week with a tubular resistance bands, you can increase or strengthen chest muscles. Tape absorbers, usually sold either in roll or already sliced. When buying such balls do not hesitate to ask to cut as much as you need it, and even better with a stock - don't forget that this shock has no handles, and part of the tape you will have to wrap the hands.
Many on the shelves of the sports goods and balls with the "bells and whistles". You can meet and dampers with anatomical handles and hinges for the legs, handles with holes for air access to "refresh" brush, rough surface as an additional insurance against slippage of the hands and "massage" effect, preventing "numbness" brush with intense training. To pay for such "extra comfort", you decide.
Attention to material
For the manufacture of balls used plastic, metal and neoprene. The load elements are often made of rubber, rubber-like material and metal. It is to be free from defects and material quality you need to pay attention to when choosing a belt, a round (or any other section) rubber grommets, especially near the molded handle. The most secure balls, made of rubber bands, protected by a rubber sheath. The sudden collapse of the working parts of such a shock absorber is practically eliminated. Remember - rubber balls are less durable than metal - fray and tear. Buying such a shock absorber, drag it. If you can see the structure of the white point, the simulator will last a long time.
To monitor the quality of rubber during training should be constant. At the slightest defect immediately replace the simulator, do not delay until the next time. After all, in the stretched condition of the rubber is destroyed almost instantly, and suddenly freed from the load end you can severely injure.
Do not buy balls in a sealed sets. Because you will not be able to determine its resistance and comfort. Moreover, as a rule, the shock absorbers in sets are very good quality. And even when purchasing be sure to inspect all fasteners "reliability". Any doubt shall be deemed a waiver of purchase!
Resistance force
To ensure that you do not have to try all the rubber balls in the shop "to the tooth" and make it easier to find exactly you need resistance, shock absorbers paint in different colors: yellow corresponds to the minimum resistance, green - low, red - medium, and the blue max. Resistance force of the spring resistance bands depends on the length, thickness and number of springs. Such applications typically have from 3 to 6 interchangeable springs. Adding and removing them, you can adjust the strength of the resistance.
Major manufacturers expander "settled" in the United States, Russia, Germany and Italy.
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