Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How to sweeten diet?

How to sweeten diet? Dreaming is not bad. But sometimes a strong desire to eat something sweet (spicy, fatty, calorie, and so on) turns into intense cravings, which can negate all efforts to reduce weight.

Imagine the scene: you go as if nothing had happened on the street, and suddenly you are covering a wild desire to eat some buns. And here is the source of temptation - in the window of a café on the shelf stacked with fresh pastries. And the smell!.. Then follows a short-term aberration, and when you Wake up, then shake off the last crumbs from his lips. What happened? What uncontrollable passion visited you?..

Scientists are sure this happens with 91 % of women. And the presence or lack of willpower is not to blame. All "Cox" "pleasure hormones" produced by the brain. for example, dopamine. When you eat certain foods, is an active release of this hormone, followed by a fit of euphoria, which then I want to experience again and again. To counter these with physiological point of view of natural processes, need to be prepared. That is, to have in mind a clear plan of action. The only way to avoid unwanted weight gain.

In order to control their behavior the next time you feel a craving for some local to Eclair, at the critical moment, ask yourself one question:

1. Am I under stress?

During stress, the body produces the hormone cortisol. It sends signals to the brain, causing the search for pleasure/comfort. The most simple and accessible "joys of life" are often foods high in sugar and fat contents. Their use allows you to get the stress under control (mostly by suppressing the action of cortisol). Often we are drawn to the fridge against the emotional outburst of rage or sadness (for example, quarreled with her husband, ran for chips or candy). But thereby we create in the mind of a vicious relationship between things! Remember Pavlov's dog? Here's the same reflex. A certain product is encoded in memory and becomes equivalent to the output from any unpleasant experiences. When again confronted with the same problem, the mind will automatically throw you a solution - crispy potatoes!

Plan of action:

- The music of Vivaldi. Women are very susceptible to the influence of music. Therefore, many nutritionists advise their patients to make the player a selection of inspiring songs to listen to during a fit of passion for the forbidden foods. Music distracts and relieves emotional stress.

- To wait out the attack. People are often tempted, because they think that the temptation will grow until it becomes unbearable. Actually the wave process. Craving arises, grows and then decreases and disappears completely. Knowing about this "wave", you try to ride on it (through all its phases, as if watching from the side), and not to let it overwhelm yourself. So you win the battle with temptation.

- A worthy replacement. In fact, our goal is not food, and occurring immediately after her good health. Use other means of achieving the goal. You probably heard about these methods change in orientation" as "call a friend" or going to the gym. But make sure you choose tools: for example, walking solo, without friends, will not help during an attack of sadness and loneliness. First you need to determine disturbing your feelings cause discomfort. You are bored? You are restless? Or are you furious? Fill in the blanks in the sentence: "I feel... because... ". Then find an activity that will help to get away from these emotions. For example, if you are under stress, do some fitness, and if worried about problems at work, call a friend and ask her advice.


Do I smaller than usual? Let's say you consume less than 1000 calories a day or exclude from your diet is a group of products (for example, all carbohydrates). In this case, your body may want whatever it was to get the missing. Only three days of strict dieting reduce the level of leptin (the hormone responsible for appetite) by 22 %. Experts say: "starving Willy-nilly", i.e. people that severely limited the number of calories or completely excluded from the diet of any products, not always thinner those who fed in the usual way. In contrast, the body mass index (BMI OK = 18, 6 to 24, 9) is often the first one or two units above, which corresponds to five to ten kg of additional weight.

Recent scientific studies have shown that "undernourished" are more likely to experience intense cravings for harmful foods. As a result, as soon as possible, they simply attack the "forbidden fruit". In another study, women who were prescribed to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates for three days, later noted a stronger than usual, the attacks of temptation. On the fourth day they ate 44 percent more calories due to the fact that pounced on carbohydrate food.

What a complete prohibition of certain foods can induce manic desire to eat exactly what is prohibited, or lead to overeating in General.

Plan of action:

- Say "Yes" to the beloved. Take the opportunity to get pleasure from your favorite foods, but control the portion size. Instead of a pizza, eat a slice or order in a restaurant dessert and split it with a friend.

- Say "no" to self-deception. Attempt to replace your favorite treat low-calorie counterpart may not satisfy centres memory of your brain. For example, you wanted to drink a milkshake, and you ate zero yogurt. Satisfaction will not come, especially if you have been depriving yourself of pleasure. On the contrary, as a result, you will eat more than they could if immediately went to meet his desire would buy a small cocktail. Note: eating five crackers and handfuls of popcorn only in order to "crush" the craving for potato chips, will lead to the fact that you get more than 250 calories compared with the number of them that you would get from a small bag of crispy

3. Enough I sleep? Scientists have found several sleepless nights enough to 18 % reduction in the levels of the hormone leptin signaling the onset of satiety. The level of ghrelin, paddlesteamer appetite, increases by approximately 30 %. Even taken separately, these two factors can lead to a bout of binge eating, which will make all these cookies, chips and rolls the object of passionate desire, growing, according to experimental data, at 45 %.

Plan of action:

A little caffeine. Caffeine will help you to go through all the daily trials, when you are determined to ignore high-calorie snacking. However, chronic sleep deprivation it is not effective. However, it will give you the opportunity to hold a short time until your treatment is not going to return to normal.

- Divide and conquer. For example, to win the hunger you fail, but try to cheat: before you pounce on the food directly on the plate peel off a small part of the portion that you will be there, and the rest is put away out of sight.

4. Am I a creature of habit? You may not realize it, but some seemingly innocent habits (for example, absorption of crisps or pies in front of the TV) create in our minds a powerful stereotypes. The mind loves repetitive actions. And as soon as you try to break habitual patterns of behavior, your brain will immediately react by increasing anxiety. But the food hit in the mouth, as anxiety suddenly disappears.

Plan of action:

- Down with the stimuli. The smells, sounds, appearance under the hand of the food - all these are strong irritants. Watching TV in the living room or the bedroom. Importantly away from the kitchen, the fridge, or just vases with candy.

- Visualization of health. Use this psycho: every time an image of a dangerous product arises in your mind, mentally say to him: " stop! Then imagine yourself in the most that neither is a healthy and attractive as, say, slim and toned. After some time, the way of harmful food will disappear from consciousness, and the desire for it will disappear. There are cases when people did such exercise four to five times a day, and it allowed them two weeks to overcome a bad habit, such as the absorption of chocolates after dinner.

- Switch attention. Nutritionists have found that the focus really helps. When you are overtaken by the desire to eat something harmful, distracted by some activity, not related to food, for example, the current e-mail correspondence.

Small but very useful tricks

If every month you will abandon the package of chips and a 500-gram servings of creamy ice cream, a year will be able to lose about five pounds overweight.

During a fit of passion for the forbidden products turn up the music - it is distracting and relieves emotional stress.

You are bored? You are restless? You're furious? Fill in the blanks in the sentence: "I feel... because... ". Then find an activity that will help to get away from these emotions.

As soon as the image of a dangerous product will arise in your mind, mentally say to him: " stop! Then picture yourself slim and toned. After some time, the way of harmful food will disappear from consciousness, and the desire for it will disappear.



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