Friday, October 24, 2014

Meditation in everyday life

Meditation in everyday lifeMany people think that meditation is something "otherworldly" and achieving a meditative state is possible only when the complete rejection of everyday life. Regular meditation takes time (the only way you will be able to look inside yourself to become an integral part of your existence. You can turn household care in a kind of meditation, practicing the so-called "careful attention", that is, focusing on what you're doing. You can experience spiritual enlightenment, appreciating the beauty of the world, or to use the practice of meditation, trying to sort out their emotions. The elements of meditation can be entered into your relationships with other people.

Key elements

- Incorporate meditation into everyday life can be different.

- Concentrate on what you do, do not be distracted by the world around you.

How to work with their feelings

Here the traditional technique based on the feeling of opposites-allows you to objectively evaluate your emotions, many of which usually are not controlled by consciousness.

Deeply relax. You can sit, pauliat or lie.

- Imagine the various pairs of opposites and pay attention to the physical sensations they cause.

- Start with pairs. causing minimal or missing positive (negative) Association hot - cold, hard - soft, light -- dark. Note the reaction of your body in a state of deep relaxation.

- Go to couples with a more pronounced emotional colouring (the first word in the pair must be positive) and watch. what feelings they evoke: birth - death, spacious narrow, happy - sad, happy - angry, pet is an outcast.

- Remaining in a state of deep relaxation, watch what feelings are awakened in your body at the thought of the negative component of the pairs of opposites. This will help you to learn to recognize them and understand what takes you out of yourself and why you feel it does not matter, experiencing negative emotions So you can to do something to feel better and relieve tension in and around itself.

- Repeat the words with a positive color, then move on to the next pair of opposites

- Finish exercise your setting and make some smooth deep breaths before going out from the relaxation and perform the ritual ground.

How do you feel?

In order to link the physical and non-physical components of your being, it is very important to develop the habit to recognize that specific feelings the brain. It will be much easier to control emotions because you feel their appearance. Any emotion associated with physical sensations, there is no other way to understand how you feel. We have a "dark eyes", when we are angry. We "tremble at the knees" when scary. Grief is "anxious heart, and we wander in the dark", if something is unclear.

Once you learn to understand what really feel, you will be able to avoid a negative reaction to a trivial situation. As soon as you notice that you begin to negative feelings, take a moment (remember the advice to count to ten, relax, and imagine the opposite, positive feeling. Then you will be able to react to the situation positively, bringing to life what they have learned through regular meditation.


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