With the invention of the vaccines we have the opportunity to protect kids from many serious diseases and their complications. To understand all the intricacies of vaccination and timing of vaccination, we offer you to look at grafting primer.
Why vaccinate?
Body kids vulnerable, their immune system is still developing, which means that they need protection, especially if we are talking about infectious diseases that can lead to very serious complications. The possibilities of modern medicine are limited. For example, more than 50-year history of antibiotics has proven that they do not always help to cope with diseases, and diseases caused by viruses, not help at all.
Most known to us from childhood vaccines now "easier", that is free from components that can cause adverse reactions.
There are new drugs to help protect babies from illness, to cope with which they could not do before. For example, not so long ago invented a vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae, which causes pneumonia and meningitis.
Kids-allergies also need to be vaccinated: they are susceptible to complications from many diseases, even more than other children (e.g., otitis and pneumonia after influenza and other infections), because their immune system is weakened. Especially as absolute contraindications for vaccination is now almost non-existent. There is only one "but" - it concerns live vaccine viruses such as measles virus, grown in eggs (chicken or quail). Such a vaccine cannot enter the kids who are allergic to the eggs (by the way, among infants it is very rare).
Don't worry that the vaccine will cause allergic child: if he has a predisposition, the drug can only show it - and then in a weak form. Then the allergic reaction will not occur on the vaccine itself and some of its components, or that it happens often, to another allergen, which may be any new product. Do you need a little allergic to the vaccine and when it is done, the doctor decides (for example, at the time of exacerbation of atopic dermatitis will lay). If the doctor deems it necessary, he will give the baby diet and medication that should be taken before and after vaccination to avoid unwanted reactions.
This vaccination is very important for kids, because every year in the world of recorded outbreaks of tuberculosis. BCG protects children from severe forms of pulmonary tuberculosis and tuberculous meningitis.
First time vaccine do kids still in the hospital, and then before entering school. Before to repeat, the doctor will do a test called the Mantoux test. The sample contains some of tuberculin, a component of the germ that causes tuberculosis. It is injected into the skin around the injection site redness appears. According to him, the doctor determines the condition of immunity against the disease: if it is small, it means that the protection is there, but the stronger the redness will require tests to rule out infection. And, finally, in the situation when the desired reaction will not follow vaccination should be repeated. Although doctors are known rare cases of innate immunity against all infections.
It is caused by a herpes virus infection that affects children of all ages. The vaccine against this disease exists, especially need it weak and sickly children.
Haemophilus influenzae
This infection often affects children under 3 years, causing meningitis and pneumonia. This shot is advisable to do since 2-3 months. This vaccine can be combined with vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, hepatitis C.
Hepatitis A
It is a viral infection of the intestine and liver. Most often this vaccine do kids need.
Babies are more common acute viral hepatitis a (83% among all children hepatitis Moscow), rarely - hepatitis b (11%) (6%). And if the first always ends up recovery and leaves immunity for life, the latter two can become a chronic problem, weakening the liver is one of the most important for our body body. Get hepatitis In children is easier than hepatitis C (it is caused by contact with infected blood plasma and blood substitutes).
Hepatitis B
Kids from hepatitis b vaccinated immediately after birth (within 12-24 hours). Then the calendar instructs to vaccinate them 3 times: 1, 3, and 6 months.
As the smallest of the disease is difficult and may cause complications, vaccination kids do with inactivated vaccines (see below) since 2 months. The exception will be the kids with allergies who have some diseases of the nervous system.
Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat, accompanied with sore throat, and severe lesions of the heart and blood vessels. After 3 months, the vaccine kids enter three times.
Yellow fever
Children living in tropical areas, should be taught from 6-9 months of age. Kids traveling or moving with his parents in Africa or Latin America, vaccine do since 1 year and not later than 10 days before departure.
When an infectious agent enters the body, the immune system tries to recognize the "outsider". It produces antibodies that will protect the body from a new meeting with the "enemy". Made on the basis of themselves infectious agents (toxins, bacteria or dead or weakened virus) vaccine, introduced into the body, will provoke the desired immune response mechanisms.
A healthy newborn baby has a full immune system, but it has no memory. Our mother's antibodies, entering the body of the child with breast milk in the first 3-6 months of life the newborn immune to diphtheria, measles, rubella. And in the 2nd half of life and if the baby is bottle-fed, the risk increases. For this reason, and because the formation of immunological memory in very young is much easier than in older age, vaccination starts so early.
