Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How to accustom the child to the potty

How to accustom the child to the pottyWhen do we start to teach the child to use the potty? Such issues concern almost all parents of young children. And almost everyone wants this to happen as soon as possible, because the ability to regulate these processes is a clear sign of growing up.

For some parents who believe that their child is behind in development because still writes in diapers, although it should go on the potty (for example, because of his age - the son of a neighbor already does), this issue is very relevant, and they make a huge effort to instill in the child's toilet habits.

And if the child is not amenable to training, they begin to think (and tell others about it) that potty training is hard work. Actually, if you don't rush the time to take into account the regularities of the natural development of the child, to teach it to the pot is fairly easy, as if by itself.

First, you should know that the child was able to successfully learn the skill of the toilet, his body must reach a certain degree of maturity. Typically, this maturity does not occur till 1, 5 years.

Throughout the first year of life the child does not monitor and has no control over his bladder and bowel; the acts of urination and defecation are carried out at him involuntarily, as they are filled. He does long not aware that it happens. The processes of departure physiological needs are regulated unconditional reflexes.

It will take some time, so that the child has acquired the ability to self-regulation processes of urination and defecation: the creation of his organs involved in physiological needs, to become sufficiently Mature nervous system, capable of formation of conditioned reflexes with which these acts are governed and managed.

Children with irregular chair in the first year of life accustomed to the pot is almost impossible, no matter how hard his mom and dad. They need to wait until the child becomes older.

Secondly, be aware that not all children Mature and become capable of self-regulation at the same time, there are individual differences in this process. That is why children of the same age to begin to ask for the potty and pee at different times. And you should not compare your child with other children, make it fit in more "developed".

Thirdly, as with learning any other skill, the greatest impact have not coercion and punishment and encouragement.

According to known Dr. Benjamin Spock, the main stimulus that contributes to the formation of toilet skills of the child, is the desire to please her. If a child sees his mother rejoices when he uses the potty as intended as praise him, he will have a strong desire to do it always.

To ask the crock children, as a rule, do not begin earlier one and a half years. Although there are those who do it a little earlier, and are not asking for a pot and up to two years. Much depends on the child's development, but a lot - and from the behavior of his parents. If they give the baby to understand that for them it is very important that he told them when he needs to pee, if you encourage him every time he does this, he will seek to deliver them this pleasure just because he loves them.

After one and a half years many children becomes unpleasant wet, dirty clothes, they want to remove it. And when they realize that they can avoid package service, if the time to inform parents about what I was going to the toilet, they are doing it themselves, without coercion - using all available means (sounds, words, gestures, and other).

It is important to track these moments is to immediately bring the child to the potty for 5-10 minutes and be encouraged, if the pot was used on purpose. The child will be proud that I was able to deliver parents the pleasure.

If a child has spent this time without any result, it should not be forced to sit on the potty as long as he will not do what you need, nor should you blame. In General, you should try to hide his chagrin and disappointment. Better just to ask the child to tell the next time he wants to use the toilet.

If a child at this age has a regular chair, but never asks to go to the toilet itself, it can be set on the potty at that time, when he usually occurs bowel movements. If the child did what he was expected, it is necessary to praise and to ask next time to tell mom when he wants to use the toilet. If all the efforts of the mother lead to nothing, it is better to postpone these efforts for some time.

At the age of about two years, most children already fully potty trained. Even those who are not accustomed to it specifically, trying to imitate adults, themselves ask to go on the potty. Although fully implement this process, they can't: they need to be removed from them panties, put on the pot, etc. to Perform the entire procedure yourself children learn only to three years.

We must remember that in these cases also the most effective measures are not punishment and blame, and gentle handling, persuasion and encouragement. Sometimes it helps the example of other, older children. But the attempts to put the child on the potty as often as possible and keep it there for a long time, absolutely fruitless. It only enhances the resistance of the child. Although these children, usually for three years already successfully using the potty and do not stain clothing.

Regarding voiding the situation is different for children harder to learn to control the bladder than the intestines. That is why many children and after two years still pissing in diapers and not only at night but also during the day.

Usually girls start earlier to ask for the potty to urinate than boys. This occurs most often with them in the second half of the second year of life, writes Mamka.ru.

Sometimes children ask to go on the potty when already pissed in panties. This is due to not harm the baby, and the fact that he was at first much easier to see the wet clothes than full bladder. In this case, you need to calmly and kindly ask to inform mom (or dad) about this a little earlier, while her panties are still dry. Gradually the child will begin to track and share these moments.

It happens that a child trying to please his mother, rejoicing each time his luck with regulation urination begins to ask to sit on the potty every 5-10 minutes. In this case, something to distract the child, gently talk to him.

If the child is not asking for a pot, and the mother wants to accustom him to it, she can start to do this when you notice that the child is able to stay dry for more than 2 hours (for example, after a day dream). Immediately after sleep, you can sit on the potty and ask to urinate. If he did it, he should be praised. If not made to wear diapers and wait for the next time.

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