Unfortunately, products, negatively affect our liver, in the stores is quite a lot. And we should know. Have you ever wondered why stormy yesterday's feast with booze the next morning revoked strong headache? And why is there pain under the right rib? This results poisoning the body with harmful substances. It affects the liver.
And if you overload the liver often and regularly? Where will this lead? To the fact that the reproductive capabilities of this body will be exhausted, under the influence of harmful substances, healthy liver cells begin to degenerate into the usual fatty tumors, and will begin the disease called cirrhosis.
The human liver is a filter, is necessary for normal functioning of the whole organism. And if something doesn't work the filter, therefore, harmful substances will be distributed throughout the human body. Will begin an overall gradual poisoning of the body.
Therefore, you should know what foods cause the most damage to our liver, which it hurts the most. It is much easier to eliminate "enemies" from your diet than to engage in long-term treatment of liver diseases.
For liver harmful:
- Fruits and vegetables with a sharp taste: garlic and onion, leek, radish and radish, sorrel and cranberry, kiwi and cilantro. The list you can continue independently.
- any alcoholic drinks. Its neutralization liver spends a lot of effort. Especially harmful moonshine and vodka, brandy and whisky, brandy and strong liquors. Dark beer in moderate quantities, the liver is able to process. Especially if it contains b vitamins, and the alcohol content is not high. Less damage causes liver dry red wine.
- Black coffee. Especially strong, and without milk.
- Vinegar, mustard, spicy ketchup, marinades, meats and pickles.
- Unwashed or poorly washed vegetables and fruit. There is a risk of catching these diseases liver as hepatitis. I will add that to get hepatitis through any contact with foreign blood.
Just overeating. Especially in the evening before bedtime. Liver at night, too, want to relax, and you their insatiable appetite make it work until the morning.
- don't be a fanatic, taking drugs. There must be a measure. Check with your doctor. Is not good when getting rid of one disease, you will get liver disease.
The liver likes to have treated her with respect, in accordance with age. She quietly performs a necessary and thankless job. Appreciate her for it.
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