Before build relationships with new friends, ask the stars what to expect from such a Union.
About how the constellation of the zodiac circle affect our love addiction, says a lot. However, there are some secrets which Izvestia only astrologers. After learning them, you will be able to determine under what sign are you waiting for love happiness.
As in the Eastern tradition, the sequence of signs of the Zodiac, the Europeans are not random. The zodiac is the structure, and, as in any structure, it identifies the chain of the internal connections. For example, odd and even signs of the Zodiac - how they get along with each other in General and in particular in the field of love?
For odd-numbered signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius) characteristic activity directed outward, initiative, commitment, often impatience - the desire to immediately take the bull by the horns. Around them occurs atmosphere, anxiety and tension.
Their power is active and creative. According to astrological tradition odd characters are male and designated by the symbol (+). It is established that born under the sign (+) men are more harmonious by nature than women.
Even characters, female (-) -Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces is more passive than signs (+), but more sensitive, live a rich inner life, tradition, does not manifest itself actively and often take a wait-and-see position.
They do not win, even as signs and bewitch attract. Odd signs sensitive and often react disproportionately with the significance of the event.
For women born under the sign (-) is good for men is worse: the character entered is some disharmony (possible lack of initiative, lack of firmness).
Usually the initiators of new things are odd signs, even a take initiative, develop it and bring what is called to mind. Odd and even signs attract each other like the poles of a magnet, but their relationship is, of course, much more complicated.
Between plus and minus signs of possible serious contradictions. Not everyone even mark likes them too rigidly controlled, give the shaft when it is driven. At the same time, plus the signs of becoming tired of hauling on a rope minus signs.
Especially it concerns two adjacent characters. So, Taurus seems too slow impatient Aries, and a thorough Taurus Aries seems too frivolous. However, this does not mean that Aries and Taurus may not be friendly couple. The Golden rule of astrology will never be considered one of the sign itself, but always in relationship with others. In a pair of the even-odd can be very different ways of interaction.
Female charms
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