However, if you approach a family quarrel without proper skills, you can apartcity: we wish to clarify yesterday's pastime and get yourself a divorce, be required to fold socks and learn about ourselves a lot like "you ever dropped your underwear", "you never let me understand" and "I always knew that we are not a couple".
So have a good family quarrel has its immutable rules, the execution of which saves family and your obvious mutual love.
The first rule sounds unexpectedly. Think about it: "before you start a fight, think, than it is to end".
If "mandatory reconciliation" is one scenario. If the "please buy me the second winter boots" is another.
"Try to distract him from a broken bumper - well before I had to stop when this moron started to slow down! "then the third.
And if the purpose of the argument to choose "to get him to leave me forever" - the script is very special. Pondering what to finish your argument, you're basically give up the idea to start it.
The second rule says: before writing to a spouse, give yourself.
Strange? And you try. Many accusations being said, what is called "the oven", disappear by themselves, because you will suddenly discover how they are petty, stupid and invalid.
The third rule says: never quarrel "for all Odessa", discuss the specific offense, the specific situation, a specific question.
In the heat of the scandal and pulls a move on, "you forever", "you always" and "you never" - do not give in to provocations, not slide gradually into the abyss unfounded accusations, otherwise your opponent really seems that the family has collapsed long ago, you just do to him about it for a long time not reported.
The fourth rule requires: avoid long boycotts and away from home.
First, it never solves the problem.
Secondly, by their silence or withdrawal you make the partner feel guilty, and this is nothing like manipulation and psychological blackmail case unsightly and embarrassing.
Secondly, silence or care mean that the quarrel was not completed and nesovershennye quarrels kill a family in a thousand times faster than completed.
The fifth rule limits: only quarrel in the morning (morning because tomorrow is a new day, and healthy sleep has not been canceled neither you nor your partner) or children.
Family quarrel, as sex is a very intimate and mysterious.
So quarrel correctly and on health in the name of strengthening your family.
Belarusian women's portal
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