More than 40 years ago, the famous American psychologist and gerontologist Robert Butler brought the term "ageism" - from the English "age" - the age. Under the concept of implied negative stereotypical attitudes towards people in the older age group, simply older. They say that with these old guys to take them just to scold the young people and be depressed. Ageism was (and still is) ubiquitous, but nowhere he brought so much suffering, both in a professional environment: why to hire a very Mature person if elderly people due physiology weaker memory, health, worse study, the heavy lifting on and don't accept new and have bad character. Moreover, they are not brilliant, somehow does not fit into the image of a progressive, thriving companies. Incidentally, the latter phenomenon, when they meet on a pretty face, called leucism (look - look) and is also included in the category of humanitarian crimes.
But that in democratic America it is customary to call a spade a spade and to fight against discrimination of the blacks, the dissenters and the elderly. In the Fatherland as manifestations of age discrimination is rife, but no one aims to producit employer, searching young and cute face the staff. Despite the fact that the denial of employment from age considerations expressly prohibited by law, all used to, that if the vacancy announcement said: "Requires professionals, age not important", then most likely you will be offered a trade in the Chinese dietary supplements, on a larger count silly. Let's see how to put the straw, if in life the Zenith you suddenly have to find a new job.
If youth knew...
So, what are the assets of the blessed 20-27 years? According to employers, this learning agility, efficiency, flexibility of thinking, more "fresh" education. And on the side of 35-45 year old called experience, more sober self-esteem, stability, availability of business relations. The older generation practically does not take sick leave to care for young children (because they are already grown up and not so eager to high positions, preferring to give labour the dust performance. And they are not hurt, then runs into conflict with the leadership because you have to pay for the education of children, not yet repaid the loan for the car and slam the door not with hands. And any day of the week they do not peck in the morning by the nose, so as not "hanging out" before the dawn in the night club, as it is usual for young colleagues.
And it seems clear that it is more profitable to recruit Mature comrades, however, to overcome persistent ageism is not so easy: your resume will postpone seeing the depressing truth about 43 years, for the same reason, refuses to be interviewed on the stage of a telephone conversation. Sad the word "wasted" will cancel all your services: you may not aim high professional results, to pass the time until retirement, to improve your skills unprofitable to invest money, because again close to the horizon. In the end, the employer may be alerted that a high-skilled specialist, what is supposed to be at this age, suddenly withdrew from the old site and looking for work. Whatever it was, all the "insinuations" potential head - just stereotypes, and you the strength to overcome them.
Know, know how, can
So, if you are sure that the specialist is valuable and that even if you do not possess any skills, then quickly eliminate the gap, go for it. First, learn to ignore the age limit. If the job contains this agesthe requirement, in summary, indicate the desired 35 years. And God is with him that you five-dozen old are their democracies more, the interview will understand. In the end, you really need this job, and you should get it. Recall that the hero of Dustin Hoffman in the movie "Kramer vs. Kramer", and at the same time Alexander Abdulov in "the Magicians", your motto: "See the goal, I do not see obstacles! "
Of course, the interview will be talking about the real age. For God's sake, do not raise the feathers, and a disarming smile, as the singer Fisherman, they say, deliberately made slyness, white lies, and it is possible that the benefit is mutual. We repeat: "the vault" has meaning only when you are super-duper expert, and age is the only obstacle in the way. If the level of knowledge and skills assessed as "able to turn on the computer, know a little, but will gladly learn - better not to expose themselves to ridicule.
By the way, about computer literacy. Modern leaders are confident that the "Oldies" take this wonderful technique as a terrible unit, to which and to approach something scary. To surprise, please indicate in your CV that you are a confident user and list the programs in which we work. High results in the unfolding of solitaire you can not announce.
Do not hesitate to praise myself. Yes, you know a lot and know, and a good man, at least not conflict. When the time comes the question, saying, "why with such wealth and freedom", that is lost previous work, answer honestly. As the accepted answer in such cases: there were family circumstances, was raided by the crisis, wages fell, but was able to sit out of the house and look around. And now you are full of energy, enthusiasm and ready for the feats of labor.
To resume looked impressive, have to enquire in advance, in particular, your education should consist of at least two school years don't count. In our days full of commercial universities, courses and trainings, studies which will allow you to expand your professional scope. An important caveat: the employer doesn't matter five years have you taught English or a few months. As practice shows, this requirement makes sense only for translators. Others use the language Britov only when shouts of "Yes! " and "Welcome! "
HR specialists advise in the summary to focus on Hobbies in active sports. This eliminates awkward questions about health and characterizes as a Bon vivant. Agree, the phrase "engaged in tennis and swimming" looks more convincing than "at leisure, knit, embroider and watch programs Evgeny Petrosyan".
Do not give up temporary work. Yes, you are a good specialist and has the right to apply for a permanent position, but on bezrybe do this. First, the work will increase the income, look for a new place without a desperate thoughts about the threat of starvation. Secondly, there is nothing more permanent than temporary. Who knows, maybe circumstances will change, the leadership is aware of your precious word, "hop-hop - and a damn".
Gray-haired, wise
That Mature age is not necessarily a dream about retirement fishing and chess, and the ability to live and work successfully, and after 35 it's only the beginning, say the following biography.
Writer Edgard Burroughs, author of the acclaimed adventures of Tarzan was the military and the police, and the owner of the shop, and even a gold digger. Started writing after 35 and that is what has brought him worldwide recognition.
Famous Russian artist Yuri Larin, whose works are exhibited in the museums of Paris, Moscow and new York, worked as an engineer before the age of 40, when he entered the Stroganov school.
Resident of the island States in Oceania Francois Lately worked as a lawyer and leisure designed bows. At 62 years old he made his debut at the Olympics in Sydney, taking part in competitions in archery.
70-year-old resident of Volgodonsk Nicholas Ershov working as a police officer and an engineer at the airport, after retiring on a pension, he entered the South-Russian state technical University. There he is now studying for a welding engineer.
Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald's Corporation, opened its first fast food restaurant in 1955. He was 52 years old. People started literally from scratch, and even at that age, not knowing that in a few years will reach dizzying heights.
Fyodor Grigorievich Corners got into the Guinness Book of records as the only world practicing surgeon older than 90 years. In 97 years amazing doctor was conducting complex operations.
Journal of modern women
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