Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Step-by-step. Step aerobics.

Step-by-step. Step aerobics.Step aerobics is probably one of the easiest and most effective styles and directions in a large family of aerobics. "Step" in the English translation literally means "step." Let this be your first step towards a beautiful and trained the shape that you create yourself. Step aerobics is ridiculously simple, it does not require excessive concentration and the concentration of thought on the proper absorption of certain movements. All you need is to be able to walk nicely.

Only do not think that it means monotonous walking in the sports hall or your own apartment. Step aerobics interesting and varied. Song Whitney Houston "Step by Step", which literally translates as "step by Step", can literally become your motto; she, by the way, is quite suitable as the perfect musical accompaniment to your practice. Don't be surprised a few years ago, step aerobics was officially recognized as an independent sport, which hosts competitions.

Step aerobics became popular around the globe and every day becoming more and more followers. This is not a new sport, it is known for more than ten years, while in Russia about him, unfortunately, learned recently.

Step as gymnastics or aerobics (not to be confused with dance) was invented in the United States well-known fitness instructor Gina Miller. She tailored it to their daily training after suffering her knee injury. The first simulator, which she used for healing, were the steps of the porch of her home.

Gina was so fond of movements, in which there were many elements of the descent and ascent that I could not see how flying time, and came to his senses only when completely recovered and acquired its former shape.

She learned that the simplest workout on the stairs just gave remarkable results. That is what prompted her to create a completely new kind of aerobics, which she decided to take the exercise from your home rehabilitation complex. This is the story of another great sport step aerobics, which not only adds to the mood, improves the shape and revitalizes the entire body.

Step aerobics is unique in its kind. You don't have to buy expensive exercise equipment. Enough of the minimum, which can certainly be found in each apartment. This minimum consists of step benches, wide rubber ribbon, ball and two small dumbbells, which will give the desired load on the shoulder belt.

The distinctive features of this new sport are: you will not get a mountain of muscles in the wrong places and get a harmoniously developed body, beautiful posture and can develop a beautiful, expressive and precise movement. Step aerobics is one of the fastest ways to "make" yourself waist. But the main train body part will be all the same leg, which will be slim and strong.

Benches for Stepan are different. The main requirement for them it should be easy for them to do. Ideally, the bench should be from one to five feet in length and not less than 40 cm wide. But we must remember that too wide bench is also not suitable. It will be uncomfortable to do.

A good width is from 40 to 60 cm, and the height of the bench depends on you. The higher it is, the greater the load gets engaged to her man. Some benches that offer specialized shops, equipped with retractable legs. If you purchase ordinary, do not rush to buy high, deemed sufficient height at 30, see

Not less important is the surface of this, at first glance, a simple sports projectile. She in no case should not be slippery. As a rule, it is covered with ribbed rubber. This is done to prevent possible injury.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase sports special bench. What to do in this case? First of all, of course, not to get upset. After all, its quite easy to make yourself. Knowing what size it should be, you will easily be able to make a bench from a suitable material.

If step aerobics decided to do Housewives who do not have any carpentry or slesarnyi tools, they can use a baby chair or bench with appropriate parameters. For lack of this, we offer you to take advantage of suitable size book, box or drawer.

Wide, thick, rubber tape is also useful in the practice of step aerobics. It is their great diversity and increase efficiency.

The ball will fit almost anyone - from a little tennis before a rather large football. The only decisive factor here will be your comfort.

In step uses the same exercises as in the classical gymnastics. They are all aimed at training the muscles of the heart, for the production of better coordination.

But there is one important difference from Stepan classic gymnastics. This is something that, in carrying out similar exercises, you can achieve a much higher load and therefore the result will be felt much more quickly.

Step aerobics affects the body holistically, with delicately adjusts the shape of the legs, developing the desired muscle group. Your body is more slender, flexible, pliable and resilient.

Aerobics has a positive effect on the entire body, strengthening the respiratory, cardiovascular, muscular and nervous system, and it also normalizes blood pressure and the activity of the vestibular apparatus.

