Women's happiness is derived from the realization of the main purpose of the woman defined her nature and everything connected with it: to be loved, to have healthy children, a husband, a good life. Women's happiness is different from the male that is inherent in women. If a man should build a house, plant a tree and raise a son, the calling of women to be a wife and mother. Even a little girl, playing with dolls "daughters-mothers", come up with a "Prince" - this determines its role in life, her calling.
Every age has its own vision of happiness. A teenage girl happy, because that meets guy, popular in the company, strong and beautiful. In 29-35 years old woman happy, if her choice is not just beautiful, but also occupies a certain position in society, stability and independence. Middle-aged women in the men want to see strong shoulders, stance, and some of the women says: "She is happy, because it provides all and does everything". That is, you can see happiness in a simplied way of life.
Happiness is a subjective assessment of the lived life and the realization of dreams and ideas. Many happiness in the vocation to marry and have children. But not everyone has a husband and children. One lives with her husband and has no children, the other Vice versa. And someone still has her husband and children, but doesn't feel happy. And all because to be completely happy is often lacking something. The fullness of happiness - the concept of the individual, subjective. If the minimum program procreation, satisfied feeling of motherhood, there are other needs. Everyone has his own.
Woman's happiness depends on the level that sets itself every woman. The higher the bar is, the less happy she can feel, after all, set on too high of a job, sometimes unattainable. Research is a subjective assessment of happiness in different countries showed that people from countries with low level of income considered happier than in wealthy countries. Obviously, they were not even aware that something can be and want to complete happiness.
Therefore, an important role for feeling happy playing the assertion of women as self-contained individuals, in all aspects. But in the most part, women's happiness is associated with personal life. Those who do not is personal life, can find happiness in something else: in the robot, children, Hobbies. People appreciate them for it, and women feel happy.
Some people feel their happiness, their own wealth, but often women who received full financial benefit, feel unhappy, have no peace of mind: worry about their belongings through hard work, or you want even more. Therefore, happiness in another. Happy woman seen from afar - it all shines with happiness... love Her, respect you, but there is one small but very important point - it is not burdened life. Unfortunately, women get tired not only from life, but from races with other women for the beauty, appearance, position. So don't feel happy.
I wish all women to learn to see happiness around him, enjoy every day! A truly happy woman, happy moments notice on a daily basis. And no need to remember the days that were not enough sun. And Vice versa - always remember what was good, what warms the soul and for the sake of what you need to live.
This heat is transferred and others - happy smiling woman with the sensitive heart is a ray of light for her husband and children. And if women's happiness is not all right - don't forget that even after the darkest night comes the morning.
School of life
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