Have you noticed that the man usually takes a portion of the food more than the woman? As the researchers explain, this is because the male body contains fluid is 20% more than women. And metabolism in those is faster. Accordingly, men have on average 700 calories more. What is even the difference between male and female way of weight loss, says our expert, K. M. N., nutritionist Marina Kopytko.
Women: sports up a sweat from fat will not save
Let us unmask the biggest myth slimming - gym for the fair sex will not help in burning fat. But do not rush to shout hurrah and sell their tickets in fitness.
Yes, women are genetically less muscle mass than men. Meanwhile exercises that are performed without fanaticism, but correctly, helps our muscles to be in good shape. Accordingly, emphasize the beautiful curves and hollows above in the right places. Nutritionists recommend at least and a minimum load, but with a duration of not less than one hour.
And all because the female body has its own specific features.
Female fat cell differs from the male. It is larger and more - because we lose weight much slower than men, but gain weight much faster.
- In the female body contains more Euroopassa enzymes. One of the activators of these enzymes - estrogen, a female sex hormone. Therefore, the body beautiful sex initially programmed to store fat faster and more efficiently.
- Estrogen is the cause of fat accumulation in puberty, during pregnancy and while taking oral contraceptives. Fat is necessary to maintain reproductive function and normal pregnancy.
- If men have fat stored usually in the abdomen, the women mostly in the hips and buttocks. The so-called obesity "type pear". Sometimes there is a "mixed type" of the shape.
Basic tips
No low calorie diets and fasting! Fat cell begins to store fat if you don't get enough nutrients. Will save only a balanced diet.
Water is a must! It accelerates the processes of gerogianni, dissolves and removes the products of oxidation of fat, helps the skin to be tightened and razglazhivaetsya when the volume decrease. Not less than two liters per day! Especially in summer.
- Remove snacking! The rest to follow only green tea without sweets or a glass of clean water without gas.
- Before menstruation many played appetite, especially drawn to sweets. This is caused by fluctuations in blood sugar. So take advantage of "Recipe for a perfect half and prepare healthy and tasty drink: half a Cup of dried fruit (choose no sugar, even will be ugly) plus half a Cup of warm green tea. Infuse overnight. In the morning stir the mixture in a blender, add one Cup of green tea. Squeeze in the resulting mixture of half a lemon or lime, add a little cinnamon and ginger. Cinnamon dulls the appetite and ginger speeds up the metabolic processes.
Start to drink small SIPS throughout the day during the week before menstruation and continue in time. Drink increases blood sugar and helps to avoid the evening bouts of hunger.
By the way
Important features
- Women cleaved from 500 grams to 1 kg of fat per week. Wait miraculous "minus five for a week is not worth it, everything should be evenly spaced.
- The periods of stagnation or "plateau" there are men and women. Adapting to the diet, the body slows down and weight stubbornly standing still. In such moments, you can use the fasting days.
- Men at the beginning of the diet can drastically lose weight. But this is due to the reduction of water and muscle tissue in the body. And it threatens to decrease basal metabolic: weight loss slows down.
According to clinical studies, if the waist circumference in women more than 80 cm and the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference is greater than 0, 85, increase the risks of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes. Overweight even provokes cancer.
Men with excess body weight increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, diabetes, 80% increased risk of dementia, affecting joints and the spine. Obesity is a cause of sleep apnoea - interruptions of breathing at night during sleep, which can lead to sudden death. And one of the causes of male infertility...
Men: the bigger the belly, the more cholesterol
By nature men have more muscle tissue than women. And for weight reduction simply required power load. Usually a standard set of exercises can give and instructors in the gym, and nutritionists. Moreover, the view, the frequency and duration of exercise should be individualized. Because men have their own characteristics.
Fat in contrast to women the strong half of humanity accumulates in the abdomen. This so-called visceral fat that surrounds the internal organs and is located in the greater omentum. The accumulation of fat in these places is dangerous, since this kind of fat increases in blood "bad cholesterol". It also reduces the amount of testosterone - the male sex hormone.
Nature decreed that the male body from birth has the ability to burn fat faster than a woman's body. The male body contains more fat splitting enzymes than in the female.
Fat cell in males and less lazier than that for the accumulation of fat, so weight is gained slowly.
Basic tips
Most men, especially of business, a lot of negotiations, which are accompanied by libations and numerous snacks. How to stay within?
- Replace alcoholic drinks on a good dry red wine.
In order not to overeat, order lean meat: beef, veal, lamb on the grill or barbecue. Or seafood that are low in fat and a lot of substances that are important for male health. Meat perfectly with vegetables, which you can eat as much as you want, especially with a dressing of olive oil.
Make sure that the bread was only from rye flour, as well as cold snacks can be ordered beef carpaccio, seafood.
Office lifestyle leads to a small expenditure of energy. It is believed that physical activity per day should be 1 hour. Replace lift stairs, walk when possible.
What examinations are needed, if the husband has strongly gained weight?
Test for hormones of the thyroid and adrenal glands.
- Tests by an endocrinologist for metabolic disorders.
- Examination of the prostate, the PSA level.
Komsomolskaya Pravda Ukraine
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