Monday, May 26, 2014

Sex is cancelled: which dampens libido

Sex is cancelled: which dampens libidoAttraction is a fragile thing. Just a second ago you were excited and you madly wanted sex with him. And then he did something wrong - and the passion was gone, and the prospect of sex disappear.

I'll give you the moon

Rare girl doesn't love romance when she presented with flowers, say compliments, dinners by candlelight, beautiful look. But even more girl I love, when all this romantic stuff happens in the measure, and feelings of the partner supported by real business, and not only sworn promises to get the moon from the sky and name a star in her honor.

Well, admit it, do you like every day or every hour to get an SMS that are so similar to each other and predictable that reading them becomes just boring (and the words "I love you, miss you, love, the whole" soon will dream you in the worst dreams)?

And can to you it is pleasant, when your young man recites to you the verses of school readers, or worse, of his own composition? Or you attract his absurd compliment, when, instead of simply and humanly to tell you that you look like a goddess, he begins to carry some stuff and compare you with Bud blooming roses in the winter garden and. etc.

Such romance completely kills the female libido! Elaborate compliments and overly obsessive attention cause irritation and depression, and not the desire to have sex.

I wave, new wave

Great if men have interests and Hobbies: worse, if we talk about anything else he's just not capable and is constantly "in its Wake".

For example, he likes rock music - that's fine. But does not mean that his fragile girl must be accompanied at all meetings of the rockers, listening to the stream of swearing and inhaling pair of cheap alcohol.

Or young person passionate about science and all day waiting for the Apple fall on his head and he will be able to come up with at least some law. But what does his girlfriend, which I want to discuss the latest collection of Versace or just to talk about what is happening in her life?

Maybe your man is an athlete, flawless body, which, however, does not mean that you have all day to eat boiled chicken, listening to his selfless stories about the benefits of protein. In General, mad men is not sexy: those who do not know how to hold a conversation, and live in their own world, will hardly be able to seduce us!

Male superbeasto

"Dear men, I want to ask you, if you somehow read this article. Now, we do not require you diamonds pure water, sports cars, fashionable clothes from leading design houses, but don't be greedy and petty - it demeans you. Thank you. Loving you woman".

Great if on your path to meet generous men who can not only "the whole world lay at your feet", but to give a couple of useful, desirable, and above the earth's gifts. The situation is worse, if a young man asks you out on a date in a fancy restaurant and when the waiter brings the bill, offer to pay half or even complains about the crisis and the delayed salaries and asks to pay you, using the excuse that he will do it at your next meeting. Or is he really unaware that the next date in this scenario simply does not take place?

Greedy and petty men discourage us not only sexual desire, but the desire to see them in a radius of one kilometer.

Dumb and dumber

Along with men, with an innate sense of humor, there are men with congenital absence of a sense of humor. And all anything, but they for some reason do not wish to accept this fact and make pathetic attempts to show off his flawed wit and eloquence. This would be fine if it wasn't so ridiculous!

Tell me, dear girls, how many among you are those who love jokes, looking for them in all sorts of magazines, stores, barely hearing on television or loud laughs when your man tells them? And did you in such an awkward situation when your Beau said, "I Want to have fun? " or "it will be very funny".

Poor man, why don't they understand that even from afar not remind residents of Comedy club.

The moral: we hate it when men show us your subtle English humor. If they do not possess them, it's better not to use as a weapon of seduction. Not necessary to demonstrate the folly, better to let them show us something else.

I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid

When it comes to men's fears, the first thing coming to my mind the image of scoring a lanky, which not only can protect his girl, but he will hide behind her back at the first opportunity.

But, admit it, no less miserable is brutal macho that when a girl turns into a timid hamster, timidly peeping out from her plastic house.

And if in the first case, the girl will have to fend off bullies, in the second case you will only need to take this too timid brutal male on his hands and place them in a bed strewn with rose petals. In General, we are confident, moderately persistent men who become for us the protection and support!



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