Friday, May 2, 2014

Simon Oaks

Simon OaksA confirmed Bachelor and His Only invite You to the wedding!

You would like to receive such an invitation from friends or maybe dream to send it on their behalf? Get ready for that soon these wishes will come true! To speed up the process is now quite a simple steps: read (to give to friends) a new book by Simon Oaks "Why men marry".

According to statistics, in our country more than 1/2 of the female population alone. Do the rights was the one who invented the saying "Men are like Parking spaces: all the good already taken, and those that remained, for people with disabilities"? Fortunately, this question can be answered with an unequivocal NO. Fairy princes, as perfect men, described in glossy magazines, of course does not exist. But my personal ideal is quite possible to find. At least 2/3 of these women could happily marry if their potential representatives believed the marriage advantage, and not the tragedy of the life. How else to explain the fact that about half of all Russian couples live without a stamp in the passport?

The famous racing driver and Lovelace Simon oaks was just one of these, firmly vowing never to marry. And today, he is faithful and loving spouse. What made it so cool to change their priorities, but still "pass" the free men hook, line and sinker unmarried ladies? Simon tells in detail about this in his book "Why men marry", revealing the secret map of the route to the marriage altar, which is appreciated more than 2 million readers from 9 countries of the world.

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