Everyone wants to meet her only half that would understand perfectly, supported in a difficult situation, gave joy and love. To be with this person all the time. Yes but freedom should also be given a partner, otherwise too close a relationship can lead to negative consequences. And the name is symbiosis.
Having met his half, we try to please her in every way, help you, support you, no matter the rights he/she or it is up. That's a perfectly natural state of loving people. And often it happens that in the name of love, the creation of common interests, one of the partners loses their individuality, flair. Requiring increased attention to themselves, relationships. Love is not just in the first place, it literally haunts everywhere. Relationships are transferred to the stage of symbiosis. So let's see what is the symbiotic relationship between men and women.
Symbiosis is the desire of one partner or both, which is very rare, to be constantly together, to think the same and want the same.
Yes only pitfall is that in this case someone loses their individuality in the pursuit of desire to be standing next to your partner. Imagine a couple, chained handcuffs. Naturally, they put one of their partners. To go so not very convenient, but possible. And how much so you can go? Not a lot of. It turns out that those who did not seek to bind themselves handcuffed, will seek to escape from captivity. Here is a picture of symbiosis in the relationship men and women.
This heightened attention to the object of love is good in floral - candy-period and honeymoon. When so I always want to be in the arms of a loved one. But after this, each partner should have their own area, desires, interests that are not similar with those of the half. Otherwise there will be no development, and no one will be interesting.
This behavior is characteristic of a very sensitive and vulnerable people. Fearing the loss of a loved one, they are trying all means to keep him. In consequence of which appear in the relationships conflicts.
Symbiosis is when two organisms cannot exist without each other. And people are likely to live. Symbiosis by a woman looks like. It is completely invades the lives of men, trying to fill all the space. Her love becomes an obsession. The man is very difficult to withstand such an onslaught of love. It needs its own area of independence, where there will be women. So often men try to break such a relationship, you feel guilty.
Male symbiosis from the female is more cruelty. Men try to protect the woman I love from the outside world, offering to quit work, not to chat with friends or just in his presence. Try to forbid to wear short dresses and skinny jeans.
The woman associated with the house. And the man often considers itself a continuation of the house. So he feels comfortable when a woman is at home.
Female romantic symbiosis, and the male warrior.
Often symbiosis creep as family values. To be standing next to your partner, to require him CSOs. But it's good only at the beginning of any relationship, and then such a situation is detrimental. Indeed, loss of identity, and with it dies the love of the partner. One lives in the illusion, wanted his half guessed desires, understood perfectly, always near. This women want. But men are more tyrannical, they want to take control, know every action women. A symbiotic relationship is detrimental for love. There are exceptions, but rarely.
In a symbiotic relationship does not happen, usually children. And if there is, then grow in conditions of constant dependence and lack of autonomy, is not the best option.
If you want such a relationship, and be aware of their destructive influence. Everyone wants freedom, not postgate on it.
Stay individuality, expand the boundaries of their interests. In this case you will be interested in your partner, and he anywhere you are not going anywhere.
If you feel symbiotic attitude from men, try to explain to him the dangers.
If you will not turn out, that in no case do not lose your individuality, remain yourself. The only way to save the relationship. Let's read this article, maybe it will help you. Rejoice in his interests, to communicate with friends.
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