Porridge for Breakfast
Studies show that a good Breakfast improves performance by about 30%, so if you have a tough day at the office, don't forget in the morning to supply the body with energy. The best source is a mess. Grains contain b vitamins (improve brain function and help to resist stress). Besides the cereals have the necessary brain complex carbohydrates. It is from carbohydrates our brain receives glucose, which stimulates its activity, helps to find a creative solution to the problem and focus on something important.
The quickest way to supply the brain with glucose - eat something sweet: chocolate, cake or just a lump of sugar. All these foods contain simple carbohydrates that are instantly increase the level of sugar in the blood and supply the brain with glucose. However, in this case, the sugar level falls as quickly as it rises, and after a moment, "enlightenment" piled apathy and distraction.
With complex carbohydrates, which can be obtained from cereals, bread, potatoes, things are different. They are broken down slowly, the blood sugar level rises without spikes, and the brain receives a constant recharge.
But the classic English Breakfast, which includes bacon and eggs, it is better to cook less often. Excess fat adversely affects the health and the functioning of the brain. Scientists have conducted a series of experiments on mice. Half of the rodents they were fed as usual, and the other half were given food with a high fat content. A month later, the experimenters conducted a series of tests, mice were placed in the maze and measured the time during which the prisoner will be able to find an exit. The mouse who ate a lot of fat, demonstrated significantly worse than those who received diet food.
Meat for lunch
Proteins that the brain needs not less carbohydrates. Thanks proteins the body produces hormones dopamine and adrenaline, which are responsible for the speed of reactions and stimulate thought processes. So, if you need to quickly make decisions and it is desirable that these decisions were correct, without meat or fish will not do. Just try not to overeat. If you overeat, the blood rushes to the digestive organs to help them cope with the consequences of overeating. At this time, the brain remains on a starvation diet. So, ordering lunch steak or sirloin steak, watch the portion size.
However, whatever may be said snarling workaholics on healthy foods during the working day they usually still eat at fast food restaurants. If so, you should try as little as possible harm your health.
- Pizza. Choose thin-crust pizza, the best vegetarian with a small amount of ketchup and spices.
- Potatoes with filler. Choose low-fat fillings such as cheese or herring in oil. Avoid mayonnaise and cheese sauce.
- Burgers. Order children's portions and a diet coke. Avoid salad dressings.
- Hot dog. Ask the seller not to pour your hot dog with ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard hot sauce to anything your exhausted by suhomyatku stomach.
Pies and pasties. Choose baked pies. Fried pies, pasties and meat pies contain too much fat.
Broccoli for dinner
A real workaholic should be sturdy. Stress, conflicts with superiors and subordinates, running through the endless corridors and staircases - all this should not be a cause of heart attack. If so, you should be worried about the protection of the flaming engine. Broccoli is exactly the kind of vegetable that can help. In this variety of cabbage contains substances that protect the heart from oxygen starvation. This thesis scientists confirmed after a series of experiments on rats. Rodents were divided into two groups. Some menu attended broccoli, while others were deprived of this exotic additives. A month later, the researchers tested working rat hearts. Those long-tailed that eat broccoli, "fire engine" worked much better. Moreover, the condition of the heart in rats that ate useful cabbage did not influence neither increased load or lack of oxygen.
Well, if your work schedule is so tight that the time for lunch sorely lacking and you have to eat on the run and eat cold food, broccoli especially should take its place in your menu. This type of cabbage is able to fight with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
The latter is considered one of the most likely causes of stomach ulcers. Just 70 grams of broccoli a day can reduce the risk of this disease. The fact that broccoli contains a kind of natural antibiotic that acts on Helicobacter and saves us from gastric problems.
By the way
Wine lovers have a higher intelligence than fans of beer - this is the conclusion of Danish scientists. The study was carried out with 363 men and 330 women aged 29 to 34 years old. Wine drinkers had a higher socio-economic status, a good education, their average IQ was equal to 113, paragraph 2. The beer lovers IQ was below average 95, paragraph 2.
Arguments and facts
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