Many famous women have suffered from severe diseases and defeated them. Their story is an example of the vitality and strength of spirit, help us in our own difficult situations. Says the teacher of art history, St. Petersburg Institute for the Humanities, Maria G. Vereshchagin.
Top for Sofia
Sofia Sokolove, known under the name of Sophia Loren, was famous even in his youth. Luxury beauty and talent made her the most recognizable woman in Italy. However, under the veil of prosperity actress hid the real tragedy. Sophie couldn't be a mother. Most experts blame for all the hungry child.
Poor nutrition has an impact on the ability of the actress to get pregnant. Sophia Loren, who dreamed of a child, went through several miscarriages. Each of them was her tragedy. She was plunged into a prolonged depression, which ceased only with the onset of a new pregnancy. But after the fourth miscarriage, the doctors made Lauren almost a damning verdict. Children she will not.
Several years have passed. Lauren contrary to what doctors continued desperately to hope. And suddenly there came an incredible from a medical point of view pregnancy. Already at its first month several times threatened interruption. She has grown so much that the doctors recommended Lauren bed. Then the actress was hospitalized and eight months did not get up from the bed.
Her patience was rewarded. The actress gave birth to a perfectly healthy son, whom she named Carlo. Their surprise was not the end.
Four years later Lauren became pregnant again. And again eight months she had to stay in bed, avoiding even the slightest physical exertion. The maximum that was allowed expectant mother is to take a few steps around the room. And again Lauren stoically withstood the test.
She carried and gave birth to their second son Eduardo. When he was two months, the actress gave the first in a long interview. Smiling happily, she uttered a phrase that next week was the main headlines of many Newspapers. "Motherhood is passing underneath the clouds, and the smile of a child is the top of the world," said the amazing Italian.
Victory Sharon Stone
Each of us watched movies with Sharon stone. Looking at her beautiful, confident, talented, it is difficult to predict what the complex fate of this woman. As a child she fell off a horse, received multiple fractures and had more than half a year to lie in plaster. But this was only the beginning of a chain of misfortunes.
Teen Sharon was in a car accident and once again I spent many months in hospital. Even after a few years she had contracted infectious meningitis.
The fourth top ten actress waited for another blow. After another mammography doctors made stone diagnosis: breast cancer. On hearing these words, the actress said: "This cannot be! 't believe it! " And began a series of surveys.
They dragged on for months, after which the doctors have admitted his mistake and took a terrible diagnosis. The actress was not cancer and normal breast, which is half the women her age.
For several years the stone had a break. The actress married the famous publisher Phil Bronstein. And here again came the black strip. Forty Sharon wanted to be a mother. Her husband, too, longed for a child. But all attempts to have a baby ended in failure.
Then, several years later, in an interview, Sharon said, "I never cried. There were no tears even in the most difficult moments of my life. But when the doctor said that I'll never have children, I burst into tears".
However, she remembered her history with cancer. And did not leave their hopes of getting pregnant. Woman any more could not speak and think. She became nervous, quick-tempered, all in the family often have quarrels. During one of them, Phil had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital.
Sharon, vinisha yourself in all day and night was on duty at the bedside of her husband. When he began to recover, his wife devoted themselves to the health of the spouse. And gradually, the idea of pregnancy has lost its importunity. The couple decided to adopt a newborn baby boy. This happened when Sharon was 42 years old, and her husband is 47 years old.
Hollywood celebrities always employ nannies. Sharon became the exception to this rule. She did everything herself - warmed bottles, changing diapers, walking with a baby, fed him. And was the happiest woman in the world. However, concerns have undermined the strength of the actress.
When my son was a year old, Sharon suffered a stroke. There was a long treatment. But as soon as the actress felt better, she returned to her husband and son. Moreover, she again began to act in films.
In the future, Sharon plans to try yourself in the role of Director and producer. And recently she said she is thinking about adopting a second child.
Heels stubborn kat
Kathleen Turner is the owner of "Oscar" and recognized the darling of America was becoming a difficult test. It all started suddenly at the next filming the actress suddenly felt a sharp pain in my knees. After a few minutes the pain stopped, and she forgot about this episode. But a week later, the attack was repeated, only this time ill the hands of the first brush, and then elbows. Yes, and the pain lasted longer.
Further, things went even worse. Joints ached more and more. When the attacks started to happen every day, Turner still has addressed to the doctor. Began survey, which showed that the actress is suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. This disease is growing rapidly and spreading to nearly all the joints. Their mobility is becoming more limited, and gradually the person loses the ability to move.
In this forecast Kathleen did not believe. In spite of her illness, she continued to act in films and play in the theater. The many roles she played in high heels. Looking at flying gait actress, the audience did not even know what agony she felt. Back in the dressing room, she lay for hours on the sofa in the hope that the pain subsides. Gradually the pain became almost constant.
From work had to be abandoned. Eighteen months after the first attack she could not walk without assistance. Her raised beds, planted in a chair and helped there, because to bring the spoon to his mouth actress was very difficult.
She began to spend in bed all the time. Appointed by the treatment did not help. From the ever accept hormonal preparations actress several times repeated gastrointestinal bleeding. One of them was so strong that life Turner was hanging in the balance.
The doctors canceled the old drugs and began to pick up a different treatment plan. One of them gave a very good result after a week the pain started to subside. In addition, a few millimeters increased joint mobility.
The actress was a little to raise their hands. This gave lost strength after Kathleen hope. She came out of the depression, where he spent the last months, and became involved in gymnastics, specially designed for her. Day by day, overcoming the pain, Turner did the exercises. Sometimes she drove himself to exhaustion, and doctors had to ban the practice.
After a few months, Turner was able to get up and do a few steps. A year later, the actress almost completely recovered from the disease. Kathleen Turner returned to work, she starred in many films and began to play leading roles in new productions. While treatment continues.
Women's health
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