It is very important that this aerobics quite effective for those muscle groups that are very difficult to use: buttock, rear thighs and causing the muscles of the thighs.

Scientists from the United States conducted a series of scientific studies that have studied the impact step aerobics on the prevention and treatment of various diseases. It turned out that step is indispensable for arthritis and osteoporosis, which are usually caused by physical inactivity, i.e. the lack of movement. Today from inactivity suffers almost half of humanity, which includes the youth and students.

In addition, step useful for professional athletes who can use the exercises as a good warm-up.

It is worth remembering experience Gina Miller and include step aerobics to practice in the recovery period. How to do step aerobics - one or in a group? This is not the last question. It is resolved individually. Beginners should start classes Stan in the sports club, where you will learn how to properly train. Group classes are fun, dynamic. Moreover, beginners there is always enough, and you will not feel clumsy.

Psychologists have long noted that if we want to win the one that we for some reason have recovered, we completely involuntarily begin to repeat his movements, facial expressions, and some even breathe in the same rhythm. This phenomenon was given the name - mirroring. People who have mastered mirroring to perfection, can use it for their purposes, engaging in large groups in the gym. So when you do step aerobics, repeating the motion with the instructor, you get moral satisfaction from collective action.

Emotional mood created by the group, much stronger. Very nice people, which beautifully, smoothly carry traffic under the rhythmic music.

And you can work out individually with the instructor. Then you will quickly learn how to control your body, calculate the individual load. And our book will be your assistant in if you want to do step aerobics at home. After reviewing the exercises below, note the groups of muscles that will be involved in. People with a weak vestibular apparatus and poor coordination of movements we traditionally recommend to start with the most simple, and then move to more complex.

Moreover, no matter how long you will perform light exercises, the time here is not the criterion, the main thing is your health.

Those who can easily tolerate physical exercise, too, should not be in the first days of practice to get too carried away, especially if you don't have the original physical training.

As a service, you can choose almost anything. Main, than you should use, do not wear thick wool socks or socks because his feet quickly you will sweat.

As they say, love and sports for all ages, so step aerobics can be done by any, with virtually no restrictions. No harm this gymnastics to bring will not be able.


The first exercise is a simple step. He will serve as a good warm-up.

1. Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders, just lift the chin. Good posture is one of the conditions for correct execution of the exercises.

Feet at a distance of 7 to 10 cm from each other. Arms slightly bent at the elbows, freely lowered along the body. Start on the treadmill. Try to keep step was springy. Hands should rise accordingly. If you started the exercise with the left leg, right hand lift to meet her. Try to keep your posture, especially pay attention to the shoulders.

Follow 5-7 minutes.

The first exercise is designed to strengthen the calves and thighs. In addition, if you wish, you can change the gait, to make it more light and springy.

To complicate the exercise by using a wide range of sports gum. She is put on the hips and gradually descends lower and lower. Now to do the seemingly simple steps, you will have to put more efforts.

The lower the band, the greater the load on the legs.

2. The second exercise is a side step. Start him on the floor. First make springy side steps, then increase the tempo. The second part is "moving" side steps. They are slower than springy. Try to get in the rhythm of the music.

Take on extra step 3-5 minutes.

3. Again, this steps without benches. They are called "Solest".

First you do one attached springy step, then one slide, then another sliding, tighten the heel to the buttocks.

4. Continue to warm up the muscles of the thighs. Do almost the same steps, but now my knee every 2-3 side step advances to the chest. What to do extra steps - moving or springy - completely depends on your desires and music.

It is logical that under the rhythmic music is more suitable springy steps, and Vice versa.

5. The fifth exercise is developed on the basis of the first. Original position, see exercise 1. You're two steps each leg, then one big step towards the first left, and after the following four steps right leg.

Well, if after some time instead of big step you'll be able to do a small jump.

Time can increase from 5 to 10 minutes. It depends on your desire. To complicate movement: pick up fast music and try to gradually increase the tempo.

You may not immediately get the jumps or large steps to the side, but do not despair, over time you will learn it.

