- Mom, I can't learn! Here is unclear word! And no rhyme. Mysterious Dunya, Neily, mares and stallions refused to be remembered by all known methods. On memorization not have time. Anger Sasha began to shout poem, and it became clear that this poem is rhythmic chants, and well-remembered music in the style of rap. Had to write the exercise in the recipe, do the math and homework on the world...
The lesson Sasha was faced with another obstacle on the path to excellent rating. Telling the poem, all the time she broke into the home in a rhythm.
This sad experience has taught her three things, which she strictly follows six years:
1. Not to postpone lessons on the last day.
2. Never start doing lessons with the memorization of verses.
3. To learn poems have in the rate at which going to tell.
- Like all people, " says psychologist Maria Baulin, children differ from each other in temperament: there is a "dimwitted", which are dominated by the phlegmatic and melancholic, and there is a "meteor", which usually are choleric and sanguine. Both options are the norm. Parents can only teach children to properly manage your time.
Thus, if the student long sitting at the lessons, you need to artificially limit the execution time homework. The fact that longer than one hour the child is difficult to survive, so the further seat at the table just doesn't make sense. Slow schoolboy better to do lessons in two-three approach, and in between doing other useful things.
Learning to learn is a science. It is no accident today in some schools impose a special course "Technology of educational work".
But one of the simplest methods homework parents can teach children and themselves.
Begin to do homework
Children love rituals and easily follow them. Let the cooking lessons will be one of the ritual.
The first thing to restore order in the workplace student. You need to check whether all is for homework, whether it is convenient located on workplace writing materials and textbooks, properly-lit table.
Now open the diary and classify tasks according to the principles of:
- simple and complex;
- written and oral;
- favorite and least favorite.
No need to start with the most complex tasks. Because of the difficult takes sometimes a lot of time, something not possible, the child feels a failure, he has no desire to work on. To begin to do the lessons cost from the favorite subject - what exactly happens.
Teach the rule
Arithmomania passage always remembered worse than the verses. However, the rules need to know word for word. To remember the rule, you must understand it and be able to explain in their own words. And now saubrigues".
Several times we read the rule aloud.
- Close the tutorial, try to repeat. If not immediately, then you can have a peek.
Then write a rule from memory, without preliminary peeping in the tutorial.
- Scanned by the book. Errors corrected with red paste.
Again close the textbook, write, test, fix bugs.
And so up until the rule will not be recorded without errors. And now I must come up to him examples. After a couple of hours repeat the rule again. Thus, it is delayed for long term storage.
For solving tasks in mathematics or physics first, see how it rule. Determine what formulas you need to know to solve it. Look at what is already known of the conditions and what you need to know. Make a drawing, diagram, drawing, describing the problem and a brief account of the conditions. Make a plan for solving the problem: that we must learn eventually, and what steps will be intermediate and will lead us to the correct answer. When the problem is solved, check the correct answer from two perspectives: from the point of view of common sense (not to get half digger) and do a mathematical proof.
Retells the text
A summary of the text always begins with his careful and thoughtful reading. If a child learns in elementary school, then please read aloud. We specify the dictionary of obscure words. Prepare a plan for the story. It can be based on keywords, asking questions to the text, or by using the plot of pictures illustrating the text. While the talent of the painter doesn't matter - enough characters or diagrams. It is important to have a dedicated main ideas of each paragraph of the test. Select words describing the characters of the story. Then try to restore a story composed or drawn plan.
Preparing for the oral response
Many students do not consider it necessary to prepare for the oral response. But in vain!
To the acquired knowledge could be the basis for the subsequent study material, you need to repeat the material covered in class, and at home.
To do this, read the given paragraph, teach definitions, dates, all that bold. Retells the text, answer the questions at the end of the paragraph. Job to the material.
Teach poem
If you can catch the poetic rhythm, memorization of the poem turns into a pleasant experience. You can sing the poetic line, in accordance with the rhythm shaking his head and waving his arms. But it also happens that the melody of the poem escapes, and then teach in a traditional way.
We read the book. Imagine everything it says. You can imagine a cartoon or mentally draw a comic for work. If you come across a strange word to look up in the dictionary. Read, trying not to peek.
Close the book and tell from memory. How many assembled - many times even tell.
The poem, as the rule, it is necessary to "rest up" in my head. After a couple of hours again read it and tell.
Learn foreign words
On small strips of paper with one side write foreign words, and on the other, the translation to them. While I write to remember. Then take a strip of paper, read the word and select the translation. You can translate from a foreign language into Russian, from Russian into a foreign language. After a few practice strips is a lot, you can catch retinoscopy, and not throw out, and from time to time to repeat the words remaining from previous lessons.
For a start, you must help the student and monitor progress. And when the child will learn this way, he is quite able to do without help.
To understand and learn
Ekaterina V. Komarov, President of Applied education CIS" teacher of the course "learning to learn" company "city class":
Barriers can be divided into three:
- violation of the principle of gradualism;
- funny word or symbol encountered in the text or speech;
- no idea about the subject.
If it violated the principle of gradualism, the child does not get the complete picture of the studied subject. Losing one link in the chain of reasoning or not doing practical work, the student loses the opportunity to continue learning. Therefore, parents should ensure that the student gradually performed all the tasks.
If the child slowed down the pace in training, he felt that he thinks is worse than 15 minutes ago, it means that he met on his way funny word. This is the most serious and most common obstacle, and eliminated it is very simple - with the help of a dictionary. After identifying the cause, are as follows:
- Find in the text above the word that the child does not understand (the meaning of which can not convey in your own words).
Open a dictionary, we find the interpretation of the words.
- Include the word in colloquial speech (the child invents a few sentences with this word).
- Read the entire text, and if the interest in the text is in no hurry to appear, return to the first item.
If, after the child has read the dictionary, the word is not understood, then we are talking about not understanding the subject matter.
To resolve this obstacle, you need to make the subject clear: show a picture, sculpt it out of clay.
Romanova A.
The health of the schoolchild
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