Friday, October 24, 2014

Fitness for beginners

Fitness for beginnersWhat can be dangerous to the gym? Except that the weight on the leg will fall... And that the body may not be ready to load, I thought? In sports sea a lot of "gotchas", but you can avoid it and get the maximum benefit from the practice.
Been a year since forgotten the way to the gym or lazy just three months - no matter. In fitness you are a beginner. To adequately themselves correctly will advance to undergo individual testing by a sports doctor.

To calculate the pulse rate

In 7 of 10 cases, a newcomer to the fitness center in the fray, and his cardiovascular system, in contrast, does not tear, because it is not trained. Therefore, first of all need to cardioactive on the Ergometer to determine fitness level: low, medium or high, and accordingly it to choose the most healthy workload and pace of the workout.

Good stamina is inherited, but it can improve cardiopatiei: running, and if it is contraindicated, walking on the elliptical trainer or treadmill, nikodema aerobics, water aerobics. Just three workouts a week for 50 minutes: 10 minutes: warm up, about 30 minutes - basic exercises and 15 min - delay, during which the heart rate calms down. And so 1, 5-2 months, and then, if not to miss classes, endurance is improving sporting opportunities are expanding.

Heart rate (HR) monitor with heart rate monitor is a personal or a built-in simulator. If during training, it is above the allowable, slow down or take a few weights.

Hidden hypertension

Come to the gym people are overweight. Like and feels normal, and the Bicycle Ergometer test shows good, then there is a medium, endurance... it would Seem that there is no obstacle. But measure your blood pressure after the test load on cardio workout and get 160/95 mm RT. Art. This so-called hypertensive type of reaction to stress, and in this case, even when the average endurance sports claims should be limited to beginner level, warns Olga Smykova, sports physician network of World Class clubs. And within 2 weeks to control blood pressure before and after exercise. You may need an examination by a cardiologist. According to who, if blood pressure exceeds 140/90, 4 times higher risk of heart attack and stroke.

Gutta-percha mayhem

You are on the treadmill. Awkward leg and tuck - Oh! Only the pain, to docuisti to the house. To prevent this trouble you, know, do you have a tendency to dislocation, that is, what is the status of the ligaments.

When soft ligaments risk of injury is increased, are prone to sprains, torn ligaments, micro-injury of the spine. During aerobics, exercises with a barbell put the clamps on the run use special shoes for Jogging. In order to avoid micro traumas and even torn ligaments do stretching exercises only after warm-up or in water. And be sure to try to create and then to maintain in good shape muscular - he will be protected against injury. However, to avoid them unlikely. So starting (or resuming) physical exercise, make sure that at hand was always analgesic and anti-inflammatory medication, which will help to stay on his feet after injury, dislocation or sprain. Natural than bezopasnoe You selected the tool, the better. This is usually the local drugs action (ointments, creams). Suitable, for example, complex homeopathic medication Traumeel S. Without prescription in pharmacies you can buy ointment and tablets. By the force of the action With Traumeel is not inferior to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac, which is traditionally used alleviating pain and inflammation in the joints). The Traumeel With it effectively reduces inflammation, prevents the formation of edema in the area of periarticular tissues, swelling and bruising at the site of injury and accelerate recovery of damaged tissues. But, as with any homeopathic remedy, Traumeel With safe.

Microcassette spine

"Micro" is, of course, something small, insignificant. But it is only at first glance. Long, regular micro-injuries of the spine and joints leads to chronic diseases: osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, and others.

What to do? Wait until you get stronger unaccustomed to load the muscles. Not lying on the couch, of course. Start not with aerobics and sports dancing, and swimming (better breaststroke or backstroke), Pilates. Strength exercises perform only with a small weight such as dumbbells, 0, 5 kg, lying on his back or stomach, to prevent vertical load on the spine. The weight of the weights should increase gradually.

Take care of your neck! Do not abruptly waving his head (like many), performing it tilts to the left, right, back, forward. Only gradually, slowly, so as not to injure the cervical vertebrae. Even shaking the press, do not forget the neck: do not pull her hands, trying to tilt his head, and just capite fingers on the back of the head; the legs lift force of the abdominal muscles and not the neck.

And yet - and this is no joke - it is very important during the sessions relaxed smile! This simple action relaxes the cervical spine. And tightly compressed lips, the lines in her forehead and clenched teeth, on the contrary, cause reflex muscle tension. So smile more often!

Slow and steady will be

In conclusion, a General recommendation for all: avoid unnecessary stress. Excessive force is not given health effect, but, on the contrary, lower immunity. Self-control in the classroom is not difficult.

Test Borg - 10-point scale, where zero mark - rest. 10 points - maximum use of body reserves. Healthy exercises that you do "a bit heavy", 4, or 5.

1 to 3 is very, very easy; easy; easy enough small load ("health") - a slight positive effect on health, the minimum increase in physical form.

4 - 5 a bit heavy load average is a positive impact on health, increases the level of physical training with minimal risk

6 - 10 hard; very hard; very hard big load to achieve a high level of training, is excluded for persons with an increased risk

Speaking test - funny, but accurate. If during training you are able to say a few phrases to sing in the forest tree was born" and you want to inhale every 3 words - everything is fine. If choking on each decrease the load.

Pain test.

On the morning after a workout, you should quietly get out of bed, not cursing the world from muscle pain. Nothing good in this pain-it is 80% connected with microtrauma of the muscle fibers, but not with the formation of lactic acid, as many people think. Next time longer warm up, select a smaller load. A good sign is when after 48 hours you proceed to the next practice and you don't hurt. However, "hard" in the gym, in spite of all precautions - thing everyday. From muscle pain caused by physical stress, will also help to escape the Traumeel S.

Training stop: if dizziness, dyspnoea, shortness of breath, cold sweat, flies before the eyes, when the pulse rate greater than 100 beats. min (even during the long vacation), a significant increase in blood pressure or decrease by 25% from the original.

Thank you for the advice Irina Lazarus, MD, PhD, head of the Federal Department of exercise therapy center physical therapy and sports medicine.

Test the flexibility

Try to bring the thumb bent brush to the inner surface of the forearm, not helping himself with his other hand. Normal length is 7-10 see If it is less than 7 cm or finger touches the forearm, you have a soft link.

Calculation of heart rate according to the formula of Karvonen

Lying down and relaxing, count "pulse of rest." Determine the tolerable upper limit heart rate formula:

for low endurance - (220 - age - resting pulse) x 0, 65 pulse of peace;

for the average endurance - (220 - age - resting pulse) x 0, 75 pulse rest.

The magazine "Health", No. 9, September 2007

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