"Have you ever slept with an ex? - to calm the imagination, I ask a friend Irina.
The blushes.
- Yes, and regularly do. What's the problem? This is beautiful, convenient, does not require neither the time nor the nerves. And most importantly, no obligation and emotional anguish!
Podravina story I was puzzled by the situation clearly required detailed study. Using the bottle "Martini" as the key to free from the love of turmoil inner world Irinka so much, I tried to find out the secret formula under the code name "successful sex with a former boyfriend."
Why the formula seems so tricky? The fact that, when confronted in life with men of different races and characters, and parting with them, in my head light was born a clear classification of the former guys:
The former, which more than ever, the very thought disgusted.
The former is a bastard, but... that would be called!
- Former. Just the former. Why we broke up, by the way? Maybe call?
Now, the last two options in my lifetime usually ended the ill-fated bell. And, as usual, by sex. However, all attempts to make friends and to myself that this man we parted, and sex - only emergency sexual assistance, deep down I always knew that relationship continues! In another form. In the light version if you want. So just need to be aware that this version is rarely ends with something more serious.
Back to the future
So, staying in the firm conviction that sex PostScript from a broken relationship is just the continuation of a long love story with introduction and... breeding... and again the introduction (until orgasm), I began to rummage in the secret promptings of the Ira.
The questions were formed as nicely:
And you don't get sick from the former?
"No - thinking, responsible Ira. Before may was sick, but now it doesn't matter.
As it turned out, before, five years ago, when Ira and Alex were together, they often quarreled and tormented each other's whims and inflated claims. Passion, of course, after quarrels did not trace: life is not a movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". In the end, they were so tired from each other and the endless explanation that went. This time intelligently and without scandal, declaring familiar banal "not together".
Years passed, and one day Alex called Ira. Word for word, decided to go to the cinema that evening. Why not? In the end, are no strangers to each other, grudges were forgotten and nobody already don't owe anyone anything. Ended all the classically homes in leschi - up movie they never came.
Then we met again, without the "movie screen", and more... And, voila, Ira announces us with "Martini": "Sleeping with the former and very happy." She had now no men, and about the presence of a friend he is even interested in laziness. It would seem that everything is simple: people have found that edge relationships when they are not burdened by the need to think about the future and just enjoy spending time. To live, so enjoy! That's just what happens when Alexey has found a permanent girlfriend?
Old suddenly
And yet, how is it that we, the ladies, after parting find yourself in the bed of the former? The reasons are simple.
A healthy desire.
Yes, the basic human need to be in someone's eyes beautiful and desirable often throws us into the arms of the one who once had long loved. The new guy is still not picked up? Got a lover, loser, musolesi your body broken for three hours, and not bringing to the bitter end? Please: you can meet with the former, which would have put a temporary dent in his personal life. Moreover, he knows exactly what is the amplitude of the move and what to whisper in your left ear to quickly bring to discharge.
The warm and friendly feeling. There are times when the couple broke up and... a little bit about this sorry. Well, they cannot share a blanket, like a variety of movies, she unmanaged in PMS, and he snores. But if we see each other rarely, it is possible to communicate effectively! Often it is the communication is reduced to the most pleasant part of it, that there is sex.
The desire to prove something. To him, the scoundrel. He did not appreciate you didn't like your cooking and drunk once called "the log"? Okay, okay! After parting, when has nothing to lose, and fear of his opinion went, you can go to him at midnight in lace underwear beneath his cloak and cruel to seduce. Exercise in jumping, as they would say gymnasts. And here you were tortured, forced to call the lady, and after proudly went nowhere, leaving whine: "Why I did not keep such a woman? " Triumph!
. You revenge b/boyfriend (husband), and that bitch was lame that now warms him at night. Quickly he found a new love! But your bed is still warm. Well... the Woman often catches the buzz in trying to ruin the once beloved personal life. And now you bow villain to the intima, "forget you" in his room panties, then gleefully grin, imagining the expression found their girlfriends.
The randomness.
Man - animal. And let this truth repels you, but ladies and gentlemen it is not easy to be next to one another without sexual implications. Even after leaving it will not help to feel that you are a woman, and you, though a long time dreaming erotic dreams with his participation, I feel male. And then, as luck would have it, happens to be a lull in his personal life. And here's a random encounter tete-a-tete, a portion of the alcohol and lust flared drops you head first into the abyss extinct, it would seem that passion. In the morning, as a rule, the couple escapes from each other, trying not to look in his eyes.
All of these cases, generally, describe disposable sex. While more frequent meetings with the former, according to Ira, is only possible when the Union collapsed, but its members have no claims against each other. For the qualitative and repeated sex with a former boyfriend between you should not be offense, debt, child support and other "sadochkov". Leave a good knowledge of the physical needs of each other, add new bedding skills and no need to swear eternal loyalty and fun recipe ready. However, there is one "BUT". Women romantic people. They tend to wait for Prince on a white horse, and watch porn, anticipating that in the final of the characters are married. Often the girl, in the arms of ex-boyfriend begin to nourish illusions: "Apparently, this is true love? ", "Maybe we all will get better? "
Dancing on the ashes
To be honest, I don't really believe in the possibility of reuniting broken pair for a long time. As they say, "in a full glass of nothing will pour. If your separation was not coquetry, an attempt to demonstrate pride, power, or the girl's whim, he had a real reason. Including misunderstanding, disrespect, selfishness, and other human weaknesses. And they, obviously, have not disappeared. So should I believe that between the former lovers lush color blossom whirlwind romance? Unlikely... most Likely, your ex-boyfriend has a chance to become twice "ex", the scars on the heart will be deeper, and the time that would be useful for landscaping your personal life will be spent in vain. So let the "light" version of a relationship with a once-beloved man will be really easy and pleasant, and waltz Mendelssohn will play for you and someone else.
8 reasons not to stay friends
Dorogov E.
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