Wednesday, April 30, 2014

5 main enemies slim figure

5 main enemies slim figureWe are accustomed to think that slimming enough to exclude from the diet of sweet and fatty and bigger move. However, it turns out that there are foods that provoke attacks of hunger, thereby forcing you to once again fall off the diet.

Nourishing soups

It would seem that ate nourishing soup or cabbage soup with sour cream and were filled. It wasn't to be. Very soon you will want to eat.

The thing is that strong meat or fish broth is a rich concentrate of nutrients. Receptors signal the brain and result in increased production of gastric juice. So one the first dish you do not get off, the body will require the salad, second course, dessert and juice.

Alternative: prefer mushroom and vegetable vegetable soups. By the way, based on the latest special soup diet, which helps to lose weight.

Fried foods

One of the memories of fried meat or Golden potatoes enough to have played serious appetite. And all because our olfactory receptors can not resist the strong aroma of fried food.

As a consequence, our stomach produces large amounts of hydrochloric acid, which is more than enough to digest all this yummy without residue. And didn't you want to eat?!

Alternativeselect less appetizing, but more healthy steamed and braised dishes.

Pickled products

Pickled gherkins, tomatoes, olives, mushrooms, herring and garlic are extremely tasty, but to satisfy his hunger with them will fail.

Acetic acid in marinades, causes an increased production of gastric juice, and after such a spicy sweet-and-salty snack you will definitely want to eat anything else.

Moreover, you will want to drink. But since salt binds the liquid, whatever you drink will remain in the body, increasing your weight.

Alternative: fresh vegetables and salads low calorie and without prejudice to the waist.

Spicy dishes

Dishes, which added hot pepper, garlic, ginger, fresh onion, warm up the body from the inside, stimulate blood flow and increase appetite. The same effect on our stomach mustard and horseradish.


: fresh food is not a sentence. Avoiding hot spices, it's easy to create a seductive aroma of dishes using the "harmless" for the appetite and is very good for health: dill, parsley, Basil, oregano, cilantro, tarragon, etc.

Acidic fruits and berries

Sour berries and fruits perfectly stimulate the production of gastric juice. So eat a handful of red currants or Antonov Apple, alas, will not succeed. Appetite will be stronger still. But if the desire to eat there is no such fruit "snack" will help you quickly tune in to a full meal.


: sweet fruit - persimmons, figs, cherries in small quantities perfectly satisfy hunger.


Knyazeva R.



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