Exercise develops agility and improves coordination.

6. For step aerobics will need a bench, which must be installed at a minimum height (about 15-20cm).

There are several starting positions for exercises with the bench. It all depends on what movement you are going to do. The original position may be facing the bench sideways to her left or right side, and behind.

You should carefully read the instructions and then decide which side of the bench to stand with wide or narrow.

All of the above positions generally range in order exercises have involved larger groups of muscles and thus would not be monotonous.

Starting position - stand in front of a bench, hands on the waist. Take two steps toward the bench, then step on the bench. From the bench you jump ahead and start the exercise on the other side of her.

Be careful not to try from the outset to walk at a fast pace, it is better to gradually increase it.

The complexity of this movement in the following: try simultaneously with steps to make turns body to the right and left. If this seems too difficult, add to the steps only alternately clapping above his head, in front of him.

The exercise is designed to exercise the thighs and calves.

7. Performed with a bench for step aerobics. Starting position - 2-3 step away from the benches. Arms slightly bent at the elbows lowered along the body.

Take two steps toward the bench and two steps back. Again do step to the bench and jump on it (try two legs). Saprykina, take a deep breath and usmania hands. After you do this step from the bench, not turning around.

The duration of the exercise to detect not worth it for the reason that the speed with which it is performed, the individual. Deemed sufficient 7 - 12 reps.

Be careful: if the distance from the bench to you too, take two steps and then jump.

Complicate movement, gradually increasing the height of the bench or speeding up the tempo run. So it was easier to do, pick a variety of music, arrange the songs so that their pace gradually increased. To the steps in front of the bench, be sure to add dance moves hands. Because step is a pleasure, not a tedious task.

The exercise trains the muscles of the abdomen, thigh and calf.

8. Starting position - standing on the bench, hands on the waist. Movement is very simple: first you jump towards the left leg, then in the opposite direction - right.

Follow quickly, vigorously. Try high to jump up and down with one foot on the floor and the other on the bench.

Typically, this exercise does not need any complications, but to achieve more tangible results, you can increase the height of the benches.

Be especially careful. We talked about the need to pay attention to the floor of the bench. It is important that it is in any case does not slip.

9. Standing sideways to the bench. Next, take one step away from the benches, then jump both feet together in the same direction. Returning, to change the sequence:

first jump, then the step - and then, once off the bench, jump on it with both feet at the same time.

Making the jump to the side, slightly squat down, then the load on the muscles will increase, and the exercise will be more effective.

Drop down from the bench to the other side and repeat all the movements in sequence: step, jump, then jump (don't forget that jumps on two legs), but towards the bench. Again take a step, jump on the bench and go back to where we started.

Exercise is fun, complicated by increasing the height of the benches and rhythm. Finding good music, repeat three times in each direction.

This exercise improves coordination and agility, and trains the muscles of the thighs.

10. Starting position - standing in front of a bench at a distance of 1-2 steps. Hands on his belt.

Take one step back, then a small step forward and jump on the bench with both feet simultaneously. Repeat the jump several times in a row. For those who are jumping hard, it is necessary to repeat the 2 at Once, people are more sports - lie less than four jumps in a row.

Then again step. If it is hard to jump, it is possible to make equal the number of hops or steps.

11. Exercise is very simple, but effective. Starting position - face to the bench (standing in front of its wide side). Hands on his belt.

First you make the left leg step up on the bench and simultaneously raise your left hand on his shoulder. Then step up on the bench with your right foot and simultaneously lift up on the right shoulder with the right hand.

Next release from the bench at first the left leg, along with which the left hand returns to the waist. Then, accordingly, the right leg and hand repeat the same thing.

After lifting so try to diversify: raising the left hand simultaneously with the foot, place CE at the right shoulder and the right to the left.

Try to increase the tempo, and do not forget about your posture.

After a few days, this exercise can be converted into power and take up a small dumbbell.

12. It is almost a duplicate of the previous one. But it does not involve the hands, i.e., they remain on the waist. You only need to perform steps. It would seem simple? But will have to do it with a maximum speed of which you are capable.