Inactivated vaccines
All vaccines are divided into 3 groups: living when a pathogen that enters into their composition, slightly weakened (for example, a vaccine against tuberculosis); inactivated or "killed", is the causative agent greatly weakened (the vaccine against measles, mumps, influenza); artificial (acellular) - in them with the help of genetic engineering designed a component part of the virus (such as influenza vaccines of new generation).
Very dangerous for babies: the younger the child, the harder it hurts. This vaccine to toddlers do since 3 months, repeating it in 4, 5 and 16 months combined vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio. The most secure of its kind - acellular. And because immunity to pertussis wanes after 6-7 years, but the disease remains highly prevalent among school children, adolescents and adults, don't miss the re-vaccinated before school.
Combined vaccines
Not to make the baby a few injections, specialists together in one syringe several vaccines. Now there are four (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio), five- (already mentioned is added Haemophilus influenzae) and sectionhandle vaccine (Haemophilus, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, hepatitis b).
This infection is dangerous for babies under 1 year of its complications. Vaccinated against it, the small (often together with the vaccine against mumps and rubella) since 1 year (and sometimes earlier, 9 months, if the child needs to be in the team). New immunization schedule recommends re-vaccination against measles at the age of 6 years.
Children this disease is nothing to fear, the problem is that they can experience it when they grow up. Adults suffer rubella. It is especially dangerous for pregnant women who never before had it not been ill and had not been vaccinated. This vaccine do with vaccination against measles and mumps since 1 year. New calendar instructs to vaccinate against rubella girls aged 11-13 years, if it hasn't been done before.
The meningococcus
The source of an infectious inflammation of the membranes of the brain. Two vaccines against meningococcal disease and To make, if necessary (for example, if the nursery school or kindergarten, where to go baby, some get sick). By the way, going with the child in some regions, such as Africa, is to make this vaccine in advance.
Undesirable effect
Modern vaccines produce almost no side effects, only some of them, for example against whooping cough, can cause a small temperature increase. Live vaccines with attenuated pathogen (e.g., measles, rubella, mumps, influenza) can cause a weak form of these diseases with a small rash and low fever.
Vaccination against mumps rarely sometimes fraught slight swelling around the ear, similar to the one that appears during illness.
According to the who experts, this dangerous disease has disappeared (may 1980). Hence, the need to be vaccinated against smallpox is no more.
Some inoculations made in the calendar, required by law for all children against tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, hepatitis b, rubella. Certificate stating that all they are made, are required to enroll in preschool and educational institutions as evidence that the child is protected against these infections and poses no threat to other children.
They are not so numerous, but do not forget that for a child who has no vaccination against major diseases, the biggest risk is that it may they get sick. If, in response to inoculation at the kid have a severe reaction, you can delay it or replace weakened by". Live vaccines with attenuated pathogen (measles, mumps, rubella, polio) is contraindicated in the case, if a child is sick and he has a greatly reduced immunity. In this case, the question of whether to make a baby vaccinated, will decide the doctor-immunologist.
Parotitis (mumps)
Before the vaccine, the number of cases was estimated a few thousand a year, some of them had complications, such as deafness, defeat glands and especially orchitis (inflammation of the membranes of the testes in boys). Vaccination against mumps do with vaccination against measles and rubella since 1 year.
It is the germ that causes pneumonia, otitis, meningitis. But a vaccine against pneumococcus impose only weak children (for example, those who in infancy had a serious infection - chlamydia, Mycoplasma, etc.).
This virus invades the nervous system and causes paralysis. Although polio has become rare in some countries it still exists. Now change the live vaccine came inactivated, which does not cause undesirable effects and for the introduction of which has no contraindications.
Mandatory vaccination after 3 months and re-vaccinations protect children from the disease.
Recommended immunization schedule
- the first 12 hours of hepatitis b
- 3-7-day BCG (against tuberculosis)
- 3rd month hepatitis b (second); DPT (pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus); IPV (polio)
- 4, 5 months DTP (second); IPV (second)
- 5 months DTP (third); IPV (third); hepatitis b (third); Haemophilus influenzae
- 7 months Haemophilus influenzae (second)
12 months measles, rubella, mumps (epidemic parotitis)
18 months DTP (fourth); polio (fourth), Haemophilus influenzae (third)
- 20 months polio (fifth)
- 24 months pneumococcal infection; chickenpox
- 3-6 years hepatitis a (first); hepatitis a (second 6 months after the first)
- 6 years measles, rubella, mumps (epidemic parotitis)
Happy parents
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