scary if he could live, he replied: "to Live is not scary. Scary in your
entrance to enter..."
On the mental level, fear is a negative emotional state. Easy fear we call fear, and strong - horror. Between the fear and horror are fear and fear.
Fear is fundamentally different from other types of suffering, such as pain, that does not occur under real operation of dangerous factors, and in their anticipation. In other words, still nothing wrong with us not happened, and we are afraid.
The role and purpose of fear
In the evolution of animals that have experienced fear, got a head start over those who did not know. It turns out that fear plays an important role in the question of survival - it forces us to focus on the looming object and to look for ways out of a dangerous situation. In a dark alley, when any shadow scares and noises make literally wince, our body is in a state of fight or fly, which means "fight or flee". In other words, fear not deprive of strength, and Vice versa, mobilizes and activates our reserves. And wrestling, and running require the body of the instantaneous voltage, and fear causes our nervous system into a state of high alert. In addition to mobilization, fear sharpens "early warning systems" - hearing and vision. If we consider fear from this side, it becomes clear that more chances of survival had fearful nimble animals, not fearless giants. This is a new perspective in the consideration of the question: "Why did dinosaurs go extinct? "
In addition to biological, fear is also a social role. In fact, he is one of the tools of education. So, well decorated fear of condemnation "works" our inner censor and the controller. But the fear of punishment forms of child socially approved behavior.
Fears of male and female
Fear for the future of children and for the safety refers mainly to the typical women's fears. What are u afraid of men? Psychotherapist, coach HISP Gleb Lozinski, based on his experience of doing men's psychotherapy group, says: "The greatest fear of man is the fear of fear. In culture it is believed that a man should not be afraid, so he really scared to face his own weakness. The second fear is the fear of women. The first female figure in the life of the male parent, the attitude to women in General, it is ambiguous".
Personal fears and their nature
Psychologists say that every person has their own individual set of fears, including from five to twenty episodes, many of which are drawn from my childhood. Someone is afraid of worms, the other is dark, and the third is afraid of poisoning the poor-quality food. On the mechanism of formation fears says child psychologist and psychotherapist Olga Shmakova: "At the age of three months, nearly all children become afraid of strangers, "strangers". Well, some fears kids "learn" watching my mother's reaction. For example, a child falls off the couch, mom in horror rushes to him and begins to calm down, sorry. The kid understands that something happened to mom's terrible. Falling the next time he starts to cry himself, without my mother's "hints".
To fear is deeply rooted in the subconscious, you need a special combination of conditions: a terrible event and an altered state of consciousness or an event resulting in a long-term injury. When teenagers late at night watching scary movies, they provide themselves the subjects for nightmares and anxiety for many years to come: on the TV cause problems dead-bloodsuckers, and insomnia blurred consciousness and have a hard time separating fiction from reality. The film is quickly forgotten, but the fear remains. In the same way fixed fears about the Red hand - children of the night, everything is terrible, tell each other immortal stories.
If the neutral life event resulted in damage to health, all the key moments become triggers of fear responses. You can many years of encounter on the street with dogs, but after one of them will bite you very much, fear will accompany the appearance of any dog on the horizon.
Fear and anxiety
Than fear differs from anxiety? In the case of the fear we usually know the hazards, can clearly say what you're afraid of. When the source of danger is not defined or is not recognized, the resulting condition is called anxiety.
Fears and phobias
Fear is a feeling experienced in response to a real or imaginary threat. It is considered to be ' normal', if adequate circumstances and prepares the body for the desired reaction to specific circumstances. If such circumstances no, but the fear is, it is inadequate and can be regarded as "abnormal". This fear is called a phobia.
So, phobia and fear close relatives. What are their differences? Phobia obsessive and can not be controlled, and bright its manifestations it accompanies many mental illnesses. Fear helps us to survive, because usually we are afraid of what really threatens our physical condition or social status. And the phobia associated with the object or phenomenon, often harmless for most people. A person suffering from a phobia usually aware of the invalidity of their experiences, but can't do anything about it. In order to cope with the phobia suffering from it can come up with a special workarounds, rituals that symbolically "reduce" the danger. For example, the hero of Jack Nicholson from the movie "as good as it gets" believes that in no event it is impossible to step on the cracks in the asphalt, otherwise something terrible will happen. So he's trying to step only on solid fragments of asphalt and whispers to herself special protective mantra. Phobias cause people to change their way of life, while fears only accompany a really dangerous situation or thinking about them.
What are we afraid of?
- Rising prices, tariffs, high inflation
- Unemployment
Collapse of agriculture, economic problems in General
The worsening of people's lives, poverty, low wages and pensions
- Growth of corruption, crime, terrorism
Housing problems
Internal problems
- Deterioration of Russia's relations with other countries, improper international policy
- Growth of xenophobia (intolerance towards anyone or anything strange, strange, unusual. Perception alien as incomprehensible, inconceivable, and therefore dangerous and hostile).
Treatment of phobias
In a good textbook on psychiatry written: "There are many ways to cure neurosis (such as inadequate fears), not less than remedies against baldness, although the number of bald is not reduced". Should critically evaluate offer you methods, correlating them with monetary costs.
Rating magic tricks against fears
Drugs - relief of symptoms of anxiety on the Central or peripheral levels.
Hypnotherapy - eliminating fear through the effect on the patient, who is in sorvoliamo condition.
Psychoanalysis - work with early childhood experiences, traumas and experiences that led to the deeper fears in adulthood.
Psychotherapy - clarification and reconsideration of reasons beyond the experience of fear, through a conversation with the therapist.
The most effective behavioral therapy
- work with fear through the destruction of inadequate response to a stimulus (destruction of communication "stimulus - reaction").
NLP (Neurolinguistic programming) - tech solutions to specific problems through effective patterns of behavior and thinking, intelligent goal setting.
The fears can be recycled and eliminated
psychotherapeutic techniquesnot connected with the word: dance therapy, art therapy, body psychotherapy, psychodrama.
Collection of phobias
Fear of space. To this class belong
claustrophobia - claustrophobia, agoraphobia - fear of open space, as well as fears of height and depth
the fears associated with public life. For example, fear of public speaking and fear of being ridiculed because of the awkward steps
- fears of getting sick of some specific disease
Tanatofobiya - fear of death
Funny phobias
Pogonophobia - fear of bearded
Pedophobia - fear of children, the birth of the child
Caligynephobia - fear of beautiful women
Hypnophobia - fear of being hypnotized
Expert opinion
Victoria Merzlyakov, historian, specialist in the field of contemporary culture business communications
The feeling of fear, and other feelings and emotions (love, happiness, surprise), existed in the culture is always, however, forms and related stereotypes vary from era to era. Creation mythology was largely a transition from a disordered Chaos, inspires terror, organized Space with its own laws of the universe.
Modern mass culture has put fear in the service of the entertainment industry. Following the precedent set by the postmodernists, we try to make terrible funny. Special attention should be paid to the trend that sees fear as a source of pleasure and relaxation. While watching horror movies and militants negative emotions are translated into vivid visual images removed aggression and stress. The feeling of fear came into Vogue along with extreme sports is an attempt to tame and conquer your fear returns of modern man in the primitive world of the elements and feeling himself one on one with nature.
According to the magazine "Psychology in everyday life November 2008
Admiral I.
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