Gradually increase the height of the benches. Perform 3-5 minutes. It all depends on what movement you will include in the training.

13. Stand facing the bench (wide part) and start to raise first the left leg, then perestavlaete to her right. When both legs will be on the bench, do a small jump and climb down on the other side of the bench so that she was left behind you.

Now turn around and do the weight again. Implementation devote not less than 4 minutes or do 8 - to 10-repetition. You can split the exercises in two parts, combining with some other. For example, suitable stretching exercises or power.

Do not worry if the first time not all will turn out. For a start, do it slowly so that the body itself is remembered movement. Because all the exercises associated with coordination, and she of all people individual, rhythm depends on you.

If you are in a group, first carefully observe the movements of the instructor and listen to his explanation, only then do yourself.

14. Starting position - standing in front of the bench. Put the left leg bent at the knee on the bench and move it all the weight of the body. Now try to straighten it. At the same time bend the right leg at the knee and pull it up, and then sharply lower down on the floor. Perestavlaete to her left leg. The exercise is finished. Repeat starting with the right foot.

This exercise stretching, it warms up the muscles of the thighs. Enough for 3-4 repetitions on each leg.

15. Here are the steps interspersed with jumps that adds to the fun and ease. So you got it, start with a slow pace to avoid injury. After a few repetitions, increase the tempo, add a clap or lunges hands right and left.

Starting position - facing the narrow side of the bench, i.e., in front of you it should be long. Step PA it first right and then left leg. Then drop down so that his legs were on either side of the bench.

Then, to be on the bench, you have her to jump. Then go down first the right leg, then left. When both feet are on the floor, take a short break and then stand up on the bench steps, then dropping down with her.

Meaning that if you climb on the bench steps, the initial position return jump. And Vice versa - jumping on the bench, down the steps.

16. This exercise can be called "transition". It lies in the fact that you go from the starting position standing in front of a bench in the same for her. Transitions can be made in various. For example, diagonally, on a narrow side and a wide. Well, if you combine them. It develops coordination and network diversity.

When moving the surface of the bench may be one leg, or both. Again, this is at your discretion. I advise you to try both ways. Alternating between them, you will be able to come up with additional traffic.

Try a few dance on. For example, putting the left foot on the bench, laid ka bend it at the knee, then, as in the attached springy step, even her right leg.

17. Raise up your bench 30-40cm, depending on your height and physical training. What these indicators are, the greater should be the bench height.

Standing by the benches to the left, sideways jump on it with both feet at the same time. Then try to make a jump, standing on the bench, trying to do as much as possible turn around itself.

Turned out? To begin in the starting position on a bench back for four jumps, then three and so on, Be careful. Repeat everything from the beginning: standing on the floor, jump on the bench and start jumping around. First move clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Next jumping for someone to become more complicated, and someone will seem easy. The fact that you have to jump on one leg. Standing by the benches to the left, jump on her right leg, on the same make jumps with rotation. Be especially careful on one leg to keep his balance much more difficult.

Change feet - first right, then left leg, and then change again. Combine jumping on one leg by jumping two at a time.

Don't be afraid to dream! Step aerobics is one sport which has a place of invention and creativity. Compose your own dance compositions, because the fans Stepan are rightly considered to be good dancers.

Do not try to do only a sharp, jerky movements, learn how to perfectly control your body, then it will be the subject of your pride.

If the execution of an activity is not given, ask the instructor to work with you individually to explain complexity.

Doing individually, it is much harder to master everything. But difficult, in your opinion, movement replace most are similar, but easier, and in some element.

Although do not forget about a little failure, after some time, please get back to it and once again try to overcome it.

Pay attention to the music. It should be bright, cheerful. It is desirable to use familiar tunes, because even on a subconscious level people should involuntarily musical rhythm. In order to make it more fun to do at home, you can connect children and together with them to learn step-aerobics, including animals, which seems to move.

Take your bench and go out into the fresh air, on the street or even on the balcony. Cheerfulness and positive emotional charge, you will be provided!



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