In 70th years of the last century in Sunny California Professor of linguistics John grinder and student-programmer Richard Bandler began to study the peculiarities of communication best therapists that time: hypnotherapeutic, gestalttherapie of Grizabella, family consultant Virginia Satir and others. The results of these studies have developed models of hypnosis (steel ispolzovanie), effective learning and psychological consultation (liked psychologists and coaches), relations (dates&relations).The models were tested and popularized in books-the March started NLP around the world.
However, the official psychology from NLP rejected and thereby creates an aura of mystery, which on one hand helps to sell the recipes NLP expensive (because it is considered that the mysteries are expensive), and on the other repels, because manipulation is bad. Although profitable.
What is NLP for business?
A set of instructions on effective personal communications. They basically do not depend on the content of communication and applicable sales, negotiations and presentations. NLP, based on the level structure of any successful (effective) communication is always like. The structure of successful sales, negotiations and even Dating the same. For example: the goal of the negotiations that take into account the value of the interlocutor, the transition between the different styles and strategies of thinking, feedback is given.
Note that good negotiators are almost always aware of the tools of NLP, because nlper only highlighted what was already in place. So it's not necessary to take courses NLP to become a good magician. On the other hand, the progress in expanding the boundaries of one's own skills and then NLP is very useful.
How to apply strategies of NLP in a business environment?
Create a comfortable emotional atmosphere in the complex negotiations
One of presupposing NLP says: all human action has two levels: behavior and positive intention that this behavior is. All good negotiators always(! in the first ocheretinobouquet it is on the second level. What does this mean?
The first level is all that man does. In the context of difficult negotiations, a difficult partner can scream, insult, evaluate, bullying...
The second level - that what he was doing. And this "why" is always "positive".People shouting to be heard (it seems to him that he can't hear), insults that to obtain the recognition of self-worth and status; assesses that his arguments were taken into consideration; answers back to get more leverage to negotiate.
The strategy of successful negotiations in the style of NLP
For every, even the most terrible, mind and result, behaviour is a positive intention. Always! And so the strategy NLP negotiations is that when a person does not respond to his actions and his intentions. For example, through phrases:
- Vypadalo us, I refuse to cooperate with you.
"Yes, I understand that in negotiations with the us is important to you was to get a more precise proposal, and that you are now trying to find. That's why... (the text of your proposal).
The key to the heart of each interlocutor
Hearing that the other person recognizes "your" tsennosti translates communication in a constructive way, any person becomes positive sane partner. Now imagine how many transactions were thwarted only because ctoni one of the parties did not go to the level of positive values partners... It is the essence of moderation.
I can say that one only this strategy underlies and successful sales, and presentations, and negotiations. The only difference in the methods of its application depend on the specific context, butit question of tactics, not strategy.
As a strategic outcome, to mogucnosti that good NLP is nothing more than the language, but not less. And this is serious, at least because the language is born of magic.
Skillful negotiator after a few constructive touches partner, ask egoo that he understands: "offer", which means "cooperation" for him, etc., That it was primarily important in this cooperation?
Features NLPabout which, as everyone knows, but it is worth mentioning:
To open the genius of each. Using the tools of NLP you can get a reasonably accurate picture of how the thinking of a specific person (its values, strategy thinking, filters of perception and so on) and then to spot the changes. For example, people used to say, "we will do, we will succeed..." is a great form of communication for team building. However, such thinking is sometimes prevents the acceptance of responsibility, independent from the influence collective decisions. And so on some managerial positions, in certain contexts, it is very appropriate to complement format "I-behavior": I decide, I know better, I say...". Of course, it delaycalculation for the client and with his consent. In this case NLP-consultation turns into a coaching session.
Environmental friendliness. Ecology is the basic premise of NLP. Its essence is that any changes in man and in communication should lead to the desired for neopolitian. That is, if one wants to develop in yourself the qualities of a leader ("I-behavior") this will have an impact on all spheres of his life. And not the fact that, for example, the native will be happy. Therefore, the task of NLP-coaching - these questions are clarified by defining the scope and napravlenie.kstati comfortable for the client. Here are the relevant questions from the series: What if it is? What will happen if it doesn't? Which will not happen if it is? What will not, if it doesn't?
The Bogutskaya D.
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