Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The perfect fifth point

The perfect fifth point"Tempt men thongs with bow and Brazilian ass! "call for designers linen. Look cherished bows is not a question, but what about the fifth point, if to Brazilian her far? Maybe itself to financial and decide on plastic buttocks? Oh, don't look for adventure on your wallet and the place where the back loses noble title: do our exercises and coblaznaj men not only a g-string.


Pledge of beautiful elastic butt is squats, this will confirm any fitness trainer. Do this: put feet shoulder-width apart, pointing the feet so that they comply with the provisions of "10" and "2" on the dial of the clock. Keeping your back straight, slowly get down, as if going to sit on a chair. Also keeping your back straight and simultaneously straining the muscles of the pelvis (like holding between the buttocks of a thin sheet of paper), go back to the original position.

Important nuances: exercise do slowly, squats should not be deep, keep a straight angle when the knee flexion, that is, the hips should be parallel to the floor. The number of repetitions from 10-15 per session, per day 4-5 "approaches".


Sitting on the chair, firmly squeeze the buttocks, you will feel as if lifted. Holding the "half" tight, join to work the abdominal muscles. Sidi "energized" as long as possible.

Important details: this exercise is invaluable for its versatility to perform, it is enough to have any flat surface under the fifth point and a powerful desire to do the latter taut. It is not forbidden to "compress-hold" in the workplace the whole day long.


If squats and tension in the gluteal muscles will help to find the elasticity problem areas with excess fat have to work additionally. In principle, to combat overweight suit any exercises that will make you sweat and quickened breathing. But in order to kill two hares at once (to lose weight and strengthen loin), take a walk on the stairs. The best assistants - stepper in the gym and stairs of all kinds, as well as hilly terrain.

Important nuances: many coaches agree that it is enough twice a day to climb the escalator in the subway and pop will be in great shape. If your city is busy with long escalators, get a friend (or friend), living on the top floor of the skyscraper, and daily visits. Of course, not using the lift.


Lie on floor, face down, his head in his hands. Squeezing the muscles of the pelvis and keeping both legs straight, raise one leg at 12-15 inches from the floor. Lower the leg and repeat the same with the other limb.

Important nuances: don't rush, as they say, slowly and thoughtfully do exercise, no sudden movements. On the day we recommend you to perform three sets of 20-30 times on each leg.


But now let's leave aside the slowness and smoothness, on - line attacks. Place feet shoulder-width apart and step the left leg forward, far 80-90 centimeters. As soon as the foot touches the earth's surface, drop the right knee to the floor. Now go back to the original position and repeat the same thing, only in reverse: right forward, left tip.

Important nuances: if you want visible and quick results, "wypady" 15-20 times in a single session, and the day - 60-100. On each leg.

The exercises are "twin brother", who will come to the rescue flabby buttocks: standing on all fours, bend the knee and tighten it to the chest, then abruptly straighten the leg back and up a bit. The back should not SAG and droop!


This exercise fitness instructors is considered a leader in promotion effectiveness "rear". Lie down on your back and bend your knees, placing your feet on the floor. Slowly lift hips up, keeping the head, shoulders and hands pressed to the floor. Slightly bend your lower back and squeeze your buttock muscles, hanging in the air for 8-10 seconds, then return to the starting position.

Important nuances: exercise knows no restrictions neither on time nor on the frequency of execution. It can only be improved, for example, to execute the Swedish wall, his feet propped up on the lintel above. Then buttocks pumped "strictly" pop it turns out it is a Brazilian - rounded, resilient and smart. Of course, with regular daily practice. By the way, regularity is the main secret of success. Methodical frequent sessions and moderate loads more (and nicer) to lead to success than training in the gym, wear once a week.


Prasolov E.



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