Horses love, as a rule, all. Just in different ways. Some people like horses from a distance, preferably on the TV screen. Other - due to the fence of the arena. Still others hold out bravely on the palm sugar. Some can even sit on horseback, velvet nose, look at black bulging eyes, whisper in my ear all sorts of nonsense and tenderness.
To ride horses is useful for everyone. Even people with disabilities. Rather, in the first place people with disabilities. Actually, hippotherapy and appeared half a century ago as a method for the treatment and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, especially children. By the way, Hippocrates treated wounded soldiers, putting them on the horses. This is called word vaulting is gymnastics on horseback. During treatment, the doctors realized that the communication with the horse useful and healthy people. Today the treatment is riding somewhere between psychotherapy and physical therapy, combining the advantages of both.
Hippotherapy treats:
diseases and injuries of musculoskeletal system,
- cardiovascular diseases, including myocardial infarction,
- gastro-intestinal diseases,
- polio and its aftermath,
- prostatitis,
- osteochondrosis, scoliosis,
- multiple sclerosis.
To be honest, nobody really knows how to treat a horse. They say that the pace of a horse walking calmly step is to human body temperature is almost similar (about 38 degrees), and while driving a powerful animal muscle massages and relaxes the muscles of the rider. The movement of the horse as it were transferred to the rider who gets about 110 beats per minute, they simulate and stimulate the movement, which makes reaching people. So, people with disabilities "go" on a horse.
In addition, for the balance of the rider, Willy-nilly, have to include in the work all your muscles. As with the lesson on the simulator. Only the trainer and the iron cold, and the horse is warm and kind. Her rhythmic smooth motion soothes, relieves nervous tension and stress.
Doctors even created a special scale fluctuations of the horses back. On this scale each horse has certain parameters, depending on its temperament and character. This scale will help you to choose each individual horse in a pair.
Watching the people passing hippotherapy course, experts have come up with several explanations: the optimum load of the rider over his spine creates a strong muscular system, improves blood circulation, metabolism, and improves the condition of the intervertebral disks.
And since the improved condition of the spine, horseback riding normalizes cardiovascular, nervous and digestive system, relieves muscle tension, reduces blood sugar levels. In this case, not only toned musculoskeletal system, but also sight, hearing, smell, touch and vestibular apparatus. Perhaps no set of physical therapy does not give it all at once. And especially do not give such an effect simulators.
The horse not only heals the body but the soul. Even just to look good on a horse. Strong, beautiful, intelligent, affectionate, trusting - they give a real tenderness to a man who loves them and cares.
Ladies-"loshadnitsy ' claim that the horse understands them much better than a girlfriend, you only come up, hug, talk to the velvet ear to their problems. The horse will not judge, do not laugh, do not throw. She will understand, catch hand soft lips will look sympathetically - and the problems vanished. Add to this the pleasure of horseback riding - the smell of grass, the wind in your face, quick jumps delight - and about the stress you can forget.
Naturally, the positive psychological effects of horses on humans proved by doctors. They argue that factors such as the sense of domination over which is stronger than the living creature, the feeling of speed, strength, flight, which is transmitted to the rider from the horse, the bioenergy field is a large animal that is in harmony with the owner. But true fans of horses is much easier to explain everything: the horse is able to love, and his love for the owner treats his soul.
In today's world equestrian tourism is booming. Many companies offer to spend a weekend or a holiday on a farm or ranch, communicating with horses. Now possible and daily horseback riding and horse trekking.
It has become fashionable to spend holidays in the saddle, traveling on a particular route. For example, take a romantic trip to the castles of Tuscany or the Loire or historical journey along the ancient Roman roads, to go to the wine Chateaux of Bordeaux or through the natural Park in Burgundy.
The week spent in the equestrian hotel, usually in a renovated old farm, though, and will require you to certain investments, but will help to get rid of complexes, to increase self-esteem, lose weight, gain grace, good posture and all that is promised to us by the doctors therapists at therapeutic courses of hippotherapy.
Garmashova Century
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