Disruption of blood vessels entail many problems, including atherosclerosis, angina and heart failure and ischemic heart disease. In turn, these diseases can cause heart attacks and strokes.
Who data disappointing: one of the two inhabitants of the Earth are suffering from diseases associated with poor blood vessels. In addition, this issue now concerns not only the elderly but also young people. It is worth saying that the vessels affected by a number of factors. To break the blood vessels, can poor diet, lack of exercise and the presence of harmful habits. Efficient cleaning of vessels folk remedies, which will help improve health, and to improve the quality of your life. Next we will give some General advice.
How to maintain and clean our vessels?
1. Must be engaged in physical culture. When a person makes to work the muscles, the blood flow through the vessels increases significantly reduced the risk of blood clots, and development of small vessels, which increase the power of the heart.
2. Need to rethink our approach to food. At the moment most people eats correctly. This contributes to the accumulation of excessive amounts of cholesterol, which is able to gather in cholesterol plaques, which seal the vessels. To reduce the amount of cholesterol you should refrain from eating fatty meat, butter, dairy products with high fat content, as well as to limit the consumption of eggs, bringing their number to 2 or 3 pieces a week.
For cooking better than vegetable oil. Special attention should be paid to seafood. They should be used as much as possible, because they contain substances that prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the vascular walls. Eating a variety of cereals, vegetables, fruits should be increased.
3. You must force yourself to stop Smoking and other bad habits.
But even if You follow all of the above recommendations, cleaning vessels is still needed. Cleanse the blood vessels in several ways: by means of medication or using medicinal plants.
Cleaning of vessels necessary procedure to prevent many diseases. However, medicines and medical treatment, although short term, but may cause damage to other organs.
Cleaning of vessels folk remedies - it is the best choice of healing the body.
These recipes allow you not only to clean the vessels, but also improve the metabolism in the body.
1. Ingredients: honey 2 cups, fennel seeds 1 Cup, Valerian root 2 tbsp., boiling water 2 l
B3-liter thermos mix the pieces and pour boiling water. To insist during the day. Take for half an hour before meal 1 tbsp. spoon.
2. Tibetan recipe. It is used 1 times in 5 years. Ingredients: chamomile, Hypericum, Helichrysum, birch buds 100g.
Grass mix, pour into a jar and cover tightly. 1 tablespoon of the mixture pour half a liter of boiling water and infuse for twenty minutes. Put in a jar and close the lid. Strain through a cloth. In the evening take 1 Cup of infusion, diluted in 1 teaspoon of honey before going to bed. After the reception there is and can not drink until morning. In the morning, the remaining infusion needs to be warmed up for a couple and drink for twenty minutes before a meal with dissolved 1 teaspoon of honey. The course of treatment until the collection of herbs.
Materials resources : vbrake.info, lekariy.ru
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