Men act
No, well we girls can afford a little "bed scenes", each of us dies actress. But men! They also simulate. And it takes a serious turn, once men's magazines publish advice on how to do it correctly.
"Wear a condom. To simulate an orgasm without condom absolutely impossible. Forget about the theatrical moans, circus sighs and concert aspirations. Do as they always do. If you do not remember, as it usually happens during the next copulation lay on the pillow next to the recorder. After you supposedly greeted Kotelnich cramps, promptly remove the condom and dispose of it. It is desirable, of course, to throw out the window. Do not forget that should be after orgasm: hug her, kiss her on the cheek, or to turn away and go to sleep".
In General, keep in mind: if a man hides under the pillow recorder and after coitus runs with a condom at the ready to the window, he, most likely, not a pervert, and a pretender! That, of course, is good news, because men make up orgasms exactly the same reasons as women, tired, and hurt favorite't want that. Or was going to hit her fifth act for the night, but alas.
"Information has become greater. And sometimes redundant. And everyone wants to be "no worse neighbor. Over the last 10 years men began to imitate orgasm more often. This is due to the desire to "be on top" and to avoid the stigma of "problematic," explains the doctor.
However, of all my respondents, only one discovered the forgery. "It seems, my ex once simulated, although I'm not quite sure (sex was in the shower, so it was not very clear). We then cool sprung, and men drunken existence on the weekends there with this complexity," he remembered Anya. Whether we are as inattentive as men, whether the situation has not become a mass scale. While scientists say the number of simulators-men less than 50 percent. Against our 95. Boys!
The magic power of self-suggestion
Not to hurt a loved one, to feel passionate/th and hot/them, revenge - all these reasons are clear. But an imitation of orgasm to orgasm you've heard? I once worked with a disgustingly cheerful girl. You know, there is such type of people who ALL IS ALWAYS GOOD! They talk nasty sounding voices, filling all space, there are initiatives which implement a completely mediocre, receive a portion of kicks, why not lose their presence of mind. Dasha was such. Tireless love of life she drew on courses, trainings and even went to get the second higher - psychological, of course. From her I learned why feign orgasm: She was sure that her mission on this planet is to bring joy to people. At least, those who kept her ultrasound or circumstances who was trapped with her in the same office. Dasha claimed: simulating, how would you lure orgasm. The principle is the same as in a bad mood. Begin to stretch and face become swollen eyes in a smile, the brain turns on the feedback mechanism, and improves mood.
"It's a method of treatment of anorgasmia, it was used by Professor Svyadosch in the USSR, " said Dr. Kulhawy. - It is effective, but only in complex therapy. The mechanism of biological feedback - it is an axiom, not a hypothesis. For example, if a woman has had a clitoral orgasm and no stimulation, even if it would represent the loss of consciousness and convulsions, nothing happens."
So it turns out that lied to me Daria, went to this Institute. Suddenly! In Britain there are even courses to simulate orgasm to get the real, referred to as F. A. S. T. E. R (flexibility, agility, stability, tone, endurance, rhythm - flexibility, agility, endurance, tone, endurance, rhythm). The essence of the practice is to train the muscles of the body that are involved in sex, as well as relaxation and exercise on the imagination. The class learns to submit to sexual scenes and scream erotic chants, like "Oh, God, Oh, Yes, Yes, darling, that's it! What is it you lot! "
Orgasm can not pretend not to blush, explaining to the man that he does wrong, but simply't make. There is another way - auditory training. "Brighter and brighter. I'm relaxed. Everything will happen by itself". And so, in the morning and in the evening. And preferably in the afternoon. Lying down, relax, repeat 25 times. And not to stray is to loop through the rosary or to shift the matches. And if anyone in the workplace will find me in preorgasmic condition with a rosary, know this: I lure orgasm.
Islamia O.
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