Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Summer dress code for office

Summer dress code for officeClothing can contribute to career growth and can cause a dismissal...

The need to comply with rules that require a certain appearance, spoil the mood is not one office employee. Many see the dress code is almost as violence against the person and even as a violation of human rights!

However, dress codes continue to operate in many companies. And as employers, as a rule, approve the introduction of such rules, most often, resistance is useless. But if the person can't change the situation, the correct way is to change the attitude towards it.

It all starts with interviews

With the requirement to comply with the dress code, many are facing right on the interviews, when mini-skirts, microsort and even jeans are eliminated without any doubt along with their uninhibited owners.

When hiring office staff, the question of compliance of the dress code rises almost always, " says the Director of personnel center "My work" Natalia Stognienko. - Most often, the requirements are quite loyal: office attire low-key makeup, neat haircut, manicure and pedicure classic colors.

- Appearance of the applicant says about his relationship to the company and to the position for which he claims, explains the commitment of employers dress code psychologist Oksana Navrotsky. And since office clothes can sometimes tell more about the company than the employee, special attention is paid to appearance workers, who have to interact daily with customers and business partners.

Bankers do not envy

In General, the degree of rigidity of the requirements to comply with the dress code depends on the scope of the firm, responsibilities of the employee and particular situation. Special attention to the form of service given during the events related to important decisions (e.g., business meetings), the success of which largely affects the appearance of the employees.

With regard to spheres of activity, more than likely restrict lawyers, employees of insurance companies, staff in hotels and restaurants and, of course, the Bank employees. Regardless of the time of year ladies solid banks are required to be in stockings (stockings), closed shoes, formal suits. Deviation unacceptable: employers are firmly convinced that "free" clothes can cause the company irreparable harm.

- Dress code - a mandatory component of the modern office. If the company is especially important to gain the trust of customers, the appearance of the employees must be impeccable. Who would believe an insurance company or Bank if their members look as if they came to work straight from the villas? So the dress code is one of the most easy ways to improve your company's image, " says the chief consultant VISOTSKY consulting Alexander Vysotsky.

At the same time, even in very serious companies to clothing some employees - PR, designers, journalists try not to find fault. Most employers understand that restricting a person's creative profession can lead to loss of identity and even the loss of his professional qualities.

"Free" dress code creates a non-working environment.

Clothing as a reason for dismissal

In fairness, we note that an extreme measure for non-office style - dismissal - is used infrequently. Theoretically, to apply any sanctions to the offender, it is necessary formalities like the edition of the order and reading them all workers. In practice, however, the shrew employee may be asked to write a statement on their own, as happened with my friend Hope.

My job in the insurance company was purely a paper that is not connected neither clients nor with partners, " says Nadezhda. But the boss demanded observance of the strict office style, without making any concessions on the summer heat. Last summer, my patience ran out, and I came to work in a sleeveless dress and sandals that is strictly forbidden by internal rules. The boss rudely gave me a note. When the next day I came in sandals, it, saying that I "undermine its authority and establish their own rules", has made me a second warning, and the next day demanded that I wrote the statement on their own. Write a statement I refused, offering to dismiss my article. However, the company went a different way. The salary we had gray - 1000 UAH. officially, the rest in an envelope. And so on payday I was given only "official" part, saying that from now on it will always be so. Of course, after that I had to write a statement...

Limit or aid in the career

- Throwing in a decisive battle with the established procedure, many people do not think about the fact that by limiting the choice of dress code at the same time it simplifies. Not all staff can demonstrate excellent sense of style, and here they come to the aid of the already-designed rules. And the rules of the dress code more strictly, the less chance to get lost in the variety of clothing options, considers Navrotsky.

If office clothes much too, and you wouldn't mind a few to deviate from established rules, psychologist advises to look at his boss. If your boss allows himself some freedom when choosing clothes, you may follow his example. The main thing is not to violate the laws of business style first.

It is quite another matter, if you want to achieve a higher grade and salary. One appropriate "outfit" this, of course, is not to achieve, but every day to signal to guide their professional values through the selection of clothing is completely in your power.

The media is strictly suit all your form as it tells the employer that he is ready to take a responsible position, - said the psychologist. Therefore, even if the company's rules lead to some moral and material cost to you, treat them not as human rights violations, and as a "building block" needed to build their own career.


Mitkovska N.


Komsomolskaya Pravda

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