Despite the variety of diseases, growing in autumn, they have one thing in common: starts them our weakness, mainly the weakness of the nervous system and immune system, but also stupid, which prevents us to behave properly in the fall.
For some reason all psychoses, nervosa, depression, and just a bad mood tend to get close to us in the fall. At this time of year there is a major restructuring in nature, and we are a part thereof. The body tries to adapt to the cold weather, reduced day length, and the head to get used to the idea that even a long time will have to wait for next summer, and with it the holidays. Many do not survive.
The body reacts to fall differently. Someone wants to go to sleep, someone to cry, someone is sleep deprived and angry at the whole world. Lyrics would say that this is an accord fading nature. Doctors use the term - neurotic (or gray) depression, and the most severe cases are called psychotic depression, or, differently, "black melancholy". Police add that autumn is the greatest number of suicides.
But nervous and mental disorders, the impact of the fall is not limited. Dank mood slowly but surely undermines the entire body.
Food for thought
Statistics say that almost every person in thirty years to buy a few chronic diseases. However, not always aware of it. Objective information about their ailments can be obtained in the off-season, because at this time, as a rule, come aggravation. First of all, gastritis and ulcers.
Physicians, for example, believe that diseases of the gastrointestinal tract "start" neuro-psychological factors. There are cases when under stress gastric juice were eroding the lining of the stomach within a few hours.
About the problems with the gastrointestinal tract speak the feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, belching. About gastritis is the same, plus the so-called "haphazard" pain and hunger, and after eating. About the presence of stomach ulcers testify heartburn, sour belching and pain 2-3 hours after a meal. There are signs - it's time to see the doctor. However, it is necessary to decide on endoscopic examination, in other words - it is necessary to swallow the light".
Someone will object: this study in itself is stressful, Yes, you will be jailed "clover" from one thought can be depressed...
Do not bring everything to the point of absurdity. Attack of peptic ulcer, for example, the doctor will take 3-4 days, an active course of treatment takes about two weeks, and full tarabzouni ulcers takes a month and a half. You can tolerate. However, at the time of treatment about spicy and fatty food, tea, coffee, chocolate, and cigarettes and alcohol have to forget. But mashed food doctors you "torture" will not.
Personal account
And here is another case, which often have doctors of modern hospitals. Come on reception to the beautician emotional lady, she's in a panic: acne on the face, but still "sitting" on the red, inflamed vessels of the skin. Smart doctor is in no hurry to "beat" her vessels, and recommends to conduct a full examination, since gastroendoscopic. The survey indicates the cause of acne acne - pathogenic flora in the gut. After the course of treatment prescribed by a gastroenterologist, acne disappears, same thick mesh of vessels remains. To hide the redness, the woman still has to impose on the person a thick layer of makeup.
Soon she is scheduled for the next course - taking drugs that restore the nervous system. Then add a personalised medical cosmetics, and soon she again comes to the beautician to remove, finally, their "stars". Beautician removes the usual thick layer from the face of the patient, and - dumb! The lady sees his face in daylight without makeup: no "stars" no!
So obviously there is a chain: nerves - gastrointestinal tract - skin. As you may have guessed, these patients often come in the fall. What is also quite logical.
And what do you have?
Even if we exclude from our list of solid block of chronic diseases of the ear, nose and throat", which also just adore to appear in bad weather, the list of fall ailments can continue and continue.
Osteochondrosis to him a subject of almost any woman after 30 years. Hypothermia in conditions of high humidity and sudden changes in the weather, more sedentary than in summer, life is fertile ground for exacerbations.
Insomnia - develops on the background of stress more often in women (60%) than men (40 %). Is, essentially, a stress to the body and leads to its chronic exhaustion.
Diseases caused genital infections - they are similar to inflammatory. Began to frequent colds - do the tests. The most common trouble - cystitis, mycoplasmosis, herpes. The most insidious - chlamydia, because her agent penetrates into all body tissues, muscles, bones.
Demodex - quite exotic aggravation. Microscopic Demodex mite (acne Zheleznitsa) often tolerated by the hands and towels and willingly settled on the eyelashes, the eyebrows, the chin, while remaining virtually invisible to the host. Treatment does not love, to strive to go "underground", so after some time once again shows itself.
Despite the variety of diseases, growing in autumn, they have one thing in common: starts them our weakness, mainly the weakness of the nervous system and immune system, but also stupid, which prevents us to behave properly in the fall. Scientists also accused the head: they suggest that the cause of seasonal exacerbations of chronic diseases in humans - violation concentrations of melatonin, the hormone that produces the pineal gland, a small piece of iron, hidden deep in the bowels of the brain.
Autumn tips
Pamper yourself. If depressed, exacerbated by the approaching winter, you are already familiar - plan a vacation in the fall and enjoy the warm foreign sea and the bright sun as long as possible. If signs of autumn mood appeared unexpectedly, immediately begin to indulge in all sorts of pleasant things and try to keep positive emotions pushed back negative.
Take Valerian. To support the nervous system, to release the head from the sad thoughts, and to normalize the sleep, in the evening, prepare an infusion of Valerian for instructions on pharmaceutical packaging. Don't leave plates: inhalation of vapors even more effective than the tincture inside. Take 2 tablespoons of infusion in the morning and in the afternoon, and at night - a third of a Cup, add 20 drops of the tincture of motherwort and 10 drops of the tincture of a peony.
Stock up on sea-buckthorn. One or two teaspoons of sea-buckthorn berries, pureed with sugar, will provide the daily requirements of vitamins.
Do not experiment. When the ulcers can relieve the pain a glass of milk with a pinch of soda. But keep in mind - this is an emergency measure, and nothing to do with the treatment here. About dietary supplements and herbal forget - you are putting yourself at risk.
Take care of your joints. If you receive a seasonal pain in the joints, take b vitamins, which improve the nutrition of the nerve roots and cartilage surfaces of the joints, as well as calcium supplements.
Klein T.
Be healthy
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